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Future Ubisoft Games To Require Constant Internet Access 497

Following up on our discussion yesterday of annoying game distribution platforms, Ubisoft has announced the details of their Online Services Platform, which they will use to distribute and administer future PC game releases. The platform will require internet access in order to play installed games, saved games will be stored remotely, and the game you're playing will even pause and try to reconnect if your connection is lost during play. Quoting Rock, Paper, Shotgun: "This seems like such a bizarre, bewildering backward step. Of course we haven't experienced it yet, but based on Ubi’s own description of the system so many concerns arise. Yes, certainly, most people have the internet all the time on their PCs. But not all people. So already a percentage of the audience is lost. Then comes those who own gaming laptops, who now will not be able to play games on trains, buses, in the park, or anywhere they may not be able to find a WiFi connection (something that’s rarely free in the UK, of course – fancy paying the £10/hour in the airport to play your Ubisoft game?). Then there's the day your internet is down, and the engineers can’t come out to fix it until tomorrow. No game for you. Or any of the dozens of other situations when the internet is not available to a player. But further, there are people who do not wish to let a publisher know their private gaming habits. People who do not wish to report in to a company they’ve no affiliation with, nor accountability to, whenever they play a game they’ve legally bought. People who don’t want their save data stored remotely. This new system renders all customers beholden to Ubisoft in perpetuity whenever they buy their games."
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Future Ubisoft Games To Require Constant Internet Access

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  • But why? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by avm ( 660 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @07:54AM (#30915412) Journal

    How can this even remotely be considered a good idea? I do understand the burning desire for customer dependency, demographic information and all that, but seriously...I'd be very irritated if I were in a tricky spot, my network dropped briefly, and the game responded in such a fashion. Probably irritated enough to return it, if I hadn't been aware of the issue beforehand.

    • Re:But why? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by c-reus ( 852386 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @07:59AM (#30915454) Homepage

      I guess someone thought it would be an effective way to prevent piracy

      • Re:But why? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:11AM (#30915542)
        And then someone cracks and patches this in three... two... one... and yet again the legitimate customers are the ones who get screwed.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by xeoron ( 639412 )
        The only good idea about a central saved game info would be if they had plans for the concept "buy once and play almost anywhere" type of game setup.
      • Re:But why? (Score:5, Funny)

        by chromozone ( 847904 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @09:41AM (#30916340)

        Yep - nothing like going out of business to be safe from pirates.

      • Re:But why? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Eudial ( 590661 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @11:11AM (#30917522)

        I guess someone thought it would be an effective way to prevent piracy

        Once you've started a legitimate copy of a game, what process do they figure will turn the copy into an illegitimate one during gameplay?

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by dlp211 ( 1722746 )
        And completely screw the men and women of the US armed forces deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. Not everyone can get a internet connection to their room and the connections that most can get aren't allowed to handle game traffic. So that makes this an easy decision on my part....I have to at worst pirate and at best purchase and patch...either way what I am doing is technically illegal.

        When will content providers realize that pirated software/media is not a potential customer. If they wanted to be a c
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by DarthVain ( 724186 )

        Also Subscriptions are A) Free money, and B) Stable money.

        However, unless your name rhymes with "POW", ensuring DRM and $$$ like that will just make me go "no thanks, I'll pass".

        I can understand WHY they would do it, however if they do it across the board they run a very large risk of alienating their client base and doing a really good job of putting themselves out of business.

    • Re:But why? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by fuzzyfuzzyfungus ( 1223518 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:00AM (#30915458) Journal
      Ho ho ho! "Return"? Silly consumer, "returns" are for "products" that you "buy" not "content" that you "licence" subject to onerous terms of use.
      • Re:But why? (Score:4, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @09:09AM (#30916002)
        You'd be surprised what your rights are. Here in the European Union, we have the right to return any product bought within 14 days, without having to give any reason. Irrespective of EULA rights, box seals anything. We can simply return a product and demand money back, without reason. That's an EU law. After that 14 days has expired it all gets a little more "open to interpretation". Say you bought ski's in Summer and you found they were useless in the Winter, that could be classed as reasonable amount of time for refund, due to the nature of the product. Try the same with a loaf of bread and your going to have fun! LOL! Now getting the retailers to respect these laws, that's another matter!
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by gerddie ( 173963 )

          You'd be surprised what your rights are.
          Here in the European Union, we have the right to return any product bought within 14 days, without having to give any reason. Irrespective of EULA rights, box seals anything. We can simply return a product and demand money back, without reason. That's an EU law

          No, that's only true for things that you bought on-line and to a certain extend for doorstep selling, and no, if you broke a box seal of a CD, a Video/DVD, or some software product then they don't have to take it back.

    • Re:But why? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by commlinx ( 1068272 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:05AM (#30915492) Homepage Journal
      I'm not a much of a gamer myself but it is ridiculous. Surely in offline mode they could cache authentication details a week at least. Anyway I guess everyone will realise eventually and just stop purchasing the crippled software, or just get a cracked version they can play offline and not bother purchasing a legal copy in the future.
      • Re:But why? (Score:5, Interesting)

        by asc99c ( 938635 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @09:07AM (#30915990)

        If only the mods went to +6. I think we've already seen evidence with Spore, which picked up a reputation for annoying DRM, and subsequently became the most pirated game.

        Surely it wouldn't be long before it would be cracked anyway - the crack would just have to modify the PCs hosts file to set pointlessdrm.ubisoft.com, and run a mini activation server that tells the game your copy's legit.

        • Re:But why? (Score:5, Funny)

          by Custard Horse ( 1527495 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @09:38AM (#30916288)

          "the crack would just have to modify the PCs hosts file to set pointlessdrm.ubisoft.com, and run a mini activation server that tells the game your copy's legit"

          (Ubisoft exec): "Is anyone writing this down? Someone google and see if we can buy the domain..."

        • Re:But why? (Score:4, Interesting)

          by Fozzyuw ( 950608 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @11:59AM (#30918314)

          Actually, I'm seeing some of this with Dragon Age: Origins and their DLC. I bought the game. I bought some of the DLC. Now, whenever I start the game, I get to the menu and click "Resume Game". I may or may not get a message that "I'm not logged into the game and some content might not be available". Last night, I didn't get the message (I usually do) but I loaded up, get into a battle with some Dark Spawn and see my Warrior (Alistair) running at the bad guys in his skivvies!

          Of course, seeing this was absolutely humorous, but also annoying as it didn't take long for me to figure out the game refused to load the special armor that came with the Pre-order of the game. The "some content might not be available" message I've seen before. Logging out and back in fixed the issue (the menu screen *said* I was logged in but in reality the game is actually trying to establish a connection behind the scenes) as it gave the system enough time to verify.

          Regardless, I'm more than disappointed by this (after my initial laughter as seeing a mostly naked warrior wade into battle and no one blinked an eye). I've payed for this stuff and yet the system is tied to this very annoying authorization system for a single player game.

          I'm not against DLC or micro-transactions. I'm fine with MMO games charging a subscription fee to maintain servers. But I'm pretty bothered that this kind of relentless activation is going on. It's a really poor choice and I certainly won't be buying any more DLC for DA:O. I'm done with that game once I finish what I've got.

          @Ubisoft, I certainly won't (knowingly) purchase any games "offline" games that require endless online authorization to play. And this comes from a Steam user. Steam lets me play my games offline. At least, all the games I currently have.

          Oh well. These game companies are really getting tin-foil hat about piracy these days when they should be looking at what they're doing to push people away from buying their games, like making them a PITA just to play them.

      • Re:But why? (Score:5, Informative)

        by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @09:16AM (#30916066) Homepage

        But this is a trend even in Xbox360 games. The new Mass Effect 2 does this. in order to even play the game you have to register with easports.com (in game they link to your xbox live account info) and it sends a lot of info there as you play. Plus the game has turned from a great cinematic experience to a "you have to buy all this crap" in order to have the good gear fest.

        It's down loadable content whore out to the extreme. $60.00 for the game and another $240.00 to actually have the whole game after you buy all the crap that the game should have came with.

        and It's only going to get worse.

        • Re:But why? (Score:5, Informative)

          by OhPlz ( 168413 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @09:26AM (#30916160)

          Mass Effect 2 is a great example. I purchased it on Steam ahead of the release and preloaded it. Yet the day of release, EA's authentication servers couldn't be reached. Worse, you end up having to make accounts in different places to prove you own the game, even though Steam already knows you do. It reminds me of GTA-IV. Set up an account here, now set one up over there. Now figure out how to link them. For what? All I want is to be able to play the game I purchased! Using a game for the first time is getting to be as bad as doing taxes.

        • Re:But why? (Score:5, Insightful)

          by ultranova ( 717540 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @10:05AM (#30916618)

          But this is a trend even in Xbox360 games. The new Mass Effect 2 does this. in order to even play the game you have to register with easports.com (in game they link to your xbox live account info) and it sends a lot of info there as you play. Plus the game has turned from a great cinematic experience to a "you have to buy all this crap" in order to have the good gear fest.

          Except for the pirates, who've not only had the game available for days, but have the DLC packs too.

          Sometimes I think that game publishers are trying to self-destruct.

        • Re:But why? (Score:4, Informative)

          by radish ( 98371 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @11:05AM (#30917436) Homepage

          I'm not sure where you get your information from, but it's wrong. There's no requirement for a network connection to play ME2 on 360, or for any kind of registration - you can just put the disc in and play. However, there is some (to be honest, absurd) registration hoops you have to go through to get access to the free/collectors edition DLC. As for stuff you have to buy, well there's nothing for sale yet so I have no idea what you're talking about or where you get $240 as a figure from. The only paid DLC currently available AFAIK is for people who don't have the Cerberus Network access code which comes bundled with new copies of the game (i.e. it's a used game tax).

    • Re:But why? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @09:11AM (#30916022) Homepage

      Because they hate their customers, or their management are a bunch of incompetent idiots.

  • Backward step? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Jojoba86 ( 1496883 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @07:55AM (#30915428)
    Geez, I thought Steam had shown the way and we'd got over this idea of needing a permenant internet connection for single player games. Obviously not then...
  • by GuyFawkes ( 729054 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @07:56AM (#30915436) Homepage Journal

    Pirated games are simply superior.

    Pirated games treat me like admin of my own computer.

    Legitimate game do not.

    I really do not need any other reason to refuse to use anything but pirated games.

    It is MY hardware, not ubisoft / Ea / etc

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Amarantine ( 1100187 )
      While i in no away agree to Ubi's view... It is your hardware, but not your software. If everone plays only pirated games, there will be no more games to pirate. Did that occur to you? There are numerous situations where DRM restricts legitimate users (well, all cases where DRM applies, really) but pirating is not the answer.

      Just don't play their games *at all* if you wish to make a statement. Now, you only give them ammunition to justify plans like this.
      • by BeardsmoreA ( 951706 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:09AM (#30915530) Homepage
        It. Is. My. Software. Once. It. Is. On. My. Computer.
        If you do not want it to become my software, do not sell it to me. You may maintain copyrights over it, but the bits are mine. Let me use them.
        • by GuyFawkes ( 729054 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:17AM (#30915608) Homepage Journal


          Praise the spaghetti monster that someone actually gets it.

          I have purchased the odd game, ***AFTER*** a good crack game out for it, that allowed me to install it and play it and still be admin of my own computersputnik.

          There are no games out there for an "admin" of my mind set to buy, there is only stuff that I cannot differentiate from malware / trojan infested crap.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Zencyde ( 850968 )
        I think what he's saying is that this is the wrong direction for companies to be going. Ubisoft will have to release something pretty fucking amazing before I'd be willing to drop some money into it. Especially now that they have this system in place.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by imakemusic ( 1164993 )

        If you want to make a statement play pirated games and make an anonymous donation to the company that created it with a note explaining your position.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Jackie_Chan_Fan ( 730745 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:59AM (#30915930)

      Pay to be treated like a criminal


      Become a criminal to be treated like a human being.

      What a fucking world we live in.

  • Wow... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by fuzzyfuzzyfungus ( 1223518 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @07:57AM (#30915448) Journal
    It's as though somebody managed to take everything that sucks about cloud computing and combine it with everything that sucks about local client computing.

    All of the high system requirements and per-machine installation(and probably a dozen background processes and some kernel-mode driver that breaks your DVD drive) of a local application, combined with all the vendor lock-in, violation of First Sale, and high connectivity requirements and costs of a cloud app. Good work, guys.

    I suggest a slogan. "Ubisoft: We make single-player games that require more internet access than Gmail, for fuck's sake."
  • by Spad ( 470073 ) <slashdot@spWELTYad.co.uk minus author> on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @07:58AM (#30915450) Homepage

    This is either stupidity or an intentionally over the top "announcement" designed to soften people up so that when they release the actual platform people are relieved that it only phones home every hour instead of continuously.

    Very few people are going to accept requiring 24/7 connectivity to play their games; given the number of times a day that I lose connection to Steam for a couple of minutes for whatever reason, if it had a system like this I'd never be able to play any of my games without interruption. And God help you if you're playing a multiplayer game and you lose connection to Ubisoft but not to the server you're playing on; forget blaming lag, you can just blame the fact that your game was paused for 30 seconds while it re-established a connection to Ubi.

    Oh and we're sorry we deleted all your save games, but these things happen and the agreement you signed means we don't have any responsibility to protect your data while it's sitting on our servers. Again, Steam has it right here with their cloud settings, you *sync* the information with the local machine, you don't store it all remotely.

  • by rebelwarlock ( 1319465 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:01AM (#30915466)
    I'm not the first to say this, and I certainly won't be the last, but this sort of copy protection nonsense is just another reason I'll be cracking games that I've paid for. Services constantly running on your computer are not acceptable. Punishing people who give you money because not everyone who plays your game gives you money is not acceptable. It's not as though there will ever be a magical, uncrackable copy protection system. Furthermore, this will push some people who would have actually bought the game to download a pirated version instead.
  • That'll keep those damn crackers away from your profit margins!

    I sometimes wonder if the major publishers Technical Advisor for content protection is actually just a guy with a speaking ET toy.

    "Phoooone hoooooome."
  • by Grimbleton ( 1034446 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:07AM (#30915504)

    To Not Appear In My Home. :(

  • Seriously, take a stand. If it works for them then all other publishers will do the same. Stop buying their games _now_.

  • Why don't they just use the old "dongle" approach?

    If part of the game is inside a usb-stick, with some added cryptography to spice it up a little, it can be just as safe.

    • by Spad ( 470073 )

      Then it's defeated by a dongle emulator, just like this will be defeated by either rigging all the phone home calls to return true or even by running a local server that achieves the same result.

  • ...when my connection is down.
    When I have the net, I usually surf the net. My connection isn't very good. I get outages once-twice a week. This is when I launch a game. I have the content offline, and I don't need the connection to enjoy it.

    I'm not concerned with Ubisoft's move. I'll just make sure never to buy their originals. I'm pretty sure the cracks will remove the necessity for network connection. OTOH, I will keep purchasing games that don't require network connection to run.

  • by michelcolman ( 1208008 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:13AM (#30915570)
    Let's see...

    Legally bought: can only play it at home or wherever I manage to find a free and reliable internet connection that does not suck (which is a minority of them)
    Cracked: can play it at home, in the backseat of a car, on the bus, on the train, on the plane, in the park, at the airport, ANYWHERE.

    And the best part is that the cracked version is free! Why waste money on an inferior product, then?
    The only downside is that the cracked version is only released about a week after the official version.
  • I think the article missed one of the possible sources of annoyance, in that the games will not only need an active connection to the interwebs on your side, but also a listening Ubisoft server on the other side. What happens if Ubisoft's servers don't run, or happen to "not find" a savegame, or it gets corrupted or anything? Can we then blame Ubisoft and demand reparation? This strikes as such a bad idea on so many levels that it's hard to believe any company would go down that path. So, no more Ubisoft
  • Cloud Gaming? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by starbugs ( 1670420 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:23AM (#30915654)

    A while ago I decided that I'll switch to PC only gaming.
    This was for one reason: I will always be able to play the games I own.

    Consoles break, hardware can become irreplaceable, chips can burn out, backup batteries die, ROMs have questionable copyright.
    But PC's will be forever.
    I can even play some older games on QEMU right now. In 50 years I will be able to play today's games on an emulated system with an emulated GPU & CPU.

    Many (if not most) of today's games have the multi-player component as a critical part of game-play. Playing them on a non-networked computer would be virtually pointless. The benefit of this setup is that I could go to an internet cafe, a friends house or work and start up a game, while being in exactly the same place in the game as at home. But haven't some games had that ability for many years?

    Either way, without stand-alone gameplay - I'm not interested. I want to make sure that someday (in the far future) I will be able to play the games I play today with my great-grand-kids, instead of receiving a message like "Sorry, Can't connect to server", "ipv9 not supported", or "Gameplay not available, server offline since 2011".

    • Re:Cloud Gaming? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by DarthVain ( 724186 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @12:46PM (#30919058)


      Exactly. I dug out Masters of Orion 2 (Circa 1995) not too long ago and got it to work on my current Vista system. It is still lots of fun!

      Having an updated online option would be nice though... Considering the original option is to connect to the now defunct TEN (The Entertainment Network) it gave me a few laughs.

      Players that think this isn't a big idea should think about what if MOO2 required authentication from TEN to even function? Ridiculous! How a modern gaming company thinks this is in any way acceptable to anyone is somewhat amusing.

  • by headkase ( 533448 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:26AM (#30915680)
    This is *exactly* the line of bullshit that made me buy a console. There is simply less of it there for now: compare GTA IV on PC and Xbox 360. PC is just a stupid situation. So, already bonehead decisions by stupid out-of-touch executives have already stopped me from purchasing PC games. Please don't extend that to the consoles because then I'd have to stop purchasing games altogether. Notice I said purchasing, I'm sure there will be versions available that aren't stupid. Way to go Ubisoft: you just connected yourself with "bullshit" in *my* mind, so *my* money is forever out of your grasp until you become less stupid.
  • Ubisoft? Pfft (Score:4, Insightful)

    by oGMo ( 379 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:31AM (#30915724)

    So Ubisoft is going mandate ridiculous DRM measures. Ubisoft. This is the company/publisher who, as far as I can tell, has barely produced one game that didn't suck in a long time. And that's just because compared to Assassin's Creed 1, it'd be hard for 2 not to look good. Yeah. So long Ubisoft, I can't say it was fun.

    Maybe this is a good thing, though. Someone like Blizzard doing this would have people grumbling and moaning and everyone would still put up with it because they need their WoW or Diablo 3 or Starcraft 2 or whatever. If someone like Ubisoft does it, and it's just one more reason for people not to buy their crap, and they go under, maybe it will make other companies think twice before trying similar stupidity. Maybe.

  • by xigxag ( 167441 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:33AM (#30915744)

    Game review websites and magazines ought to unite on this issue and give games failing scores if they do not allow for offline play when in self-contained single player mode.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      But far too many game review websites are completely beholden to the companies that buy advertisements on their site, oftentimes giving games rave reviews just because their publisher advertises on their site. How many game review sites said that Need for Speed: Shift was an awesome game, even though it totally sucked?

  • by whisper_jeff ( 680366 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:37AM (#30915780)
    Yet another example of a company attempting to make life difficult for pirates but managing only to annoy and inconvenience legitimate users. People who actually buy the game are going to be faced with restrictions that will, at some point, hinder their ability to use the copy of the game they legally bought while pirates will find a way to crack the system in less than a week and will then be able to use their ill-gotten goods the way they want.

    I understand major media companies consider piracy to be a major problem. I understand we're not likely to ever change that opinion. But. It would be nice if they got everything in perspective and realized that they should not hinder legitimate customers in their war against pirates. All that will do is either drive those legitimate customers away or, worse, turn them in to pirates.
  • by Exitar ( 809068 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:40AM (#30915794)

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubisoft#Controversies [wikipedia.org]

    - use of the StarForce copy protection
    - ceased to provide his games to a magazine that had negative reviews of their games
    - admit to release low quality games that need additional promotion to be sold

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Tim C ( 15259 )

      admit to release low quality games that need additional promotion to be sold

      At least they're admitting to it; that's more than say EA do...

  • SecuROM (Score:4, Insightful)

    by KlausBreuer ( 105581 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:45AM (#30915836) Homepage

    They're the ones using it.
    They did create some very good games, but I'm not buying anything with SecuROM in it, no matter how good the game. Now they want to add 'needs permanent net access'? If I wasn't already blocking them on my shopping list, I'd be doing it now...l

  • by mnooning ( 759721 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @08:51AM (#30915878) Journal
    There are other ways to prevent software piracy without requiring constant internet access. Look up "Software Piracy" at the patent application section of the patent office. I have at least one proposal of my own. There are others. For one thing, having to go on line prevents parents with multiple children from enjoying multi-computer games with them. Allowing Big Brother to monitor what parents are doing with their children, or allowing what their children do, cannot be the right way to do this.
  • by pnuema ( 523776 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @11:58AM (#30918300)
    For the last ten years, I've spent, on average, let's say $500 a year on PC games. I consider it money well spent. I certainly feel like I've gotten my money's worth.

    I was an early adopter of Steam. If you are like me, and have not been a habitual pirate, Steam is awesome. I don't have to have boxes of games and manuals lying around, no more swapping CDs, my computers install all of their games on their own...Steam has made games so cheap I find myself buying some and never playing them. I'm collecting them like baseball cards, or candy.

    The point of all of this is I am the customer the gaming industry wants. I'm the one buying their games, and buying games for my wife and kids. They cannot afford to piss people like me off. Here is the part that everyone who works in the gaming industry should read:

    IF I HAVE ONE MORE EXPERIENCE LIKE I HAD YESTERDAY WITH MASS EFFECT 2, I'LL TURN PIRATE, AND NEVER LOOK BACK. I paid full price for a game, so I can listen to my buddies who pirated it talk about it for days before I get to play it, and when I finally go to unlock the game already installed on my HD, I can't play it because EA's auth servers can't handle the load THAT ALL OF THE PRE-ORDER SALES FIGURES INFORMED THEM WAS COMING. I personally view this as incompetence or indifference on a criminal scale. As a paying customer, for the first time I felt abused, and I'm not going to put up with that again.

    Clean up your act, EA. Come back to reality, Ubisoft. You are killing the golden goose.

  • by mykos ( 1627575 ) on Wednesday January 27, 2010 @10:55PM (#30929058)

    Actually, they're cutting off their own nose to spite pirates.

    This holy war against pirates needs to end. They think that every downloaded game is a lost sale, and that every single person who can't pirate a game will buy it.

    Do they honestly think that if they lock down a game to the point of near-unplayability that it will magically result in millions of dollars in sales?

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
