Duke Nukem Forever Demo Released 188
uslinux.net writes "Gearbox Software released the demo for Duke Nukem Forever today, though it's only available to preorders and other promotions for the time being. After more than a decade, it looks like this game will actually hit stores this month. After 12 years in development, will it live up to the hype?"
Included with the linked article is DNF's launch trailer. This should go without saying, but just in case: NSFW. Seriously.
Daikatana was worth the wait too (Score:4, Informative)
Oh wait, it was garbage compared to other games out at the time, and this one has been in development hell 3x as long.
It'll be lucky to garner a solid 70% average. While this has been in development, we got half-life 1 and 2, gears of war, several halos, freakin mass effect, Modern warfare. Hell even borderlands.
It won't be hard for this thing to exceed my expectations, because I expect it to be crap.
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But Duke Nukem was fun.
Seems this is lost on todays generation.
All those games besides Borderlands and the HLs are the definition of why these past couple generations have sucked.
GTA IV. What the hell happened there? Where is my fun GTA? Where is my GTA with Elvis impersonators walking around in groups? Where is my SCORE?
I'm fine with serious stories in games, but if they are laborious and require grinding, it is an automatic failu
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duke nukem was fun for us male teenagers in the 90's, this is out of touch and honestly does not amount much more than mowfest in boring ... look tits!... settings
and lets be real, its fucking 2011 if your that hard up to see some bad model boobs out of polygons you might want to consider upgrading your Internet service
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Yeah, games today definitely don't have big-breasted women or other sexual imagery oh wait
DNF will be a hit. That the usual politically correct types will hold their noses up at is is all the more reason it should exist in all its offensive glory. This society has become so incredibly stuck-up and wimpy that it can't take a joke anymore.
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Im not a PC type, I am just not a boy any more and the "joke" is old and tired
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Different games appeal in different ways. I like "realistic" games; Operation Flashpoint was excellent back in the day, and STALKER (while not exactly strict realism, being sci-fi) has all the usual realistic feature (weight limits on equipment, bleeding wounds, etc.), and so forth. But I also really like "arcade" style games; the Quake's and Unreal's of this world. Sam goes for other genres- Europa Universalis and Total War are both great series; Mario Cart and Gran Turismo both have spots on my shelf. Som
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Dude, Nico's character both likable and funny. I didn't play past a few first missions and random actions because I never bought nor had much time to get addicted to it (I remember GTA: San Andreas).
But GTA is my definition of a fun game whatever you do. You can just explore the city and interact with it. Watch them react to your violent experiments. When you do want to play the story, you find it''s well thought, funny and sufficiently varied to avoid being bored.
You must be growing old and ranty :P
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So why does Duke try so hard to be as restrictive as the modern shooters? 2 weapons at a time? Checkpoints where you only have access to your most recent checkpoint save? Not too crazy about health regeneration either.
The only thing that's Duke about DNF is the humour and interactive environments.
Re:Daikatana was worth the wait too (Score:5, Interesting)
The only way in which Duke 3d compares poorly is its technical execution, the Build engine just wasn't as advanced as Quake and especially Quake 2 of course. You're free to dislike it certainly, but just declaring that it wasn't fun isn't really fair either. There are, simply, some things that make it more fun than other contemporary games, such as the highly interactive environments which, variety in weapons, enemies, and level design, and even the cheesy one liners.
I don't think it's rose colored glasses, I played the game back when it was reasonably new, and I liked it at the time, not just in my memories. I also played it very recently again, and it was a blast. And I'm talking original textures and models, none of the new HD textures and 3D models. Despite of this, the outdated graphics definitely didn't distract from the actual enjoyment
Regarding Mass Effect, never played it, but the recent CoD games just shit over everything that was good about shooters. Sadly, early reports are even that Duke was affected by its influence - there's the ridiculous regenerating health, much more linear levels, and, most bizarrely, a limit on how many weapons you can carry. It makes no sense in an unrealistic aracdy game like this, but apparently since CoD does that now, Duke has to follow the convention.
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Sadly, early reports are even that Duke was affected by its influence - there's the ridiculous regenerating health, much more linear levels, and, most bizarrely, a limit on how many weapons you can carry.
Having just finished the demo I can let you know, yes you have regenerating health (its called "Ego") which I really hate in these new FPS games. And you can only hold 2 weapons. The demo mentions that your "Ego" gets a permanent boost with killing a boss, maybe you can also hold more weapons. But doubt it.
Agreed; it's a port... (Score:2)
Everyone writes games for the xbox these days, so it sucks on pc.
The two weapons thing is ridiculous; that was one of the games strong points.
Reality based games need these things; IRL you can't carry a rocket launcher, 20 rounds of ammo, 4 other guns, each with ammo...
Duke never tried to be real, it was completely over the top from the start.
I bought the borderlands goty edition, to get the demo early(last year, lol), then the delay, and the rest...
Man do I feel ripped off; $50 for a 20 minute ride... Loca
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Reminds me of Yahtzee's rant on Doom being "so unrealistic" in his Bulletstorm [escapistmagazine.com] review.
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Yes, probably, I wasn't claiming otherwise. Just when we're talking about a realistic game, like Rainbow Six (pre-Vegas), it
a) makes perfect sense: you can't carry more than a few weapons without them getting in the way IRL
b) doesn't detract from the gameplay - I rarely needed to reload my smg/rifle, let alone use my sidearm in anything but the OH SHIT situations
Most games nowadays don't have these excuses, like for example Bulletstorm. It's a fun and completely ridiculous game, but for some reason you can'
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I don't play these games.. but do you need to keep all of the different weapons for different situations? That is, is there a good reason to keep all of them?
One thing that the PS2 "Bard's Tale" (read the Wikipedia article, it's largely a spoof of D&D type games, but is one itself too) did well is that when you got a new weapon, it automagically sells your old inferior one one, right away, for gold. It's not realistic either, but streamlines the process.
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People are looking at duke 3d through the rose colored glasses
Or maybe they truly like it, since that's just an opinion anyway.
Re:Daikatana was worth the wait too (Score:5, Insightful)
You're definitely projecting your own opinions here, because Duke 3D was a smash-hit that a lot of people still cite as a game with innovative ideas yet to be matched in today's games, especially in multiplayer. The tongue-in-cheek attitude was also unique, and especially in today's environment when so many games try hard to be serious and cinematic, a politically incorrect game that doesn't give a shit about offending people will stand out even more.
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It also had a number of good one liners and some very memorable level designs. And the quirky weapons were a lot of fun. The freeze ray + kicking your opponent. The shrink ray + stomping on the wee
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Quake and Quake 2 (and everything id has done since, really) had some fun multiplayer, but the single player was a joke, mostly a way to advertise the engine for others (Half-Life) to make a real single player experience with it. If you are going to call it "DOOM-esque" you might as well try to call every 3DFPS "DOOM-esque" because it's... (sort of) 3D, and it's... a shooter!
Duke Nukem was IMO the first "3D" FPS where you *were* the character, not just some random anonymous soldier or "space marine".
And b
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Thats higher res than when I used to play Might & Magic 1 on a orange monochrome compaq 286! more fluid engine too. very impressive!
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Hey! Maybe they can postpone the release just long enough so they can re-write the engine!
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or, if you've been following the development of the game, on and off, for the past decade, as I have, with comparisons to other developers who have lost focus in feature bloat hell, with rotating programmers, artists, and designers trying to polish up the same product, you'd understand why an extremely long development time is almost always bad for a game unless very specific criteria are met, of which duke forever is laughably far away from.
sorry I didn't spell it out for you. I can elaborate more if you r
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"What are you playing that's better, I'm honestly curious."
Shadow Warrior.
"cinematic insertion elements"
No thanks. I don't want to watch movies. I'd much prefer to be fragging things, in the bloodiest and most gory methods possible.
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Shadow Warrior.
you haven't beaten it yet?
I honestly found it more fun than duke, but that's a relative scale there.
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I liked them both and I am looking forward to the new Duke :)
I wonder how long it will take before Fox News or another News Network will make a big deal about how it's corrupting the youth by showing boobies?
Have they done anything on The Witcher 2 yet? There are some really nice naked ladies in there.
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I probably shouldn't bother since you're hiding behind AC, but...
"short pre-chewed existance"? I'm probably older than you are. I started gaming in 1981. How about you? I had pong. I was there for the great crash of 83 (I even owned a copy of ET, the game that did it). I wore multiple NES and and SNES consoles. I gamed in glorious 12" orange CGA monochrome. I had boot disks. how much of the above stuff have you ever played outside of an emulator?
I've played at least half the games or more on your list, and
Love the Warning... (Score:4, Funny)
Blood and Gore - AWESOME
Intense Violence - AWESOME
Strong Language - AWESOME
Mature Humour - AWESOME
Strong Sexual Content - AWESOME
Use of Drugs and Alcohol - AWESOME
The legal warning at the beginning negates any intro!
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I fail to understand (Score:5, Insightful)
The point in giving demos to people who already bought it.
Doesn't it negate the entire point of the demo? They're sold already, show it to people who aren't sure yet instead.
I realise part of this preordering thing is making people feel they've got an extra good deal, but really, you've waited 12 years already.
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The point in giving demos to people who already bought it. Doesn't it negate the entire point of the demo?
Not if the demo sucks and the only people you want seeing it are people who are already stuck with the game.
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But then they'll tell other potential buyers, and they'll be in a REALLY bad mood because they paid money for it.
I've played it... (Score:2, Interesting)
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graphics look good
It might be that I'm just spoiled by PC gaming, (and I've played the demo on PC as well) but that hasn't been my experience - frankly, the graphics sucks in the demo. Even more than it usually does for quick console ports.
Main focus of the game developers (Score:3, Interesting)
Can you say... project research? (Score:2)
And I am sure the expense reports submitted to the accounting against the development budget thoroughly demonstrated that R&D staffs spared no expense in researching this particular subject in great detail.
Re:Main focus of the game developers (Score:5, Funny)
> The demo left me with the feeling that the developers spend more time on textures of naked women than on anything else.
Time well spent, in other words
Played it. (Score:5, Interesting)
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That's exactly what the 1st game was, and I still to this day do not understand why people thought it was so great.
"it has a shrink ray and a freeze gun!"
so? I don't know about you, but there's nothing I love more than when I'm about to kill somebody and they use a cheap gimmick on me.
"it has a jetpack!"
ever play starsiege: tribes? That's how you make a shooter with jetpacks.
"but it's funny!"
no. Go watch some beavis and butthead or early south park for that brand of humor if you really want funny, or hell g
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That's exactly what the 1st game was, and I still to this day do not understand why people thought it was so great.
"it has a shrink ray and a freeze gun!"
so? I don't know about you, but there's nothing I love more than when I'm about to kill somebody and they use a cheap gimmick on me.
Cheap gimmick? It's a powerful weapon in the right hands so the reason why you consider it a gimmick, is for me a reason why it's a weapon that requires a little more skill by the player to use well. Variety is always nicer than just guns with various reload times and damage. Besides, when you kill someone with either one, it's extra fun so as long as you get to do it yourself sometimes too, you like it :b
"but it's funny!"
no. Go watch some beavis and butthead or early south park for that brand of humor if you really want funny, or hell go re-watch evil dead 2 and army of darkness for the funny that duke obviously really wishes he could be.
What's wrong with incorporating that kind of humor into a game? Especially when done well. Besides, Duk
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but it didn't come before Army of Darkness.
Hail to the real king, baby.
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good idea, i am going to go watch evil dead
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so? I don't know about you, but there's nothing I love more than when I'm about to kill somebody and they use a cheap gimmick on me.
Couldn't escape eh?
You must hate fighting games with reverses then. How dare someone actually alter the internal narrative you had built up! And the fact you never could figure out how to escape when small probably didn't help.
Mind you, that's one of the most rewarding feelings in an FPS...
ever play starsiege: tribes? That's how you make a shooter with jetpacks.
And you can th
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B&B struck me as something that I'd probably only find funny while baked out of my head, on an acid trip, or after a lobotomy. Or maybe really really drunk.
SP, while often offensive, was generally more of a thinking comedy. It wasn't just a series of T&A or fart jokes. Between the cultural references, the double meanings, and attempting to address social issues in whacked out ways. If they targeted something that was personal
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Because they can take a joke. You already ranted about the game earlier and obviously never took to its politically incorrect humor because you feel the need to remind us of how you're too mature for it.
Where did you get that from? The part where I suggested truly funny alternatives in B&B, SP, or army of darkness? I love politically incorrect humor. it just has to be, you know, funny. duke interacting with pixelated strippers? not funny. not even really pushing boundaries. It's just like "hey, 13 year olds, wouldn't this be cool?" you wanna push some politically correctness that is actually funny? go watch some reruns of drawn together.
You probably didn't like the Grand Theft Auto games either, or Mortal Kombat, or any other controversial game that walks the edges of social acceptability--something I consider important for entertainment to do or else it becomes stale whitebread.
As a matter of fact, GT1 was an amusing concept but not a particul
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I played GTA3:SA a year or two ago, and finally played GTA3 this year. GTA3 was only so-so in comparison to San Andreas. (And I hope to get a chance to play GTA3:VC next month if I have time. That is rumored to be pretty good.)
GTA4, in comparison, went for the "realistic" side and isn't as fun as the GTA3 serie
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Because they can take a joke. You already ranted about the game earlier and obviously never took to its politically incorrect humor because you feel the need to remind us of how you're too mature for it. You probably didn't like the Grand Theft Auto games either, or Mortal Kombat, or any other controversial game that walks the edges of social acceptability--something I consider important for entertainment to do or else it becomes stale whitebread.
What about those of us who enjoyed GTA, MK and similar games, yet still can't stand the redneck-appealing stupidity of Duke Nukem?
That cheap gimmick is fun as hell, the same reason Mario Kart is fun. For crying out loud, there is no other shooter in which you can fire a shrink ray at a mirror, have the projectile reflect off of the mirror, hit someone in the next room, and then step on them. That's really not fun to you? Were you born wearing a suit and tie?
Yeah, Mario Kart is still a hell of fun after all those years. Your second example I couldn't give a shit about. I've never worn a suit and tie, sorry.
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Calling it a "boys game" because of the Duke character and his sense of self and humor is like calling Idiocracy a movie for idiots, because the movie itself is filled with idiots. Duke Nukem is a parody of its time (though it hardly really fits into the pop-culture of this century). The Duke Nukem humor itself has never particularly done anything for me, though it occasionally gets a slight chuckle. In 2011, it's only really relevant in the sense of "oh man, remember when all the action movies and stars we
Re:Played it. (Score:5, Insightful)
Cutting edge graphics? No...It's Duke.
Juvenile and campy? Yes...again, it's Duke.
Hard core gamers need to break out of their mother's basements and take Duke for what it is...A guilty pleasure with nudity, toilet humor, and an ass kicking good time. It's the leisure suit larry of our generation. For those who expect Duke to push the technical limits or be some revolution in game play, get over yourselves...those are NOT the reasons we play Duke.
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Cutting edge graphics? No...It's Duke.
Actually, when Duke 3D just came out, it had cutting edge graphics, and, generally speaking, quite advanced engine. Sure, it was sprite-based, but Quake was still half a year away, and existing "real 3D" games either looked like crap (Ultima Underworld) or deliberately used the environment where low-poly count was not noticeable (Descent). Meanwhile, Duke had mirrors, and plenty of interactivity on the maps themselves.
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The psychic monkeys from System Shock 2 still freak me out :(
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Sometimes, when it's quiet, I can still hear the monkeys.
It's what I expected. (Score:5, Insightful)
I've played through the demo on the PC, and it's about what I thought it would be. It's neither amazingly good nor bad gameplay wise; it's typical shooter gameplay with some goofy weapons and a sophmoric sense of humor.
Which is what I expected from a Duke Nukem game.
Not at all surprising (Score:2)
I mean there is no way the game would be "worth the wait" or "live up to the hype" because there is nothing useful you can do in 12 years of development. Also this is, of course, a different developer's version who's job was to salvage whatever crap was there and get something on the market.
I cannot see it being anymore than a normal shooter. Nothing wrong with that. The only reason people would diss it for that is the stigma of the lengthy cycle and all the hype from 3DR and their fans.
Anyone expecting any
Incredibly Mediocre (Score:4, Interesting)
The demo is very mediocre. It feels like a fan project that was given some time at a major studio. Which I guess is kind of what it is. The production values are uneven, the graphics are uneven, and the pacing is odd. The flow of the environments in the demo were not up to modern standards. The AI is rudimentary at best, the animations look all funky.
Unless a lot has changed since this demo was put together, I imagine the game will be a very bland, linear FPS with small, barren environments and stale gameplay.
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Well, pacing in a game is supposed to be a little stop and go, so most action games have uneven pacing by design. The DNF demo had pacing that was more... strange I guess. Odd. It would have strange buildups with no payoff, or big bursts of action out of nowhere.
Review (Score:5, Informative)
Here's a review showing the whole run through PC demo, including intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MjzgTZriw [youtube.com]
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I'll probably pick it up off of Steam if it ever goes on sale for say $20 or so.
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Yes, sir. And may I remind sir that the gentlemen is coming today for sir's weekly rectal bleaching.
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Yes, sir. And may I remind sir that the gentlemen is coming today for sir's weekly rectal bleaching.
Wow, thanks to you and Goolge I now know that people bleach their arseholes. Doesn't it sting?
Yeah, pretty much. (Score:2)
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If you don't have one, why should he make a joke about it?
that would just be cruel
One of the worst demos, ever. (Score:5, Interesting)
I pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever quite awhile ago. I hoped for a lot, but didn't expect it. I mostly just wanted to buy a copy so I could play through it and have it on my shelf for purposes of nostalgia. The hope was just that maybe after all that time, Gearbox's intervention to save the title last year might have done some amazing magic on it. After all, they do have a good record and a lot of love for the franchise (Randy Pitchford originally worked on Duke back in the day).
Some of the videos out there promoting the game made it look like a very competent modern shooter. Lots of stuff going on, nice graphics, big destroyed cities with enormous monsters and all that. Pretty much everything you'd expect, in 2011.
The demo? It's like they made it with the intention of making you cancel your pre-order (which I did -- I'll buy it again for the shelf when it's $20 or less).
First, the loading times are awful. They're about 75 seconds and you have to sit through a load screen even if all you did was die.
Second, the framerate is bad. It is sometimes smooth and looks fine, but then it'll suddenly hitch for half a second. And more times than not, you hitch again when you are hit (melee or a bullet) by an enemy. Sometimes it's enough that you'll die before you can respond to what's going on. Or even be knocked off a cliff and die before you can react to being hit.
Third, the graphics. The best of the demo is in the beginning, when it looks competent. Not setting new standards, but not a turn off. Unfortunately, everything after that is flat and fairly simple. The interface is pretty boring and uninspired, too.
Fourth, the audio. Man, the audio is a disappointment. The sounds of the weapons. The repetitive sayings of Duke. The grunt every time he jumps. It sounds like they haven't recorded anything new since 1999.
Fifth, it is SHORT. And BORING. Like I said above, the videos make it look like you'll be engaged in these huge fights with massive monsters in big bustling destroyed cities with all sorts of things going on in the sky and the background. But what was the demo? The following is the demo:
The game opens on you pissing in a urinal (press RT to piss). Then you leave the urinal and find you're in a locker room at a stadium. You go out to the playing field and fight a giant monster. After killing him, the camera pulls out and you find out that you are actually Duke playing Duke in one of Duke's games on a console. Two chicks are blowing you and sit back to converse with you. Then, you're in a shitty looking 4x4 driving through a bland canyon dodging rocks for about 90 seconds. Then you shoot your way through a bland canyon for about two minutes, until you reach a cave that you walk around fir about two minutes to find some gas for your truck. You fight a ship by shooting it about 20 times with a weapon handily placed nearby. Then you run back to your truck and fill it up with the gas that you found. Then the demo is over.
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First, the loading times are awful. They're about 75 seconds and you have to sit through a load screen even if all you did was die.
OK, I understand its cool to bag the game on here before anyone's played the full thing. But seriously, the LOADING TIMES were a problem??? Did you pre-order your computer in 1998? My LAPTOP never took more than 7 seconds to load anything, and I timed my desktop at 4 seconds off the old spinning disk (never thought to try the SSD because it was so fast anyway). The loading times were similar to Borderlands (a 2007 game) on both machines. Seriously if your computer is too slow to run 2007 games please don't
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The game opens on you pissing in a urinal (press RT to piss). Then you leave the urinal and find you're in a locker room at a stadium. You go out to the playing field and fight a giant monster. After killing him, the camera pulls out and you find out that you are actually Duke playing Duke in one of Duke's games on a console. Two chicks are blowing you and sit back to converse with you. Then, you're in a shitty looking 4x4 driving through a bland canyon dodging rocks for about 90 seconds. Then you shoot your way through a bland canyon for about two minutes, until you reach a cave that you walk around fir about two minutes to find some gas for your truck. You fight a ship by shooting it about 20 times with a weapon handily placed nearby. Then you run back to your truck and fill it up with the gas that you found. Then the demo is over.
I think that is enough for a solid 9.5/10 without even seeing the game.
Dodged a bullet (Score:2)
TV Commercial (Score:2)
But I still won't believe it until it's in my hands!
Demo for those that paid ? (Score:3)
That's kind of like the drunk asking the bar owner if he'd like a drink...
Having finished the demo... (Score:2)
Doesn't really feel like a Duke game to me. (Score:2)
No Mighty Boot (plain weapon melee), 2 weapon equip limit, (realistically) very inaccurate weapons unless you aim down the sight.
I wasn't expecting a miracle with this game, and to be quite honest I expected it to be a let down, but I'm downright puzzled that they took the tried and true gameplay of the old Duke games and threw it away in favor of the modern like-every-other-game fare we have now. It really feels a lot more like Call of Duty: Halo than Duke Nukem in terms of gameplay. It might look like Duk
What is it (Score:2)
What is it with this modern fad of having to join some exclusive, pay-for, preorder list for something that you have NO idea what it will play like, before you get to see (for example) a bloody demo!
The point of a demo is that people can see what they're buying BEFORE they lay down money and to generate hype. Why do people lay down money to join these elitest little clubs in order to get access to stuff they should already have been given? Does it make you feel big and clever that you can throw money away
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What is it with this modern fad of having to join some exclusive, pay-for, preorder list for something that you have NO idea what it will play like, before you get to see (for example) a bloody demo!
This, and the comments from people who have played the demo thus far, makes my decision final. Rather than saving 20% by pre-ordering via Steam's offer, I'm going to wait it out and see what happens when the real reviews come in. Then, only if it doesn't turn out to be awful, I'll wait six months and buy it for 50% or less of the release day price. Heck, HMV had DeadSapce 2 for PC at a little less than half price no more than three months after release.
Also regarding pre-order offers (and DLC, another of
Public Demo? (Score:2)
Is there one to download or do we have to pirate it? :P
Duke demo under Wine (Score:2)
This might not be entirely Wine related though as a lot of other people ( see the Gearbox forums ) have been getting crashes upon start-up that look almost exactly like the one I'm getting under wine and furthermore the demo is *extremely* buggy.
See the wine AppDB page for it :
http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=23644 [winehq.org]
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I've tried to run the game under wine 1.3.21. It installs perfectly ( as does Steam ) but crashes when you click "PLAY".
The operation was a complete success, unfortunately the patient died.
Re:Links (Score:5, Informative)
The summary -- did you read it?
Re:Links (Score:5, Insightful)
they don't want the sever to blow up taking the ga (Score:3, Insightful)
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Option C: Pre-order folks who love multiplayer can get their game on earlier.
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You must not do much gaming, recently. I believe I have actually seen demos that required you to *PAY* for the demos. Demos are no longer just a tool to get people to buy the game. *sigh*
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Who the hell only releases demo's to pre orders, maybe if they let me play the game I might pre order it but I'm not going to pre order so I can play the freaking demo. Honestly what marketing idiot thought that up. Anyone got a torrent for the demo?
Pre-ordering gives you early access to the demo. I'm sure it will be generally available after launch.
Also, limiting the demo to pre-orders means people who pre-ordered can begin to play the game before everyone else, providing additional value in pre-ordering.
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They'll be releasing the demo to everyone at launch. The pre-orders just get it first.
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It's a perk for those who pre-order. I am sure after it is released they will let the general public at it. I don't see the big problem.
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You know, I half-way considered it, but ... I'm fairly confident that they're really on track to release as promised. Despite that, I'm not confident enough to lay down even a few bucks. A playable demo *may* make me want to part with my hard earned dollars. An excellent demo experience would make that even more likely.
But, as someone not willing to part with $45 to be one of the first people to find out if it sucks or not.
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This was a Slashdot story too IIRC. This is the first hit from googling "duke nukem forever preorder receipt"
http://www.kotaku.com.au/2011/05/still-got-your-duke-nukem-receipt-from-1997/ [kotaku.com.au]
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According to the fine article "Duke Nukem Forever Demo Released, Access To First Access Club Only" In other words everyone should be able to download it soon. Right now only those who are in the club can download it and AFAIK those who have reserved a copy will have access to the demo.
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In other words: we're waiting for one of kind souls who preordered DNF to get off his butt and upload a torrent with the demo.
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I checked a few, nothing online yet. :D
Is it illegal to download a demo?
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Thx for the advice, I watched the online review of the demo. :)
I'll wait for the game now
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And in other news... (Score:2)
After I finished LMAO, I realized that Hell had, in fact, frozen over.
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That's what it looks like to me too, people need to remember that the game wasn't complete when the demo was made.
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It's a far cry from Duke Nukem 3D, which gave a third of the game away as its demo. Games such as Doom, Wolfenstein 3D and Quake also gave a third away, but of course it's not the mid 90s any more and the old rules no longer seem to apply.
Yeah, the Shareware episode model is dead, long live Demos.
Though to be fair, every single game you mentioned had a direct sequel which had demo levels instead of shareware episode. Doom 2, Spear of Destiny, Quake 2. Also Hexen as a sequel to Heretic.
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the days of frantically running down a corridor with 3% health trying to find a medkit while avoiding monsters are in the past...
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I don't have an xbox or ps3. Should port this to the wii.
Oh, just fuck off.
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