Bethesda's 'Scrolls' Lawsuit Going Ahead 332
New submitter person46 writes "Bethesda's lawsuit against Mojang, developers of Minecraft, is going to court. As you may recall, Bethesda is claiming copyright infringement over the title of Mojang's upcoming CCG/board game Scrolls. Bethesda claims that the name and game concept are too similar to their well-known RPG franchise The Elder Scrolls. '[C]ourt documents show that Bethesda lawyers plan to use comments on Scrolls articles and videos from around the web to show how people will confuse Scrolls with The Elder Scrolls. He also added that they've captured screenshots of Scrolls' trailer as a way of showing how Mojang has copied Bethesda because both Skyrim and Scrolls contain mountains.' Mojang founder Notch had offered to settle the dispute with a friendly game of Quake 3, but apparently Bethesda wasn't up for that."
what!? (Score:2)
'... as a way of showing how Mojang has copied Bethesda because both Skyrim and Scrolls contain mountains.'
I think I might have a case against... just about every shooter out there!
After all, I can demonstratively prove they all feature the ground, which I believe I knew of way back in the 80s! (when I was like, 2)
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'... as a way of showing how Mojang has copied Bethesda because both Skyrim and Scrolls contain mountains.'
I think I might have a case against... just about every shooter out there!
The whole summary is a complete troll. Firstly, this is not about copyright but trademark infringement (as has been stated here already). Why do people get these concepts so confused. I am sure that some idiot here will mention patents too. (Oh look, it was me!)
And who was it that made this claim that it was about copying mountains? Why the business developer of the company who want to belittle the entire lawsuit! The quip about settling this with a Quake 3 game is another attempt to trivialise the dispute.
Re:what!? (Score:4, Informative)
That's a bit different. Scrolls is just a generic word that's been around for centuries. Minecraft is a word that I wasn't aware of at all until Notch created it. If it was in use at all prior to the game being conceived of, it wasn't in common use at the time.
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In the spirit of Slashdot pedantry, I'll point out that the name Mincecraft was created by Paul Eres, who is not part of Mojang.
Your point hits near the mark though. The more descriptive the trademark, the more difficult it is to enforce. Minecraft is pretty descriptive but as a compound word made of words that normally wouldn't be sequenced as such a phrase, it's got a slight edge over Elder Scrolls. Scrolls by itself seems pretty weak when compared to either of the other brands.
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Scrolls != Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim,
Scrolls != Elder Scrolls VI : Oblivion,
Scrolls != Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind,
Scrolls != Elder Scrolls II : Daggerfall,
Scrolls != Elder Scrolls I : Arena.
There, solved the problem. The reason people trivialize this is because its a ridiculous argument coming from Bethesda. The name Scrolls vs. Elder Scrolls doesn't confuse anyone that doesn't have a severe mental deficiency.
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The idea that Bethesda owns the trademark to the word "Scroll" because they have trademarked "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" is crazy. Thats like saying if my game is called "space marine adventur
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It's blatant trademark infringement.. why do you think Notch is adding all the RPG adventure elements to the game before calling it "Scrolls". The only people who can't see this are the same idiots who think he's a good programmer.
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Right. As if 'scrolls' wasn't already used heavily in the fantasy fiction all RPG games are derived from, long before Bethesda came up with their own derivative fantasy world.
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It's blatant trademark infringement
Where's "Elder", you know, the other 50% of the trademarked name? Using only part of the name makes it significantly less "blatant" and is why people can still use "windows" and "window" (eg Window Maker) even though Microsoft owns the trademark "Microsoft Windows".
Besides, nobody will ever confuse this game with one of Bethseda's productions unless Mojang comes up with a way to make pieces fall through the table.
Geez (Score:2)
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amusing side note... (Score:5, Interesting)
The very topic of this pending lawsuit is a forbidden one on the bethesda game studios forums.
From my own expierences on that forum several years ago, I can pretty much assure you that it is enforced with gestapo like ferocity, at the behest of the legal and corporate drones, and the moderator staff is all too willing to enforce such censorship.
Long ago I swore off ever buying another bethesda softworks title as direct retail (I will only purchase second hand, to ensure that they never receive any of my money) and things like this only reinforce that opinion.
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Of course they are. And do you know why? They enforce the censorship because that's part of what they're getting paid to do. If they don't enforce it they lose their jobs, so they do what they're told to do, just like you'd probably do. And before you insist you'd rather be fired than do something like that I suggest you take a moment and think about how bad the job market is right now and how hard it would be to find a new job.
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Oh wait.
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And Bethesda lawyers are *actually* killing people in the millions. Oh wait.
Heh. "In shock news today, the lawyers of a prominent games company invaded Poland at the head of a large army of tanks..."
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If you don't believe me, just try going there and asking innocently about it in the forum, and see how politely it gets treated. Seriously, go try it. :)
And no, I am not being hipocritical here. I really do not regret my decision to stop giving them my money.
They were polite and informative (Score:2)
The moderator's response (along with the thread being locked):
"The lawsuit is not a topic for this forum. This is a gaming forum run by Bethesda Softworks. The lawsuit was presented by Zenimax, BethSoft's parent company. If the only reason you joined this forum is to discuss this subject, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."
Seems pretty polite to me. Plus it points out that Bethesda has no say in the suit -- the responsibility and control lies with Zenimax, which I hadn't known. Given that fact, they are
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ZeniMax was founded by the founders of Bethesda for this very reason. Wikipedia [wikipedia.org] has a nice write up on it..
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Here's Zenimax's contact page, if you're interested in actually registering a complaint, instead of just blaming the victim (and given the bad press, Bethesda really does seem to be a victim here).
It's amazing how easily people are duped. If you want to hurt the clowns taking this action, don't buy the game, as it directly profits the people involved in this lawsuit.
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Seeing as I am not married, nor interested in being married, I fail to see how that would impact me in the least. Knock yourself out.
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1) the bethsoft game forums allow all kinds of discussions about other games from other vendors. There was even a thriving dwarf fortress discussion going on there several years ago. How is asking about "scrolls" any different, given this information?
2) as a hypothetical fan of bethesda or of their games, where else would you go to ask about their decision to sue this man?
3) as a respectful host, why would you treat any guest, even one that asks an uncomfortable question (even if the question is asked poli
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As a customer (former at least) of thiers, it does concern me if the money I spend is used to finance the harrassment of other developers, much like it IS the business of customers who buy clothing made in sweatshops to ask if the clothing they are buying finances the use of said sweatshops. Asking the question is not a crime, regardless of your opinion of the matter.
As for your admission about resorting instantly to violence, that simply exposes your own personality failings as a host. That is NOT proper
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Thanks, I needed that. Good ol ac we know and love.
I amsurprised you didn't insinuate that I am gay though. Afterall, if I am not interested in pussy I must be interested in dick, right?
You are losing your touch ac. I expected so much more from you.
Better luck next time.
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Much better!
I am glad to see that the quality of ac trolling has not totally slipped by the wayside here!
But I am a little disappointed that you didn't slip at least one reference to my mother's basement, or to my neckbeard being of such a horrific nature that it even gives RMS pause.
But I will applaud a good troll when I see one. Good job sir!
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well then you surely would not mind me walking into your living room and calling your wife a whore would you?
The living room analogy again? I see this every time there's a mention of forum censorship. And it's a completely foolish response.
If we insist on some analogy to meatspace, a developer's user-forum is more like an open house. They've specifically invited anyone and everyone with an interest in their product, their brand, and their company to a central space for discussion and information dispersal. Tiptoeing around and only say positive things about the host may be polite in some ways, but it completely
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Their forums are a place to discuss the games, not the legal issues surrounding their parent company. If I go to a meeting, we're free to discuss anything related to the project. If someone then tries to spark an argument over the Iraq War, that is not an appropriate topic for discussion.
Forums allow both positive and negative comments about the topic of discussion (the game). They do not allow offtopic discussions. That seems perfectly reasonable.
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They censor all discussion of the lawsuit because their lawyers tell them too. Wouldn't want some forumite giving the opposition ideas to use in defence, maybe comparing some screenshots of their own or something...
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Not at all actually. Inviting you into his home (regardless of the status of his whore wife) was not a request or solicitation for feedback on your part. These forums ARE a solicitation for feedback so your entire premise has been invalid from the start.
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Regarding entering my house, I'd probably detain you until I could hand you over to the police. It is a reasonable assumption that a person entering another person's house uninvite
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If you're making it up, then yeah, I'll mind. But if you're telling the truth, I'll thank you.
Well, she didn't charge me, so how does that figure in?
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Actually, I value their "wonderful content" so much that I wait for the actual retail price to drop below 20$, THEN buy it second hand, and then only on a whim to see if it was even worth the effort.
Also, second hand sales are not stealing. Stop drinking the industry koolaid.
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Why bother buying them if it's "on a whim to see if it's worth the effort of buying them"? At any rate, Oblivion sold nearly two million copies in its first month (long before the bargain bin), so it seems you're in a tiny little minority when it comes to not liking Beth's product.
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At any rate, Oblivion sold nearly two million copies in its first month (long before the bargain bin), so it seems you're in a tiny little minority when it comes to not liking Beth's product.
Who cares who's in the minority? How many gold records do the Jonas Brothers have, again?
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Hold on. Buying second hand is now stealing? That's AWESOME news, since selling second hand games would then be dealing in stolen property, and we can put gamestop out of our misery!
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Long ago I swore off ever buying another bethesda softworks title as direct retail (I will only purchase second hand, to ensure that they never receive any of my money) and things like this only reinforce that opinion.
Because god forbid your morality should deprive you of playing their fantastic games. That's just inconvenient. Stealing really gets the message across.
So pathetic.
Good grief, have you been so brainwashed by the establishment that "buying second hand" is now synonymous to you with "stealing"? It would be debatable even if gp was pirating but... really? Have we come to this?
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Firstly, what is your gender? Inquiring minds want to know!
Copyright infringement (Score:2, Informative)
"Bethesda is claiming copyright infringement," no they're claiming trademark infringement. Big difference.
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Indeed, what's the penalty for copyright infringement these days? Is it up to hanging yet?
I think that Notch is lucky that it's just trademark infringement and not copyright infringement that Bethesda is taking them to court over.
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If it's hanging these days, imagine what it will be in 500 years when todays' copyrights will still be valid!
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Uh what? So just because Bethesda happens to have a trademark on "the elder scrolls" they should be able to own every single word in their trade mark? Should they sue other companies for using the word "the" too? That sounds even worse!
Just Plane Stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
If they had accepted Notch's offer for a Quake match, then their marketing dept. could have spun it into a major event. See the example of Southwest Airlines vs. Stephens Aviation over the phrase "Just Plane Smart". The CEOs agreed to arm wrestle for it with the loser giving up their claim and donating $5000 to charity. The arm-wrestling event was publicized and tickets were sold, $15,000 was raised for charity, and both organizations benefited from positive media exposure.
Now Bethesda, regardless of outcome, is going to be viewed as a big douchebag beating up on a little guy.
Re:Just Plane Stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
They just made themselves very relevant: they're going to drum up so much hatred that even the lazy gamers will be inclined to boycott them.
You have to be pretty fucking moronic, lawyer or not, to go after an indie developer with as much fan support as Mojang. I frankly don't get the whole fad with Minecraft, but obviously a million people absolutely love it and many have DONATED money for Minecraft. Good luck finding a million people to donate for yet another interchangeable Gamebryo "platform for short-lived DLC" shooter.
People aren't hating on Bethesda because it's trendy, they're hating because this is a blatantly ridiculous bullying expedition. Nobody owns the word "scrolls", it's a fucking word. Nobody owns the concept of mountains, they're fucking mountains. You want prior art ? Open a dictionary, look out the window.
And nobody owns the concept of a medieval backdrop involving knights and jesus freaks and tyrannical monarchs. It's called fucking HISTORY.
If Bethesda wins anything in this court case, it will be yet another sign to the world that America is beyond saving from the hypercapitalist godmachine it has created.
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I think the court case is happening in Sweden rather then America just a FYI.
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You might bash it for being Java-based, but the deployment of it is one of the slickest I've ever seen short of Steam. Automatic updates, etc, and no restrictions on downloading it. Knowing it was Java under the hood actually made me more impressed.
Copyright? (Score:3)
The story claims that this is about copyright, and then links another slashdot story that doesn't mention copyright once.
Every [osnews.com] story [arstechnica.com]I can [gamespy.com] find [wordpress.com] about this says that it is a trademark dispute, not copyright.
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What. (Score:5, Insightful)
This is the turf you choose to defend, BethSoft? The word 'scrolls'?
You do realize that the whole 'elder scrolls' part of your fiction is ancillary at BEST, right? Virtually all of the written works are contained in proper books, and the idea of history scrolls as important is left to the occasional sidequest - it's mostly a holdover title.
You do realize that this whole fight is literally a big developer gunning down on a small independent developer making a freaking collectable card battle game variant?
Even if you win, you're just going to look like a complete jackass, in a field that depends on you looking like somewhat decent people when you're trying to sell fantasy worlds to gamers.
This is not the fight to have, not the opponent to defeat, and not a good way to spend your money or life.
Wake up, you're making a horrible mistake, and you can't win this kind of fight, a fight only you seem to want to have.
Ryan Fenton
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But you're happy for Mojang to own the word "scrolls"? Remember when Origin and Bullfrog were cool game studios?
Own the word "scrolls"? No. Own trademark to the the name of their game? Of course. Trademarks don't give anything near the level of control over a word that you suggest.
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Mojang shouldn't be able to trademark Scrolls, however they should definitely be able to use Scrolls without risk of exactly this lawsuit.
They should be able to, but only in a particular artistic font or in conjunction with something else that makes it very clear that it is talking about Mojang's game. The whole point of trademarks is that they are non-functional decoration to allow customers to know unambiguously whose product they are purchasing (and using, but that's actually secondary in legal terms). Making trademarks be "strictly enforced but very specific" is how it's supposed to be. Trademarking an undecorated dictionary word, even if
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You would do well to send your opinions to the parent company of Bethesda, ZeniMax [zenimax.com].
Scrolls? Really? (Score:2)
Sadly, while I've played and liked the previous games, and was looking forward to Skyrim. The very idea that they would actually sue over the word "scroll" in relation to RPGs completely destroys any respect I might have for the company. I hope they realize that whatever they could possibly hope to win in this lawsuit will cost them in good will from customers. As I for one have no intention of buying any more of their products... Add another entertainment company to the list of companies just not to p
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They kind of lost their way in my opinion. They used to make huge games but as shown with Oblivion they took game content out to simply sell it as DLC.
I'll probably play it but not for a couple of years later when all the DLC that should have been in the game in the first place is included in their GOTY edition for a cheaper price (smart gamer I guess).
Obligitory Quasi-Legal Bit (Score:2)
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They are also required to take all reasonable legal action to protect their trademark, and failure to do so can be used against them in the future. They may not care if Notch names his game "Scrolls", and may not even believe that it would meaningfully weaken their brand, but if they fail to take any action a future game could do something with far more potential to cause harm and use this example to defend themselves.
Trademarks work quite differently from copyrights, that is one of the many ways.
Stupid is as stupid does (Score:2)
Bethesda is being stupid. Bad PR for them -- although the addicts will buy Skyrim anyway. Most people I know don't call Bethesda's games "Elder Scrolls"; they play "Morrowind" or "Oblivion" or "Skyrim". No one goes looking for "Elder Scrolls IV mods", they look for "Oblivion mods".
And only an idiot would confuse a collectible card game from and indie publisher with a single-player RPG from a major software house. By all the gods, am I going to be sued by Bethesda because my novels have mountains and scro
Amicus curiae (Score:2)
on the trademark claim... (Score:5, Informative)
Go ahead and search on http://tess2.uspto.gov/ [uspto.gov] for "scrolls"
With a filing date of May of this year, Mojang applied for a word mark on the word "Scrolls". Check the link, but this is just some of the claims they're making:
"Computer games; video games; computer software; computer and video games software; computer software downloaded or downloadable; computer software publications downloaded; interactive entertainment software; data recorded electronically from the Internet; data recorded in machine readable form from the Internet; discs, tapes, cartridges, CD-ROMs and other magnetic, electronic or optical media, all bearing computer games software or video games; electronic amusement apparatus for use with television receivers; electronic games apparatus; home video game machines"
Maybe a lawyer can come along and clarify if this is Bethesda being paranoid or if they're justified in feeling threatened.
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No mod points though, unfortunately.
I'm confused... (Score:2)
Does anyone care that the games are Elder Scrolls? (Score:2)
From Morrowind on, the game's subtitle became far more important than the fact that it was in the Elder Scrolls series. There really is no brand recognition. Every gamer knows Skyrim is coming out and they identify it as that not as TESV.
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There absolutely is brand recognition. Everyone who's excited about Skyrim knows it's the sequel to Oblivion, and most of them know that Oblivion was the sequel to Morrowind. I could have told you I was excited to play TESV long before the actual title was announced.
If Notch was calling his game "Elder Scrolls" or something like that, the Bethesda would have a valid complaint. Of course, that's not what's going on, and they don't.
The Law Should Say (Score:5, Insightful)
The law should say that the trademark holder must either defend the trademark *or* proactively grant license to use it when it looks like someone might be in violation. IANAL but it seems like the law binds your hands if you hold a trademark. Either you act like a douchebag or lose it.
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That's right, but the only people who decided that having "Scroll" in the name of any other game was a violation of trademark are Bethesda's lawyers, who are playing them for fools in order to continue to extract money from them. Probably they hadn't done anything in a while and had to justify their existence.
At first I thought this would just go away... (Score:2)
At first I thougth this whole thing was ridiculous and that Bethesda would likely withdraw before actually making it to court, but if Apple can win a patent case against Samsung over rounded corners on a touchscreen device, I'm betting Bethesda could win a copyright case against Mojang for both games having mountains in them.
Does Bethesda have to do this? (Score:2)
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Might take a look at this (Score:2)
Instead of buying Skyrim, I might instead take a look at Scrolls. Not because I'm confused, but because a) my interest in this product is now raised, and b) I don't like giving money to douchebags.
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Pay to play as in, subscription? Or one time? Anyway ... I don't have a moral issue with someone trademarking a common word. It happens all the time: "Apple", "Windows", "Wired", "Chrome" are a couple of examples in the tech sector. Trademarks are only enforceable specific to the industry and can't be descriptive of the product, so Microsoft couldn't sue a window-cleaning company called "Windows", and nor could said window-cleaning company get their own trademark on "Windows" because it is descriptive for t
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What is, exactly, wrong about them trademarking the word scrolls? How is it different from "Apple", "Windows" or "Google"?
both Skyrim and Scrolls contain mountains (Score:2)
What the holy FUCK?
Next up: Bethesda sues Tibet.
Scrolls... (Score:2)
My Magic-User was using scrolls, sometimes stolen from an elderly person, back in the 80's. I should dust off his character record and have him sue Bethesda.
I don't know the fine details, and the summary seems somewhat inflammatory, but it looks like Bethesda's making a mistake here. Not a big enough one (thus far) to dissuade me from still wanting Skyrim, but they've got another month to do so.
I rather wish they had spent more time coming up with a better, and more sanely priced collector's edition, howev
Excuse me... (Score:2)
Zenimax: "Hullo?"
Lawyer: "Excuse me Mr. Bethesda, I'm calling on behalf of my client the Dead Sea Scrolls. We need to talk."
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Well why not? Hollywood, CA has sued Hollywood, FL and Hollywood, MD more than once...
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I guess the reason that Paris, France hasn't sued Paris, Texas is that nobody can figure out who's harming whom.
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I'm surprised New Jersey hasn't sued Jersey, all they did was drop the "new" off, clear infringement of something! :-)
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Re:He's a moron. (Score:5, Insightful)
Mojang founder Notch had offered to settle the dispute with a friendly game of Quake 3, but apparently Bethesda wasn't up for that."
Yes, because he is an idiot.
Not at all. This is equal parts a legal battle and a PR battle.
Minecraft has a significant amount of credibility. It is a beloved name, and has a lot of goodwill.
And so do the Eldar Scrolls and Bethesda.
By making his claim, he was giving them an out to retain some face, and reinforced his persona of the gamer everydude gone successful.
By refusing it, Bethesda comes across as a soulless corporate entity.
But lets not forget the major problem with this whole mess. Bethesda is claiming the ownership of the concept of Scrolls in video games. This is something that has a laughable amount of prior history, and should be laughed out of court. SHOULD being the key words here.
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... the Eldar Scrolls and Bethesda ...
wow Bethesda infringes on Tolkien [tolkiengateway.net] now?!?!?!?!?!??!
And those shameless pricks talk about an indie company stealing from them?
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Yes, but what does the legal department get out of it?
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Yes, but what does the legal department get out of it?
Nothing either way, as far as I can tell. That's what makes the whole thing so bizarre. The only obvious rationale is that they're aiming to prevent another Langdell situation, but there are much simpler ways of doing that.
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You're a assuming that Bethesda doesn't have a problem with Notch using Scrolls. This all only came up when they filed the paperwork for the trademark, not when using the name. They don't want others to own a trademark in video games similar to theirs and they're willing to fight it in court to get Notches trademark marked invalid.
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You can only infringe on trademarks if you are in the same industry (or close enough).
I'd love to see Hollywood try to demonstrate in court that their movies are basically the same as porn.
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Doesn't matter who came first in trademark law. You might not remember but the whole open source client GAIM (now called Pidgin) was out for years before AOL created AIM. AOL sued, GAIM lost it's name after 5 or 6 years of lawsuits.
This case however is slightly different because both parties have respected trademarks. What I don't understand is why government issue trademarks and let people fight it out in court. Buy trademarks aren't worth the paper they're printed on if you have to go to court all the tim
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If they were defending their trademark they'd have negotiated which Mojang have tried to do many times. I think its more then just that.
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Only if they don't license the name. On Notches blog he has mentioned many times about trying to negotiate with Bethesda. I don't think they were forced to go to court.
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Their games have become more and more mainstream.
If they were remaining true to their roots then Oblivion would have been in a jungle setting like it is in their past games and lore. What we got was some watered down mainstream console port which and that's not even going into the whole horse armor and door which went nowhere until you bought the DLC fiasco which really let down the fans.
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Respect for Bethesda: gone. NOT paying for Skyrim.
I somehow think that sooner than later you would have found another "ethical" reason to get to the same conclusion.
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And lets not forget "aircraft" which is in use pretty much all over the english language.
Here's a list! http://www.uvlist.net/search?fname=craft [uvlist.net]