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Grand Theft Auto V For Modern Platforms Confirmed 133

jones_supa (887896) writes 'Since the release of the extremely successful Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, rumors about PC — and later also an Xbox One and PlayStation 4 — version have been floating around. Now it's official: Grand Theft Auto V will be released on Windows PC and Xbox One, in addition to PlayStation 4, this fall, publisher Rockstar Games announced today with a trailer. A post on Rockstar Newswire tells us that the ports will offer visual and technical improvements such as "increased draw distances, finer texture details, denser traffic and enhanced resolutions." All of the new GTA Online content that has been created and released since launch will be available also on the modern platforms. The PC version will exclusively include a video editor to allow players to put together their own clips of in-game action.'
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Grand Theft Auto V For Modern Platforms Confirmed

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 10, 2014 @09:01AM (#47202473)

  • Great! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Now I can play a mediocre game with slightly better graphics! Definitely worth $60. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some shitty first person shooter rehashes while I'm at it.

    • $60? are you insane? its free on piratebay like everything else from rockstar - after the shitstorm that was gta4 im not gonna give them any money at all - also tpb version eliminates the need for their social club -
  • There have been a lot of really cool mods for earlier PC versions of GTA, so I'm pretty interested in this. Once it's been cracked, I might even buy it on sale, and install the cracked version.

    The lack of draw distance really is a major annoyance in the Xbox 360 version, so a fair number of people probably will rebuy the game. However, the online is extremely limp. It only takes a couple of weeks to do everything worth doing online.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      There have been a lot of really cool mods for earlier PC versions of GTA, so I'm pretty interested in this.

      I was extremely interested in GTA-V, for a good six months (3-4 months longer than typical for me personally)

      Sadly the PC version is 13 months late to the party now. I'm not exactly sure why I should reward rockstar with my $60 when for over a year they out right refused to sell me their product as a PC gamer.

      It's really too bad they wouldn't sell me their product at the time we all wanted it. Waiting until after all the excitement around the game dies down, and even so very late as where the professional

      • You mean you care so much about this game so as to watch long videos of people playing it, then you're pissed because you're spoiled? What about not watching the videos. I didn't watch the videos. Simple, done. I still won't play the game but that's because I won't buy a new PC to play it.

      • no need to reward rockstar with money, you get it for free from piratebay and you are off - the multiplayer is shit anyway so no loss there
  • by AugstWest ( 79042 ) on Tuesday June 10, 2014 @09:13AM (#47202573)

    ...still hasn't appeared.

    Eight+ months after the game came out, there's still no new single-player content. Why? Because all of their development efforts are going into getting the game onto new consoles.

    I understand the business sense of this, but still -- this situation is the exact opposite of what they promised when they released the game. So they make some huge announcements at/before E3, and still there's no mention of it.

    A huge chunk of their customer base already has the game for earlier consoles. Why would they buy it for the new one if they've already played all the content?

    • I'm sure the DLC team are the same people as the port team. One of the biggest-selling games of all time surely couldn't work on two wildly different aspects of the game at a time.

      • Yes, companies never move developers between teams as priorities shift. Thank you for clearing that up.

    • by gajop ( 1285284 )

      "Why would they buy it for the new one if they've already played all the content?"

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Why would they buy it for the new one if they've already played all the content?

      Because of the shiny! The shiny damn-it! The SHINY!
      Pretty graphics are what make a game awesome - so buy the game anew and get more awesomer graphics! It must be better!

      THE SHINY!

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Because console users by definition have no issue throwing their money away.

      • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

        Well that seems to be true, where else would you pay for multiplayer, and pay double the price of a release on the PC? A recent example: Watchdogs, on consoles it was $59.99-72.99, on the PC, it went as cheaply as $30(GMG and G2A) for a pre-order.

        • i got watch dogs for free from piratebay and never looked back, the game is a crappy port and its not really good, played it 4 hours and uninstalled
          • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

            That's nice, I've got 49 hours in it and enjoyed the game quite a bit. There was some rather see-through moments in the story, but then again anyone who reads a few books a week would see them coming.

            By the way, check your machine for a bitcoin mining trojan yet?

    • this was promoted as a game about heists, heavily, and to this day there are only 6!!! SIX!!! in the whole game... they did say there will be more but if i was dumb enough to buy it on console i would be pissed
  • The fact that they're releasing to additional markets that only an idiot would refuse to support 'in the fall' doesn't strike me as 'news', per se.

    Was there ever a genuine doubt that they wouldn't have this done by Christmas at the latest?

    Or that they wouldn't release on XBox One, PS4, and PC?

  • Big deal (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I have no respect for a company which became successful and famous due to a game that was originally designed for the PC (the DOS version of the original GTA), but has now completely forgotten its roots and either releases (a) a shit PC port of their console-focused games (e.g. GTA IV), (b) doesn't release a PC port at all (Red Dead Redemption), or (c) takes their sweet fucking time to release the port at all when they should have had a PC version ready to go at the time the console versions were originally

    • Re:Big deal (Score:5, Informative)

      by donscarletti ( 569232 ) on Tuesday June 10, 2014 @10:57AM (#47203551)

      I have no respect for a company which became successful and famous due to a game that was originally designed for the PC (the DOS version of the original GTA), but has now completely forgotten its roots and either releases (a) a shit PC port of their console-focused games (e.g. GTA IV), (b) doesn't release a PC port at all (Red Dead Redemption)

      GTA was by DMA Design (now Rockstar North), Red Dead Redemption was by Rockstar San Diego (formerly Angel Studios), completely unrelated companies / teams, although currently they have the same owner. Interestingly enough, DMA's breakthrough hit was not GTA nor was it on DOS, it was Lemmings on Amiga. However, from the start they were a very console friendly company, releasing versions for NES, SNES and Sega and published through Nintendo exclusively for a time (Unirally, Body Harvest). All before GTA 1 came out.

      However in 1999, two years after GTA, DMA was bought out by Take Two Interactive (owner of the "Rockstar" brand) and probably lost a fair amount of control over things like release platforms. So I think it's pretty much understandable.

      • by rwa2 ( 4391 ) *

        Yes, that makes a lot of sense! GTA3:SA was pretty brilliant... I assume that was made by the RS San Diego / Angel Studios group? If so, I might like to check out Red Dead Redemption... my favorite GTA games always had a good shot at the time capsule thing going.

        While the graphics and production values of GTA4 were pretty high, the gameplay, variety, and story were pretty crap in comparison to the stuff they had you doing in GTA3:SA. From the reivews, it looks like GTA5 is more along that vein, so mayb

        • IIRC, all the GTA series (inc for definite, SA) came from Rockstar North, with the exception of the *City Stories series, which was made by Rockstar Leeds. As for Chinatown Wars and Advance, i have no idea.

          However, Midnight Club came from Angel Studios/R* San Diego, of which, Midnight Club 3 was my favourite.
        • No, still Rockstar North.

          It would have made sense if the ultimate gaming tribute to California was made in San Diego, but no, it was made at the foot Carlton Hill in auld Edinburgh and dare I say many a wee dram was imbibed during crunchtime.

          The dead givaway though was the Forth bridge appearing in San Fierro.

          • by rwa2 ( 4391 ) *

            Heh, cool :D I guess that explains why they both have better caricatures of american culture than the Americans could pull off :P

            How was it that the main character had such terrible Russian voice acting, whereas all the other Russians and even the Thai prostitute had more authentic accents? That was another thing that sort of drove us up the wall about GTA4 :P

            OK, I'll say something nice about GTA4... I did get a chuckle out of the achievement tracking for flying things under bridges... that was somethin

  • by WormholeFiend ( 674934 ) on Tuesday June 10, 2014 @09:30AM (#47202733)

    because I got tired of waiting for the mission creator.

  • Will I, as a PC gamer, be able to play online with my console playing buddies? I will literally throw money at the Rockstar offices over this.

    Notes if it's affirmitive. Bags of pennies if it's negative.
    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      Will I, as a PC gamer, be able to play online with my console playing buddies? I will literally throw money at the Rockstar offices over this.

      There are many significant issues with this, actually. And it's not about linking up PSN, Xbox Live and whatever other systems together. (That's the easy part!)

      The biggest issue is the disparity in controls. Secondary is disparity in graphics - every system renders the same thing slightly differently, and you can easily bet there will be tons of exploits for glitches

      • PC/Console disparities would certainly ruin competitive play, but not cooperative play. (Does GTA have that?)
      • PC has had those issues forever. In Halo CE people with crap graphics cards had a distinct advantage in that their card couldn't properly render the invisibility cloak so it was much easier to see.
    • MS for sure no, but maybe Sony.
    • It's technically possible. War Thunder just arrived for PS4 and there is cross-platform gameplay. PS4 players are easily denoted in-game by the * next to their name which doesn't do them any favors since the general consensus is that keyboard/mouse controls are far superior to controller.
  • I can dream, can't I?
  • While some of the proposed changes (e.g., better draw distance, more detail, etc.) aim to make the game better on modern hardware, it seems like adding things like "denser traffic" would have the effect of changing the gameplay itself. While denser traffic would certainly make the game's Southern California setting a little bit more realistic, I'm not sure that it would make the game more enjoyable. In particular, it seems like a change of this nature could make some of the game's high-speed chase missions

    • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

      by scuzzlebutt ( 517123 )
      GTA V is set in Liberty City, which is akin to New York, not Southern California. But, still, denser traffic would also apply.
    • Yeah, I think I have quite enough random cars jumping in front of me as it is. Of course, if you're on foot and need a vehicle, they simply do not spawn near you. But get in a car, and suddenly the streets are full. I wonder if they're referring to the way traffic spawns when you're not in it, say, as seen from a chopper?
      I'm glad they're porting it to PC, though. I'd like to get my roommate into it, and be able to play at the same time. But I'd really prefer that they fixed some of the problems they already

    • Exactly. If Midnight Club LA had realistic traffic, it would be a parking lot simulator.
  • I'd like to see this happen to to Burnout: Paradise City, Red Dead Redemrtion and PAIN.

    And PLEASE, PLEASE bring Carmageddon and Postal2/3 to the PS4.

    I would buy a PS4 for those games.

    • by rwa2 ( 4391 ) *

      Heh, I sort of wanted to get a PS3, but then I realized that the only stuff I wanted to play on it were the updated versions of PS2 games like Gran Turismo, Burnout, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, etc. So I decided I didn't really need it.

      Maybe I'll pick up a PS3 or three to build a 3-screen wraparound GT6 setup (like I had always been fantasizing about doing with multiple PS2s, but it's too expensive to get monitors equipped with component inputs nowadays, so might as well just go the PS3 route with

    • by MrL0G1C ( 867445 )

      I've got burnout: paradise and quite honestly think it's outright boring. It has no soul, the city lacks pedestrians, it lacks all kinds of shops and businesses, it feels very small, there doesn't appear to be any story at all, even the other cars seem driverless.

      And the driving is naff, when the cars lose control it feels 100% arbitrary.

  • ... that is redundant on the PS4 anyway.

    The summary says "the PC version will exclusively include a video editor to allow players to put together their own clips of in-game action" which isn't needed on the PS4 because it has its own video editor for putting together clips for sharing.

  • To play old rehashed upscaled PS3 games.
    • It's the new Sega 32X. Enjoy!

    • I'm quite sure it won't be upscaled.
    • You don't consider the PS4 a higher-resolution rehash of the PS3? The differences in what they do are not fundamental.
      • The PS3 is a cell based piece (of shit) custom Sony hardware.

        The PS4 is a PC in a console case, same as the last two X-boxes.

        Now console ports have a chance of not sucking, for at least a year or two, until the consoles they were written for are hopelessly obsolete.

  • ...I have to ask: Why is THIS game item worthy of being here? There are so many game related "news" items in the world. The ones that land here are truly mystifying to me. People care about GTA V? I was under the impression that series peaked with "San Andreas". If someone was posting the latest Colossal Cave news, or maybe Daleks, or Rats for the Burroughs B-20, THEN I would understand.

    • Just in case your actually being serious (and if you are, please seek help).

      I going to guess that it may have something to do with the fact that it's already sold 27 million copies on the PS3 and Xbox 360 and broke six world videogame sales records [] in its launch week alone--making it the best-selling videogame of 2013 by a WIDE margin.

      • I'm actually being spurious. Spuriously, though, if you listen to numbers like that Guinness link you posted, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull was the biggest Indiana Jones movie. The publishers of GTA are certainly powerful enough to get records criteria custom-formed in order to ensure that they "break" multiple records, thereby assuring ad copy and talking points that make their expensive project appear successful in print ads and job-preserving PowerPoint presentations. Tetris, anyone?

  • I was beginning to give up hope. GTA V is one of the most impressive games I've played. Even just wandering around exploring the landscape is damned impressive.

    Hopefully Rockstar doesn't mess up the PC version like they did with GTA 4.

    • There is nothing wrong with GTA IV. People didnt understand how to tweak it and failed to realize the hardware needed to run it. Like Crysis, in the long run im glad they went the route they did, as we enjoyed the game much longer than we would have otherwise.
      • GTA IV PC had lots of problems. Windows Live, performance issues, Social Club issues.

      • I heard that the initial release of GTA IV PC version was also very buggy. These days, it has been patched to be relatively stable.
      • by mjwx ( 966435 )

        There is nothing wrong with GTA IV. People didnt understand how to tweak it and failed to realize the hardware needed to run it. Like Crysis, in the long run im glad they went the route they did, as we enjoyed the game much longer than we would have otherwise.

        My gaming rig has no problems with running GTA IV... the controls are the problem, they didn't bother writing them for PC input (KB and Mouse) so the game plays like shit, it doesn't run like shit. BTW, does anyone know of a mod that fixes this.

        • I just use a 360 controller for it.
          • by mjwx ( 966435 )

            I just use a 360 controller for it.

            Why don't I just play with razor blades instead.

            If I wanted to be a console pleb, I wouldn't have a gaming PC.

            A bad control scheme for a KB and mouse is still better than a console controller.

  • I never looked into it because if it's not on a PC, I'm not interested, but what the hell? They released the #1 game of all time on outdated systems and it doesn't run on the new ones? Why didn't they just spend their hundreds of millions hiring people to stand outside Gamestop with a sign that says "don't buy the PS4 or Xbox One." It'd probably do slightly less damage to console sales than what they actually did. I know, I know, development times and hardware availability and SDK release dates and blah
    • Hear, hear. Ever since it became clear that the two big consoles were racing each other to become crippled DRM PC's, it's made more sense to hold out for the PC version of everything. I haven't paid more than $10 for an Xbox360 or PS3 game since they launched. Not worth it.

  • I see no mention of an available upgrade from PS3/XBox360 to PS4/XboxOne like some developers did late last year. Wishful thinking I guess.

  • The Crew [].

    Will it really be as open-world as they claim, with the only "walls" being Canada, Mexico and oceans?

"How do I love thee? My accumulator overflows."
