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'No Man's Sky' Releases Huge New 'Foundation' Update ( 112

"No Man's Sky changed a great deal this morning, getting new modes and a ton of gameplay tweaks thanks to update 1.1, the largest one yet," reports Kotaku. Calling it "the first of many free updates," the game's developers introduced a new Minecraft-style Creative Mode which "allows players to explore the universe without limits, and build a huge base," plus a tougher Survival Mode, "creating a much more challenging endurance experience." The Next Web calls it "features that really should have been in the game from Day One." Now, when you stumble upon a desolate outpost, you can build your own base on it, which can be upgraded with new housing, hydroponics, research, and storage buildings. If all goes well, you'll start to attract alien settlers who bring their own skills to your new society. As your stockpiles of resources begin to swell, you'll want to schlep them across the galaxy to other bases and trade terminals. Which is where freighters come in... Oh, and did I mention you can now stack items five times per inventory slot, meaning you can carry more stuff? Handy. "The discussion around No Man's Sky since release has been intense and dramatic," Hello Games announced Friday, describing update 1.1 as "putting in place a foundation for things to come... the first small step in a longer journey." Hello Games founder Sean Murray tweeted "We're getting better as quickly as we can for the players who invested in us," adding "Thank you for sticking with us." At 2 a.m. this morning, he tweeted "If you could have lived our lives over the last months, you'd know how meaningful this is," adding "Here's the update..."
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'No Man's Sky' Releases Huge New 'Foundation' Update

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  • The news here is that a minuscule percentage of the original supposed functionality is a "new" feature.

    It sounded too good to be true. Guess what?

    I kickstarted the game from the Space Quest guys and well, you know. Not even thinking about backing another game until that one actually exists.

    • by binarylarry ( 1338699 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @02:58PM (#53372381)

      At least they aren't like Stardock and are trying to SELL this update (to their customers who they screwed with a botched initial release).

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Dutch Gun ( 899105 )

      Don't worry, it's not just you. Slashdot seems to be filled with mods anxious to silence those they disagree with.

      For what it's worth, I do happen to agree with you about No Man's Sky. Too little, too late. Hello Games have already been exposed as liars. And the gameplay is still going to be shallow and repetitive. A few extra features won't make up for that. I was really excited about the game too, as I'm definitely an "explorer" type gamer.

      • I was really excited about the game too, as I'm definitely an "explorer" type gamer.

        Me too! That's my very favorite thing to do in a video game, explore space. But if it's only interesting once (and not all that interesting at that) then there are old games which accomplish that which I can play for five bucks.

      • by Rei ( 128717 )

        And that was the problem - they made there be absolutely no reason to explore. All resources were available everywhere, as were all types of buildings in the game. It takes away all incentive to explore, except for aesthetics. Which is great, except that since all of the creatures and plants are made of premade assets, and the terrain is just standard diamond-square fractal terrain with a handful of primitive generators / modifier functions, you run through all of the variation that the universe has to

        • If they had done proper playtesting and player feedback, they could have made a far better game. There was so much potential. Some things that could have been done to make it better were hard, but a lot of them really weren't.

          Here's what I think happened: they made all kinds of claims about what they could do, and got someone at Sony's attention. They showed Sony an above-average demo and Sony said "sure, but we want it ready before the holidays, so you can get it out and see what breaks and get it fixed." And so they committed to a grossly overly ambitious timescale, and found out along the way that some of the things they had planned were going to be a lot more difficult than they thought. And since they're just teeny, tiny li

          • That might be a pretty good insight into whats gone wrong here. Hello games gets picked up by a big publisher. big publisher forces them to release game before its ready. nobody wins.

            I kind of feel sad for hello games. The boss promised what the team could not deliver. Its not the teams fault, but they are not exempt from the rivers of shit that flowed forth. I've been in death march projects before from bosses who can't keep their mouth shut and wont focus on whats possible rather than a fantasy of it. Its

        • I think it's very difficult to create a randomly generated world or universe that's actually interesting to explore, because human brains are extremely good at recognizing patterns, and people start seeing those same patterns everywhere you go in that universe. The randomly generated universe created an excellent setting for a game, but I don't think that by itself was meaty enough as a game mechanic to keep people satisfied.

          You can contrast this experience with Diablo I & II, where exploring a randomly

    • Bummer. The Space Quest game was one I was interested in but missed (long time fan, SQ4 is dear to me) and I recently followed up on it since I was curious if it was released yet and I was shocked to learn that one of the original guys is taking care of a ill parent. I'm not excusing the issue, it just sheds some light on the delay. Looks like I'll be holding off another year until the price drops :D
    • by HalAtWork ( 926717 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @07:04PM (#53373523)

      - Base building
      - Teleporters work
      - Farming / Biodome / Specimen collection
      - Making camp
      - Setting up harvesters
      - Leave messages for other players on terminals
      - Purchase/manage/customize/enter freighters
      - Grow crops on board, recruit crew
      - New resources & tech
      - More NPC variation
      - Better cockpit indicators and panels in ships, more scanning options
      - New anti aliasing options on PS4
      - Added free exploration and survival game modes
      - Tons of audio/visual/gameplay tweaks

      So it adds a lot of what was missing, and some additional stuff.

      - Sand worms
      - Varied planetary physics
      - In-atmosphere battles
      - Rivers
      - Ringed planets
      - Hacking locked doors
      - Radio chatter
      - Seeing other players
      - Asteroid landings

      The missing list is getting smaller.

      • The funny thing is that the $3 (*) PC game called Grav: Reborn [] already had some of those features over a year ago.

        * $3 when on sale; normally $10

    • The news here is that a minuscule percentage of the original supposed functionality is a "new" feature.

      What "original supposed functionality"? Seriously.

      Based on following this (I haven't played it), the hype/mistaken expectations seems to have all been fan driven, and (admittedly anecdotal), I've read people who said that the original E3 videos aren't more off from the end result than tons of other projects. (The most recent one I read was yesterday on the Giant Bomb Facebook group.)

  • And why would anyone believe, or even care, what Hello Games says now considering how far from their hype the original release was? What next - "Go to millions of systems to collect Pokemons?"
    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @03:14PM (#53372459)

      The real story here is that Hello Games still think they haven't burnt all their karma and their house down.

      It take skill to screw up as royally as they did. Their name is forever tainted. The story here is that they still exist. I would have thought they dissolved and changed their name before daring to show themselves again.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        What's worse, the idea of a sandbox universe game is now tainted, too. Anyone announcing one in the next ten years will immediately be compared to this one. Forget crowdfunding in this case.

      • After a disaster like NMS, I would prefer a game developer to try to make things right, like Hello Games are doing, by releasing free content and enhancing the game, rather than simply disappearing.

        But maybe I'm not so bitter about them because I didn't buy their game. I was very interested, but you could smell the hype from a mile away. And those promotional videos, you could easily tell that they were scripted and not real in-game material. So I decided to wait and see.

        Really, all those butthurt kids whin

    • by guises ( 2423402 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @06:02PM (#53373197)
      I care, a little. Everyone who didn't foolishly pre-purchse the game (you know, like you're never supposed to do) probably has some interest in whether and when it will turn into something worth playing.
      • by rhazz ( 2853871 )
        Personally I wait until a game has been out for 15 years and is well reviewed before making a purchase. Currently I'm enjoying Everquest, now on it's 23rd expansion.
  • by TechyImmigrant ( 175943 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @01:46PM (#53371989) Homepage Journal

    1000 more black holes with the associated grind for each black hole to get the stuff to repair what broke in the last black hole in order to get to the center, when something might happen.


    Now they're offering that I can sit still and build stuff thus making less progress towards the galactic center.


    • by Anonymous Coward

      Did you not hear what happens when you reach the center? It just warps you back to the beginning! There's nothing to even explore, it just restarts the game.

      No Man Sky is a troll game designed to steal 60 bucks from people who preorder / buy games without reading reviews.

    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @03:16PM (#53372467)

      I Already Stopped Playing

      EVERYONE has already stopped playing. There was 500 active players on steam last week, down from the 220,000 when the game launched.

      • I Already Stopped Playing

        EVERYONE has already stopped playing. There was 500 active players on steam last week, down from the 220,000 when the game launched.

        I broke my own rules and paid for a new game. I'll put it down as a learning experience.

  • I for one embrace our truthfully hyperbolic overlords.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Can we get truthfully spherical ones too?
  • It seems that the devs are adding back previously cut features and code to NMS. A lot of what was hyped about the game had to exist in one form or another at some point. I've never played the game, and avoided purchasing it based on all the negative feedback. If Hello Games had been more upfront with the missing features at launch, and then had some sort of roll out schedule, things might have been better. The deal with Sony may not have been a great idea.
    • Don't ever believe the hype and don't always trust reviews. NMS is actually quite a fun and interesting game. For a few hours anyway then it tends to get a tad monotonous. Is it worth 60 bucks? No even on a good day. Is it worth playing? Very much so
  • never happy huh? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 27, 2016 @02:28PM (#53372203)

    i don't even play games, but after all the negativity and hate they received... they actually dug in and made an update nobody expected to have came. i for one am glad to see them try to fix their mistakes. other game makers could learn from this because many games ship and the company takes the $ and runs, never even trying to make their customers happy. after all the hate they received, they deserve a little respect for attempting to make it right.

    • by Rei ( 128717 )

      I assume you never actually bought and played the game, then?

  • by Hognoxious ( 631665 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @02:36PM (#53372251) Homepage Journal

    If all goes well, you'll start to attract alien settlers who bring their own skills to your new society.

    Skills like drug dealing and rape?

    No thanks. I'm going to build a dome over mine, and make the bug-eyed monsters pay for it.

    • +1 insightful for sure. I'll bet these "aliens" didn't even go through customs.
      • Didn't get an insightful. So far it's four funnies and a flamebait.

        It's left as an exercise for the student to work out whether that's from an SJW who hasn't recognised the parody or a Trump-pumper who has.

  • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @03:21PM (#53372483)

    Okay so normally we joke about a low number of users when talking about Windows phones, or BeOS users. But really Steam lists 400 active users last week.

    The game launched with some 220k active users which within a month was reduced to less than 10k. The game is dead. The it is truly amazing that Hello Games haven't abandoned it completely. They are literally now adding features to a game that pretty much no one plays and that has gone down as one of the (if not *the*) biggest disappointment in video game history since the release of Duke Nukem Forever, and the latter had no where near the hype surrounding it.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I love the game. I've liked it since day one. I think people over imagined and hyped it in their own mind. This is an infinite generated universe.

      This is a chill type game. I'm impressed and now it just got better with base building. Then again I started on Atari 2600 & pong - so maybe I appreciate it more.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        "I think people over imagined and hyped it in their own mind."

        Oh definatly. It's just a shame these people were the ones developing it and talking about it on televison, in game press interviews, and on stage at the game awards.

        Didn't help they fabricated false trailers and screenshots and used them to convince their customers that their delusions were real.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

        This is a chill type game. I'm impressed and now it just got better with base building. Then again I started on Atari 2600 & pong - so maybe I appreciate it more.

        My first game system was a Coleco Telstar. I still expect developers to make good on their promises, more or less. I'm not shocked when claims are slightly exaggerated. Entirely invented ones are not acceptable.

        • My first game system was a Coleco Telstar.

          By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth, I've been around a long time, but my obscure nostalgia maxes out at the Vectrex. I've never even heard of the Telstar.

          That may be the point.

      • by Rei ( 128717 )

        "A chill type game" in an "infinite generated universe" was exactly what I was looking for in NMS - and was sorely disappointed when it turned out to be nothing more than poorly designed grind game, with the procedural generation just being randomly pieced together premade assets.

        It seems neat until you wear through the veneer, and then it's... oh, this thing is just plywood held together with duct tape

        • It seems neat until you wear through the veneer, and then it's... oh, this thing is just plywood held together with duct tape

          But it's procedurally generated duct tape!

      • This is a chill type game

        If you sit outside and watch the grass die at least you get some vitamin d and fresh air. It may even be more enjoyable.

        Then again I started on Atari 2600

        So difficult games with scoring systems? What's that got to do with a boring grind of a game that makes people look forward to going to work and doing TPS reports?

      • by deek ( 22697 )

        Yep, I agree. It's actually a really good game to chill out and spend an hour or so playing. If you spend too much time in it at once, it does wear thin, but an hour here and there is great pacing for the game.

        I've already got my money's worth out of the game, so these updates are just a bonus. Also, reading all the angst, from people decrying HG for their lies, is pretty amusing. I guess more people have now learned that even developers don't fully know how their game will eventually turn out. Never s

      • I spent many hours in NMS. I won't say it's "great", but I won't say it's horrible either. It does not appear to be what was advertised, but it is what I expected. (a space based exploration game). I spent about 100 hours in the game - plenty of value for my $60. And I usually play off-line so my game time is not part of the "steam" counts. I fired up the game for the first time last night in two months to checkout what the new update did. Deleted my saved games and began a survival mode. Much harde

    • The it is truly amazing that Hello Games haven't abandoned it completely.

      They are probably contractually obligated to Sony. Perhaps there are more players still playing the PS4 version, so Sony hasn't yet abandoned it. When Sony does, then these jokers can, too.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      A lot of people are waiting for update.

      Excluding grinding, the game has maybe 5 hours of gameplay, so most don't play it anymore.

      Looks like the patch has caused players to spike from 400 to 40,000 in one day.

    • I wouldn't compare it to DNF. DNF is it's own thing. In the case of DNF it was in various states of vapourware for more than a decade. I don't think people were "disappointed" when it release as that would suggest the users were *surprised*, which I don't think anyone was that it was a steaming POS. Also DNF was a sequel.

      The biggest disappointment for an initial release I would say was Masters of Orion 3, as expectations were so high, and the delivered product so missed the mark. However again, it was a seq

      • Probably the best comparison was Mass Effect 3, and it's stupid ending

        Not even close. ME3 may have not had the decision tree style ending everyone was hoping for but the entire series was largely driven by choices that ultimately produced an incredibly solid game. A disappointment in the ending is just that, it doesn't change how awesomely fun the game is on the way. Although one could make comparisons to what's at the centre of the galaxy in No Man's Sky (spoiler: FUCK ALL), but at least it wasn't an incredibly stupid grindfest to get to it.

        The only comparisons we're drawing

        • Agreed. I really enjoyed ME3 even if the end was disappointing. In fact I am looking forward to ME4 (which I just saw a bunch of trailers for)! That said, I hope they take a lesson from all the negative PR they got over the BS ending and really do an even better job this time around!

          I mention MOO3 as it was what prompted me not to pre-order or early adopt games anymore. I was really interested in No Man's Sky, and was very tempted. In the end I was like "nope, I'll wait and see how the reviews come out"...

  • by war4peace ( 1628283 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @03:31PM (#53372535)

    What went refunded stays refunded.
    Sorry Hello Games, I'm not falling for it again.

  • Given how the game was at $60, I decided to pass. But I see now on Amazon the game is just $20 (!) for the PS4, thinking with the update it may be worthwhile...

    I head the PC player counts were pretty low, but it seems like more PS4 gamers might have stuck with it.

  • by Chris Mattern ( 191822 ) on Sunday November 27, 2016 @04:24PM (#53372765)

    Hari Seldon not included.

Our business is run on trust. We trust you will pay in advance.
