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Division 2 Multiplayer and Single-Player Campaign Broken By Latest Update 27

Longtime Slashdot reader Andy Smith writes: Gamers enjoying the single-player campaign in The Division 2 have been bitten by a bug in the latest update that spawned a range of server connection issues. While you might expect this to affect only multiplayer games, The Division 2 controversially requires a continuous server connection for the single-player campaign to work. Since Tuesday, campaign players have reported being kicked out of the game and losing their items, skills, and mission progress. Not surprisingly, developer Massive has been inundated with complaints . The company said: "We are aware of the connectivity issues some players are experiencing. We are investigating and working on a solution."
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Division 2 Multiplayer and Single-Player Campaign Broken By Latest Update

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  • by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 ) on Wednesday May 15, 2019 @06:35PM (#58599526)

    GTS requires online connectivity or else none of your progress is saved.

    Thankfully God of War shows that single player games aren't dead.

    Dark Souls did something innovate. Other players appear as ghosts in your world.

    Sadly most AAA have bought into the bullshit of "Games as a Service".

    Ubisoft's UPlay was so bad at launch we started calling it "Udon't".

    • What's amazing to me is just how bad Games as a Service is.

      Software as a Service has its issues, but in most cases I think it's clearly a step forward, with huge gains in manageability, maintainability, and usability compared to offline only software.

      But when it comes to Games as a Service, I'm hard pressed to come up with any benefits. The only kind of GaaS that seems to work are subscription MMO's, and if you consider Steam part of GaaS that works well too. I personally view Steam as more like SaaS for di

      • The games industry is laughing all the way to the bank, that's why. Steam pioneered the idea of renting games to people (for an indeterminate period of time) at full retail price and the market ate it up. Now everybody does it and finding games that aren't infested with DRM is the exception, rather than the norm. Oh, we need people to buy Battlefield n+1? Just shut down the servers for Battlefield n, done fixed!

      • For MMOs in general a central server is a necessity, unless you have some genius concept for running a MMO from a bunch of randomly distributed client PCs. Never mind the cheating and hacking opportunities.
        Games that don't need a central server/service should not have one, or at least have a fallback mechanism. In this case, local game saves.

        Steam is a combination of store, download service and DRM. The DRM only serves the interests of the publishers. But at least it has been fairly reliable for the users i

  • by Stolovaya ( 1019922 ) <skingiii&gmail,com> on Wednesday May 15, 2019 @06:49PM (#58599592)

    This is a perfect example of making sure single-player games can be played in offline mode. But hey, I guess it's nice to know that when the servers are no longer maintained, the game will be completely unplayable.

  • "We are aware of the connectivity issues some players are experiencing. We are investigating and working on a solution."

    By some, they mean all.

    • by cob666 ( 656740 )

      "We are aware of the connectivity issues some players are experiencing. We are investigating and working on a solution."

      By some, they mean all.

      No... They mean SOME. Not all solo players are getting booted after the latest update, referred to as Title Update 3 (TU3). If you look at the UBI forums you will see that these connectivity issues aren't even a REALLY big problem, the bigger problem is that in-game matchmaking wasn't working yesterday and was still a little quirky today, making it almost impossible to play missions in a pick up group. Hopefully they will have these issues sorted out before the new mission content is unlocked tomorrow af

  • Aren't these companies needlessly putting themselves at risk of a denial-of-service ransom demand?

    • It was going to the lead-up to in-game advertising, getting everyone invested in always-online gaming first. But they skipped that and went to Loot Boxes and buying those with real world money instead.
  • No wonder. This is exactly what happens if the company saves on high-quality testing. You may read on this website [] about automated software testing as a service. I don't know any code without errors, but they need to be identified IN TIME. It is better to pre-budget this than to incur losses and lose reputation later.
  • the pirated version works just fine.

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