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Racist Magic: The Gathering Cards Banned, Removed From Database By Publisher ( 324

On Wednesday, Magic: The Gathering publisher Wizards of the Coast took unprecedented measures to remove racist cards from its game. Seven cards in all, dating back to 1994, are now banned from play. Their images will also being removed from the game's official online database. Polygon reports: "The events of the past weeks and the ongoing conversation about how we can better support people of color have caused us to examine ourselves, our actions, and our inactions," Wizards said in a statement. "We appreciate everyone helping us to recognize when we fall short. We should have been better, we can be better, and we will be better." The list of now-banned cards is: Invoke Prejudice, Cleanse, Stone-Throwing Devils, Pradesh Gypsies, Jihad, Imprison, and Crusade.

One card in particular, Invoke Prejudice, was singled out. It shows a hooded executioner with a black axe. "If opponent casts a Summon spell that does not match the color of one of the creatures under your control, that spell is countered," says the card. It effectively kills off creatures that don't look like the creatures already on the table. Gatherer, the official online database of every Magic card ever published, displays the card at a web URL ending in "1488," numbers that are synonymous with white supremacy. All cards will be replaced online with a note that calls out their racist depictions, text, or a combination thereof.

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Racist Magic: The Gathering Cards Banned, Removed From Database By Publisher

Comments Filter:
  • Mmmmmmm (Score:5, Informative)

    by yuriklastalov ( 4536597 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @08:49PM (#60173266)

    I love the smell of moral panic in the morning.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Especially in banning cards / words like 'Jihad' that are wildly popular with certain sections of society but without which the world could have been a happier, simpler place
      • Re:Mmmmmmm (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 11, 2020 @10:33PM (#60173660)

        I looked over those cards and none of them are racist. It's especially laughable when they say cards that refer to white or black creatures are racist when it's in reference to good and evil, not skin colour.

        It's also extremely arrogant, controlling and freedom-hating for them to claim "There’s no place for racism in our game, nor anywhere else." If someone wants to be racist or prejudiced (everyone is, though some aren't honest or brave enough to admit it), then they are free to be. Having freedom means accepting that others won't necessarily hold the same views and values.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Berkyjay ( 1225604 )

      Does it matter that one of the cards being banned was drawn by a known white supremacist? If anything they acted way too late.

      Look up Harold McNeil []

      http://oldschool-mtg.blogspot.... []

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        That linked content accuses Harold McNeil of being a racist but doesn't have any evidence to support those claims. Even the out of context quotes that they copypasta'd aren't remotely racist.

        Sorry, but I don't just believe things because some attention-seeking, perpetually faux-offended, instigating SJW nutjob said so. Provide solid proof or shut the fuck up.

        • Re:Mmmmmmm (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Archangel Michael ( 180766 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @10:48PM (#60173724) Journal

          Don't worry, everything is racist.

          IF you don't believe everything is racist, that's because you're racist.

          IF you argue with me, you're a racist.

          Don't worry, you're still a racist even if you agree with me.

          Just admit you're a racist. If you don't admit it, its because you're a racist. By admitting your a racist, you're still a racist, just a slightly better one.

          See, wasn't that easy?

          • Even if everything is racist, pictures of Hitler as Jesus are more racist than that. Seriously, it is that easy.
          • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

            There is only one race on this planet, the human race, I recognise no other races, only one race, the human race (sure psychopaths can be considered to be a parasitic subspecies but even they are not a race). I am not a racist, I only recognise one race on this planet, the human race, I see no others and hence I can not be racist against anyone.

            Just to be clear, my gender is Bungil, my preferred pronoun cheeky bastard and my skin colour changes from winter to summer, so I vary from brown to off white depend

  • by bloodhawk ( 813939 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @08:49PM (#60173268)
    FFS this is getting insane and is taking PC to laughable levels. We are now concerned about racism against different coloured cards.
    • by IronDragon ( 74186 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @09:06PM (#60173328) Homepage

      just wait for nonbinary chess

      • by drnb ( 2434720 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @09:31PM (#60173432)

        just wait for nonbinary chess

        Chess is not long for this world. A game based on white attacking black.

        • by bosef1 ( 208943 )

          And of course, the white guys get to move first.

          • Cool thing, originally chess had either color going first. The players were free to choose either color when they went first. The most popular color was black, because it was considered good luck.
            • by drnb ( 2434720 )

              Cool thing, originally chess had either color going first. The players were free to choose either color when they went first. The most popular color was black, because it was considered good luck.

              When the starting color was randomly picked and black won, wasn't that opening moved called "defense"? So we still have the white attacks black metaphor?

              • When the starting color was randomly picked and black won, wasn't that opening moved called "defense"?

                No, the defense is played by the player who moves second. So if white moved second, then the white player was playing defense.

                Incidentally, the pieces weren't standardized until the 1800s, with Howard Staunton. Chess clocks and some rules like en passant were standardized then, too. George Washington had a chess set that was red and white. []

            • Wouldn't Chess be even more racist if black got to move first?
              Black is the aggressor and white is only defending itself!

      • by mark-t ( 151149 )
        It exists. There are three player and four player variants of chess played on differently shaped boards. Three player is usually black white and red for the sides, and four player is usually black, white, red, and blue.
    • by v1 ( 525388 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @09:07PM (#60173330) Homepage Journal

      pretty sure their hair would catch on fire if they got a peek a my Fat Albert collectable cards... hehe

      Seriously though, racism is only a problem when people think it's OK. Attempting to hide it, bury it, expunge it from the records, or pretend it never happened just begs the Streisand Effect, and then you get the impressionable (like oh say, KIDS, playing with CARDS) go exploring on their own to dig up the mystery, and have to try to figure out what's right and wrong on their own because nobody is allowed to talk about it...

      Most kids believe that adults hide "the good stuff" from them. Do you really want your kids to think racism is GOOD? idiots. Hiding things is never the answer. Education is the only answer. Don't hide stuff from your kids, talk with them about it. Have an interesting, informative, thought-provoking conversation with them. They're going to think about it, with or without you. You'll all be much better off if you're a part of the conversation.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        This dude's slashdot ID ends in a number associated with white supermacists, I think we need to ban him as well.

        Also, anyone whose ID ends in the digits 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 is clearly a white supremacist and needs to be banned in order to Signal our Virtue.

    • by mysidia ( 191772 )

      They should at least put their money where their mouth is; Randomly banning cards from tournaments rings crappy... If these cards are so bad, then they should have to recall these individual cards and ask customers to turn them in to be destroyed and exchanged with a replacement card that has the same in-game value.

  • Can't let white move first!
  • <Sigh> (Score:3, Interesting)

    by imperious_rex ( 845595 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @09:01PM (#60173304)
    And so it goes. I wonder what's the next company to signal its virtue? I'm amazed at just how fast companies can turn on a dime and raise their woke flag.
    • And so it goes. I wonder what's the next company to signal its virtue? I'm amazed at just how fast companies can turn on a dime and raise their woke flag.

      Live by the sword of capitalism, die by the sword of capitalism. Companies need customers, and if enough of their customers think racism is bad, then they need to act on that.

      If you don't like it, try communism where the government mandates the companies and they don't have to bend to the whim of their customers. Or communism where free speech is banned so

  • Every religion eventually has its book-burning phase.

  • So what are the prices for these cards doing on the famous Magic The Gathering trading exchange Mt Gox? :-)
  • Are these cards becoming collectibles or are magic players doing the "ethical" thing and destroying these cards? Putting their online virtue signaling where their card deck lives.
  • anyone who has these cards well there value is going to get crazy in a few years.
  • So when do we start to update our various programming models from the Master/Slave model to a more politically correct and socially acceptable model? Or will I be forever TypeCast as a racist for using such unWoke methods of interactions within my software?

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward


    • by evanism ( 600676 )

      Kohai Senpai

  • Some of these cards I can see the 'racist' part (if you squint really, really hard and are easily offended), but... stone throwing devils? Is this a racial stereotype I've missed all these years?

    "Yeah, you know how them there darkies like throwing them stones around!"

  • Wizards of the Coast are famous for never shutting up about patting themselves on the back for constantly making everything about race, gender, and orientation while actively not hiring any black employees and actively discriminating against religions, veteran status, disabilities, etc. Basically the entire rest of the federal protected classes list. They're HORRIBLE rich white assholes from Seattle and it shows.
  • by LynnwoodRooster ( 966895 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @11:17PM (#60173810) Journal
    Seriously, EVERYONE should be REQUIRED to watch that movie at least once a year. You want to vote? Watch the movie. Grow a skin, get a clue, and remember, no matter how "bad" you are, we don't want the Irish [].
  • So definitely let them stay.

    The effect of that spell was a cool one, the victim are card creatures of fire, water, air, land or earth right?

    I assure you they don't care or suffer.

  • by VAElynx ( 2001046 ) on Friday June 12, 2020 @08:45AM (#60174764)
    as it turns out, the left isn't any more tolerant or sensible than the right when it comes to moral panics and censoring books and means of entertainment, just their flavour text is different. Seriously,this is even more reaching than literary critics in eastern europe dismissing Lord of the Rings with the claim that Mordor was a thinly-veiled USSR expy.
  • by Murdoch5 ( 1563847 ) on Friday June 12, 2020 @10:12AM (#60175194) Homepage
    After reading the cards that were removed, I fail to see exactly where the racial or offensive tones were expressed. Just using the words black, white and colour does not cause racial bias or racial offence, as the cards have colour, which is used in a structure method to denote sets, groups, collections, powers, magic and etc...

    We have to stop over associating racial sensitivities, I'm almost surprised that we haven't dropped coloured labels from colours. Maybe the very existence of the colour "black" is enough to show how long we've have entrenched racism, of course we have to ignore "white", because it's the most racist / xenophobic colour of all (even though both are shades).
  • by Beeftopia ( 1846720 ) on Friday June 12, 2020 @10:25AM (#60175270)

    Here's the thing:

    * Companies try to be as broadly appealing as possible, so they can have the widest possible customer base, and thus have the most profit.

    * Corporate policy tends to track center-left-leaning policy because both seek to be as broadly appealing as possible.

    If MTG did not do this, a disinformation could be launched against them on social media, which would reduce their profits. "MTG is racist!" would be the cry, and racism currently attracts a lot of attention. MTG's appeal and thus profit would be reduced.

    It's interesting how and why social media can be used for pressure and disinformation campaigns.

    Net result of this - some about-to-be valuable cards.

/* Halley */ (Halley's comment.)
