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Games Entertainment

Another Emulator

Hetz Ben Hamo wrote in to say "Well, many of the emulators fans seems to know the System 16 emulator. This emulator (which is different from M.A.M.E concentrates on emulating Arcade machines from 8 bit (it was called system 8), and now mostly on 16 bits arcade. It emulates 68000 arcades and some double processor arcades (like OutRun, etc).

Why am I telling you this? Cause now someone has ported system 16 to Linux and it's runs pretty well on it :) So for heaven sakes, check his page and grab the emulator, and grab the ROM's (although it's Illegal cause it's copyrighted by various manufacturers like Sega etc) from davesclassics.com. The emulator itself is here"

Something I personally find interesting about Linux is despite the lack of games, through the emulators ranging from Mame, SNES9x, Dosemu and S16, we can still play a lot of cool stuff.

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Another Emulator

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