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Games Entertainment

BFRIS Goes Gold 63

rpete writes "LinuxGames is reporting that BFRIS, the new game from Aegis Simulation Technologies, has gone gold. Is this the first shrink-wrapped game for Linux? "
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BFRIS Goes Gold

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  • Beleive it or not, commercial non-free programs does benefit the linux community.
  • Posted by frogbert:

    There's no information about the demo on their downloads page, but mention elsewhere of a demo "shortly after retail release". Anyone have any idea how long we wait?
  • Posted by mackgaAThome:

    With my hardware, I don't think I could play this game on my linux box. 486 w/cirrus logic 1meg chip. No fancy 3b voodoo whatever. But when it comes out, I'm buying it and giving it a try. Support all shrink-wrapped Linux apps that come out, I guess. This is good news. Vote w/ your wallet and then let the developers SEE that there is a market. Just my undervalued $0.02 American.
  • Posted by antivert: It's alluring, in a very strange way. Why didn't I think of it? ;)
  • Posted by Scott Francis[Mechaman]:

    On one hand, the environment looks pretty cheezy. However, they mention they were embarassed by their engine test, and the AVI apparently dates back to May, so it's possible they've done some updates.
    What seems more likely to me is that it was just a test arena, with some rocks to show off rendering and an enclosed arena to keep the CPU time down. The ships themselves(and the cockpit views) looked pretty nifty, and I swear I caught a hint of Macross Missile Mania/FreeSpace Hornet Swarm Missile -ish weaponry. :)
    If they switch it to a deep-space environment a 'la Descent: FreeSpace, I'd be highly interested. God knows there's much more decent game search/chat software than Parallax Online...

    The other thing that's interesting is their promise to support a lot of 3D accels--including the i740. Is it going to work under Linux with no external support? Did they license something from Intel? Will it be an X game? 'Coz I don't want to cough up a few hundred to XiG for a hardware-support OpenGL server after enduring the minor but highly annoying nits in Accel-X.
  • Posted by Scott Francis[Mechaman]:

    There's also a Macross TC going on for Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, as well.
  • Although FreeBSD has linux emulation it isn't perfect. Therefore I find it nessicary to ask if this supports FreeBSD.

    Accually I'd like to display it on my sun3 xterminal (running on freeBSD) so I can get a net game going but that might be asking too much.

  • by Danse ( 1026 )

    Actually, BFRIS is supposed to be the first shrink-wrapped playable-out-of-the-box Linux game. With Abuse, you had to download a Linux executable I believe. That it happens to also run on Win95 and NT just helps them make some decent money on it. I hope they do really well.

  • They don't mention anywhere what the system requirements are. I'll wait to play the demo to see if I like it, but if it's a good game and compatible with my system, I'd love bothering the local software shops to get it in.

    --Phil (ATI 3D Rage--is that supported by any 3D libraries?)
  • They say "gone gold" when they cut the master CD that gets shipped to the duplicators because the CD itself is gold-colored.
    The Linux Game Tome []

  • Slashdot is actually a competition. You get extra points for confusing your discussion opponent, spotting a troll, or getting the first comment to a particular article.


  • by WWWWolf ( 2428 )
    The shrink-wrap version of DOS Abuse was 2.0.0.
    However, when that came out, the linux
    version was, and stayed to be, 1.1.0, and was not
    compatible with 2.0.0 retail data (I guess). After a loooooong time, when the
    source code was published, we got Abuse/L 2.0.0 that worked just perfectly.
    Well, I guess that is it.
  • Very nice!

    Take a hint Corel!
  • There's little to nothing that says that they can't be making a native FreeBSD version (everything they need, save maybe the enhanced joystick drivers, are there)- they just didn't see a need for it (smaller market share?). I suggest that you talk to them directly about the prospects thereof.
  • I see so many positive comments about the game, but from the screenshots I saw, this game will be crud. It looks like a bunch of textured spheres and some dumb patterns for the wall. The story line was about standard for action games, but the engine itself looked awful.

    Also, did you notice that the same guy who did the graphics for the game did them for the site? The graphics on the site were generated by script-fu's that come bundled with the Gimp. In my opinion, that shows a distinct lack of creativity; besides I always thought that the super-nova thing looked ugly.

    Anyways, I'm not buying a game that looks so awful, even if it has Linux support. We should not buy games just because they're made for Linux; why should we be any less demanding than the Windows game world? Linux stands for quality, not "I'll use it because it's Free no matter how much it sucks." (and yes, I know that this game isn't Free)
    --Eric Guenterberg

    To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target"
  • Schmucks.

    Don't they realize that about half of all Quake servers run on Linux? If you're a Quake server admin, do you want to crash back into Windoze just to check out the latest version of Capture The Flag/Team Fortress/Rocket Arena/Holy Wars/etc?

    Everyone start buying Matrox, NVidia, 3Dfx, and/or (gack!) S3 cards. Slowly, inexorably, ATI will figure out they're losing sales and change their tune.


  • Did anyone else notice that on the "Runs under" line, they list Linux _first_, before the various Windows flavors? Very cool.

    I'll definitely be buying a copy. I'd even buy one if I had no intention of playing it. Hell, I once chose a particular brand of cd-rom drive just 'cuz they listed linux under the supported operating systems, even though I knew full well that any drive on the shelf would work.
  • The fact that it's slow as shit without one.
  • Now here you have some real programers.. unlike those other companies which promised linux games over 2-3 years ago.. and then just fade away..

    BTW, we managed to /. their severs so much that they removed the avi file and put a note about /. there :) nice.

    BTW, when you guys get the demo version out.. please put the linux version out simultaionously.. that would really rock for linux ppl.

    I'm going to hunt for this game at my local game store soon..!


    PS: q3 arena looks damn fine.
  • With a name like that, I'm guessing these guys don't have a marketing department...
  • Yeah, perhaps in the 3D realm. Who wants ATI 3D anyway, is it that great compared to 3dFX?

    A good reason to get an ATI card however, is the 2D support... go take a look at the XFree86 support for various ATI cards. Pretty big list.
  • I can't wait to get this game. It looks pretty good. And its in OpenGL! Im glad people are starting to notice that there are other os'es besdides winblows :)
  • Ok yeah its not open source...which I rather have...but that dosen't mean its crap. So I guess Quake2 and any other awesome game in the world is crap to you. Its people like you that make me sick. I love linux and I love watching it grow. I want a OS with games, and ontop of that be very stable. If we don't allow, or we bash companies that make games in Linux but don't release the source...then we will never see some advantages that Winblows has. I do not run Windows cause I think its crap. But this kinda thing makes me happy cause now I really have no reason to install Windows. Just go away and if you think its crap. Why not make the fuxing game yourself and make it open source. If you do make a game this good and its open soure....then I will agree with you. But I have a feeling that you can't program anyway and you are just jealous!

  • That is true. I once tried out glquake using winnt's software opengl. It did run, but 0.5 frames a second wasn't acceptable for a game. I expect it is a similar problem with this game and Q3
  • I want games for Linux, but are not knowledgable
    of where to buy them. On the net?

  • Pacific HiTech has a Linux Games CD in multiple volumes (they release a new one every few months) Available from walnut creek oc.
  • I tried the game around 12/97 and it was unplayable. bummer.
  • Sorry about that, but my backbone was on fire. :)

    I'd never encountered slashdot traffic about one of my customers before.

    (I'm aegistech's ISP)

  • Now I have a use for that old joystick I've got behind my desk! I've always liked sims and it's been too long since I played one.
    On a side note they DEFINITELY USED GIMP, I mean they used the supernova and that scriptfu font in the BG. These guys are cool.
  • I want some shrinkwrapped games for my PPC linux box
  • I thought Abuse was the first shrink wrapped Linux game. Anyone?

    Oh and about Open Source and games, they don't mix! The only part of games that should be open
    source is their game engines, and rendering engines.
  • 1. Carmack was praising Apple's adoption of OpenGL more than the ATI Rage 128 which is also available for PC's in an AGP2X version rather than PCI66.

    2. The G3's still have PCI slots and Darryl Straus (sp?) was commenting about porting Glide to Linux/PPC so you could put a Voodoo2 in there.

    3. 3Dfx's Voodoo3 will be released exclusively by themselves. S3 is a competitor and makes the Savage3D chip. 3Dfx recently bought STB which makes finished boards utilizing 3Dfx and other chips from vendors such as nVidia.
  • Unfortunately most of the 3D card makers do not give out specs on the 3D part of their cards except under NDA. Matrox G[12]00 cards are supported for 2D under XFree86 but no Mesa support. Same for nVidia RivaTNTs.

    I hope some of the companies release 3D specs soon, there *is* a market, I just bought a Voodoo2 solely for Linux Quake II.
  • Actually that isn't entirely true. There IS a network sever that does run on Linux, but we wanted to support the Linux USER. The game was developed to run under Linux. We had to port it to windows just because that market is so big. The thing would already have been out if it wasn't for the windows port. The process would have been much less painful if it wasn't for the windows side.


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