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Games Entertainment

Golgotha Forever Relaunched 17

Andrew Walbert writes "Golgotha Forever has officially relaunched! Join forces with us as we endeavor to create the best RTS game ever on the most platforms ever! Read the Press Release and sign up! " Excellent base for what could be one of the most impressive Open Source games ever.
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Golgotha Forever Relaunched

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  • I am afraid the original script and story for this game was _so_ awful that I think it may have hurt it when they were shopping it to distributors. Who here read _all_ the script? I did. They need help, desperately. If nothing else, the dialogue could be severely rewritten, but does the enemy _have_ to be a playful lovable sarcastic evil genius mad scientist? There's gotta be a better way to make players walk through prearranged battles. Also, the tiles for the terrain were _very_ strange and weird, though you have to respect the sheer volume of everything- lots of art there, of all sorts, and I'm still wondering how they planned to map some of those pictures onto objects.
    Any ideas on the plot?
  • Yippee!!!!!!!!!! (Is ten exclamation points enough? I will add one more:) !
  • The content that the engine plays (the actual game) is different than the code that plays it (i.e. you can have an open-source, GPLed MPEG layer 3 player and still proprietarize the songs that you bundle with it (since you're not "extending" the player) so long as the source is available for download somewhere or you provide it upon request...)- I'd think that it'd be allowable so long as the engine code was available for download, etc.
  • i hope it'll work good!
  • the slashcode still has a bug or two, it's 1am eastern, the N64 controller was in the icon bar at the top and I managed to find the article...

    I can understand saving features, or other non-news items for later, but the only things I could see as justification for "holding" news is to keep sites from getting slashdotted and/or when /. is made "tipped" off on something that will happen at a particular time... news is news, and holding it off for different time is something that irritates me about commercial news.

    enough about that... it'd be nice to see the ability to create one's own AI, and pit user written AI vs user written AI, or even people.

  • From what I saw of golgotha's screenshots, i saw an interface that looked like the most primitive arcade game shooter. Certainly no chopper sim (a helicopter seems to be implied as the main vehicle here). If I want real-time battlefield tactics in a chopper sim, I'll pick up Longbow 2, thanks. I was also less than wowed by the graphics.

    I mean,'s last title used the stunningly original genre of ... the side scroller.

    Basically, does this game have anything going for it other than that it's public domain?
  • oh, goodie...

    Let's hope that golgotha can reduce westwood to making games for the golgotha engine in stead of pushing their own tired crap with expensive actors rather than actual game play...

    In other words: Go Golgotha!
  • If I am recalling the demo correctly, you can switch between several different vehicles, from tanks to helicopters to trucks. It's no competition to Quake but it's still pretty cool.
  • Today's Salon has an article that discusses OSS and Golgatha in a positive way at:
  • I really want this to happen. I even e-mailed johnc, but (as would be expected due to the amount of e-junk he gets) never got a response.

    Some players are playing an RTS, Starcraft like, and then some players act out the orders in Quake mode.

    Obviously, there would have to be AI units as well, as playing with only 32 units total would suck in an RTS.
  • Who knows if OSS and games will mix well.

    I think one thing OSS games will do is serve as "proof-of-concepts" for the commercial game makers. Lack of creativity in the game industry? No problem. Geeks to the rescue!
  • Uh... I don't know about you, but the main gun looks a little large to be in a helicopter, not to mention being able to go down a hill but possibly not back up. No, the main vehicle looks to be a tank or otherwise ground based.

    If you'll note those screenshots are dated 1997. That's an awful long time ago computing wise. No reason to assume that the graphics will stay in that state with the increase in CPU power and 3D programming practices. Besides that, just because the graphics aren't Q2/Q3 quality doesn't mean a game can't be fun.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
