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Games Entertainment

UltraHLE authors not sued, Devel will Continue 24

Baggio writes "According to the Unofficial UltraHLE Project, Nintendo is not sueing or trying to sue the authors of UltraHLE and UltraHLE is and will be continued by RM and E." This is obviously just rumor. But its interesting.
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UltraHLE authors not sued, Devel will Continue

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  • I'll stick to my Commodore 64 emulator in the meantime. :)
  • Says it all right in the article, this is only a rumor. I'll beleive it when it comes straight from the authors.
  • So wait...we're supposed to believe that:
    • Nintendo, who have previously said they're going to press legal action, have changed their minds, and...
    • The authors of UltraHLE, who have previously said they've stopped development on the project, have also changed their minds?
    What're the freaking odds, people?
  • well, that crashed fast...
  • You sue them under a ficticious name, either the one they posted under, or "Does I-C, inclusive," or the like.

    You then start hitting ISP's, the owners of sites, etc. with supoenas.

    If people start going to jail instead of answering, then we know that at least one of them is Bill Clinton :) Otherwise, the names come out real quick.

    Hawk, esq.
  • Well, I hope it's true... I never managed to grab the first one (although I didn't try terribly hard) but it'd be fun to have it working!

    - Slarty
  • Well, I hope this helps to convince the developers that they should Open Source their code. When is the computing community going to be freed from the whims of the proprietary, closed source paradigm of software development?

    Proof that the Open Source paradigm is really a much safer one to build one's business on, instead of one that could instantly dry up when a vendor either goes out of business or chooses to no longer support their software.
  • Dunno about the emulator getting continued. Form the small amount I've payed attention to this whole deal I gather not. Don't think Nintendo will sue the authors tho. How could they really, their real names are not known. It would probably be more work than it would be worth just to find out who the authors really were and sue them. The are probably just a pair of programmers (read that as NOT rich) and not really worth Nintendo's time.
  • Actually i'm willing to bet they arent losing shit.
    People who download emulations do so because they
    (usually) don't have the actual machine.

    This works on the false assumption that the people
    who download the roms would buy them if there was
    not an emulator...
    that is pure bullshit.
  • No! i'm sueing the truereality authors!

    and so is my cats.
  • UltraHLE runs just fine with WINE :)
    I was playin mario 64 and zelda 64 for hours today
  • I love how rumours spread... One point to make is that the Unofficial UltraHLE page is starting this rumour while the official site ( still shows it as being discontinued. If you want to talk to RealityMan you may catch him on EFNet in #emuunlim at times and he has told me that will receive all news and releases first of any N64 emulators he is involved with.
  • According to "The Fox" at ultrahle may change it's name, but its continued

    source: []

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
