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Games Entertainment

UltraHLE Author Calls it Quits 75

Randy Scott writes "RealityMan, co-author of UltraHLE, is dropping out of the emulation scene. He states his reasons here. The rumor that UltraHLE would make a return in one form or another is confirmed by Foxy's Weekly Column, but this was before RealityMan's departure. I'm not sure what the state of UltraHLE is at this point... "
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UltraHLE Author Calls it Quits

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  • Save me the trouble of downloading it and watching wine segfault :)
    ----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    UltraHLE was some piece of work too.. It plays Super Mario 64 at near-normal speeds (and at higher resolution) than my N64 does.
  • It doesn't help for everything; 3D rendering I could see it being useful for, but not your average integer math most computers do.

    In non-graphics ops, I seriously doubt the "2 or 3 PII's" thing... care to document? (Maybe it does womp up on floating point performance... but if that kind of all-round performance could be done that cheaply, would someone not have one out for the computer?)

    [Disclaimer: I'm not taking my Systems Architecture class 'till next year, and may be talking out my ass]
  • Posted by The Mongolian Barbecue:

    How his complaints don't amount to:

    "there are people who take advantage of the work I do for their own personal use. They aren't l33t like me and don't like to make emulators. Therefore I resign"

    What a stupid immature attitude. What if linus had said the same thing? What about RMS and co. If they had all quit the second the suits moved into linux, it would be a big loss.

    So fine. Get out of emulation if you want. Someone else will come along, who is hopefully not so unbelievably obtuse.
  • Posted by The Mongolian Barbecue:

    1) I am not RMS
    2) My reference to him was utterly tangential
    3) My original post had little to do with the free software movement
    4) As someone else mentioned, if you run linux you are indeed a hypocrite.
  • Posted by OGL:

    Which he deserves...without him there would be no concept of "free software" or the GNU, and GNOME (as well as most of Linux) would never have existed.

  • The guy says he writes emulators as a hobby and in order to learn. Fine. Then he complains that all people do with his emulator is play games. Duh! How can I learn from his emulator and take up emulation as a hobby if he doesn't give out the source? What am I supposed to do, admire the shiny binary all day long?


  • Remember Motorola's AltaVEC? KNI? both are 128 bit that I remember. The wider data bus usually does improve throughput - it helps on Alphas at least. The intense 3D is very parallel capable in nature.

    I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Besides, have you seen the MPEG movies? They claim they were made in real time.

  • 'Scene'?

    Umm - My understanding is that people make apps in order to fill a need. I am also under the impression that a video game emulator fills the need of a 'game player'. Put two and two together, you get four. How can the 'scene' possibly go downhill when there is demand for the main function of a program? What the hell is up with that? What SHOULD people do with emulators, replace their word processor?!?

    Sounds to me like we're getting into the 'more 31337 than you' mentality. The moment something gets popular, it suddenly becomes uncool or supposedly ruined.

    Err, yeah.

    - Darchmare
    - Axis Mutatis,
  • Yes, it works as of Wine-990226. There is even an HOWTO [], but it doesn't really require any special magic.
  • So your rage comes from the song? Can anyone be THAT unstable as to object so strongly to what was likely nothing more than a joke? Perhaps if you could explain in greater detail why RMS should not get the respect that, as far as I can tell, he has earned, then someone may listen to you.

    I can almost certainly say that RMS had a hand in the development of ALL those packages because their authors probably used gdb and emacs as a development environment. Not to mention that the license under which those software have been released (and which has allowed you to use them with such freedom) was RMS's idea.

    Has your own work even had a fraction of the impact of RMS's on the lives of so many people?

  • Actually, the PSX2 actually has an upgraded version of the PSX1 CPU inside it to use as the I/O controller. It's supposed to have a bigger data path, more memory, and be slightly faster. It's not too far of a stretch to see that being used as the emulator.
  • I meant "slightly faster" about the I/O controller/PSX1 CPU, not about the main CPU or graphics co-processor.
  • you're making a very dangerous mix-up. writing software like an emulator is *not* and *can never* be a crime (morally at least; countries have made stupid laws before). people may *use* your software in criminal ways, but that's not the software author's fault, unless he actually went and encouraged them to do it.
  • As much as I agree with the enjoyment of emulating game machines (thus giving the author a fun goal), there are other things to emulate: older systems, video or telephony chipsets like MWave (which would really help in creating a driver) and Sound Blaster, non-console/computer devices such as telephone networks or power grid. Thus providing the technical joy of emulation programming. Don't get me wrong, the best emulation is still in gaming (cause it's easier to test and infinitely more fun) but roadblocks in that area shouldn't be showstoppers for those who enjoy the technology. Heck, just mentioning trying to emulate the MWave is making me want to get into the "scene". Jesse
  • Think of it as in between the USA and Sweden, politically speaking. Or think of it as the USA plus social services and a little more tax. I wouldn't call it socialist seeing that the NDP isn't big anymore, except in BC.
  • All this talk of "scenes" reminds me of the



  • That 128 bit processor is almost certainly just two
    64 bit wide chips (or worse :-)
  • Yeesh.. You might as well just go out and BUY the damn console, for all the headaches. Heh.

  • Sorry to see the guy go, tho.
  • Its the double-edged sword he referred to in his announcement.

    Building an emulator so people can learn from it, and perhaps even develop for it is one thing (and thats cool) but to abuse it for the sake of running pirated ROMs is quite another. One is a learning experience, the other is essentially a crime.

  • KNI (Pentium III) is not a 128bit processor - it has exactly the same core as the PII and Celeron. Some of its registers may be 128bits IIRC (either the floating point or the ones for the KNI instructions).

  • SLIGHTLY faster? The PSX2 is supposed to kick the ass of the PC sitting on your desk. At least at graphics stuff. It's got a 300-MHz 128-bit processor (which is like the equiv. of 2 or 3 PII's... hey, why don't computers get 128bit?) and a whole bunch of other stuff that's way cooler than anything a PC will have in the next few months.
  • I think that, if RealityMan really care about the future of emulation, should RELEASE the SOURCE CODE of the UltraHLE emulator. That should be a good starting point for others.

Human resources are human first, and resources second. -- J. Garbers
