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Games Entertainment

Ultima Online Character Auctioned for $500 69

Splatta writes "Someone bought an RPG character for $521 on eBay. The character was from Ultima Online. " Does this strike anyone besides me as being strange?
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Ultima Online Character Auctioned for $500

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  • by Pug ( 21 )
    Yep, the correct link is
  • Someone (or ones) seriously need a visit to a good shrink. If you are going to pay $500+ just to advance in a computer game, you would be better off spending it on a good shrink to help you get back your life. Or better yet, just plain go out and buy one!
  • by pez ( 54 )
    why not just play the game for long periods of time have no life and build your character up, or better yet not play the lame ass game, and do something fun like shoting old junk hard drives
  • by jkovach ( 1036 )
    I played Magic for approx. 6 months (along with my sister) before I realized it was a big money sink. I still have a drawer filled with Revised (Third) Edition cards - last I heard they were on the fifth edition. Anybody know if these are worth anything, or did the game finally die and they are worth more as fire fuel?

    I also have some of Decipher's Star Trek Customizable Card Game cards. It wouldn't suprise me if these aren't worth the paper they are printed on, considering how badly designed that game was. (Certain missions were hard to complete unless you had some specific card, say, Geordi LaForge, and many of the rare cards such as Jean-Luc Picard were WAAY too good and really threw off the game balance. Picards were going for $80 at one point.)
  • People will pay for anything. My guess, and I'm not a UO player, would be that the original owner ran out of fun. Games aren't that much fun when there is no challenge and it sounds like his players are pretty much maxed out. I can't imagine it being $500 of fun to own those characters, I'd be worried about losing them.
  • I think it's kind of sad that people spend so much of their time with a computer game, but I've seen it before. I used to have a roommate that was definitely a MUD addict. Eventually, he got a job and later kicked the habit. He wound up trading one of the item he acquired for a couple of 32 MB SIMMs!
  • For God's sake, load uox3 on your machine and give yourself 500,000 GP and a mage tower.

    And be a GM, and not have to play with all the UO PK assholes named "BoB Dah KiLLaH"

    UO is a great idea, poorly implemented.

    As long as each individual is facing the TV tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege.
  • Nahhh, that's what IPv6 is for. Doesn't it provide on the order of 10^24 IP addresses for every square meter of the earth's surface?

  • by jani ( 4530 )

    On my MUD, someone bough a "generation" for something like USD 100-200, too.

    I'd not be surprised if someone would sell/buy a high level character for higher amounts.

    There are addicts everywhere...

    Oh, and there's more around on MUDs than the journey. It's also the joy of creation, and the feeling you get when the mortals for once actually think you did something cool.
  • But seriously folks, it won't be long now till we start hearing about domain names and those 4 octet addresses they're tied to (whose name escapes me at the moment)being left to heirs in wills, used as collateral, mortgaged, and maybe even getting property tax levied against them. Or, like when the gov wants land for a highway or military base or whatever, condemned and forced sale conducted. The more things change, etc.

  • "10^24 IP addresses for every square meter of the earth's surface?"

    Well that ought to about cover all those Internet Enabled refrigerators, microwaves, et cetera.

  • I know that I'm not the only person who is/was friends with people who've spent literally thousands of dollars keeping up their system so they can be the `best' Quake players out there. I'm talking about people who have T1 lines in their homes, who would move to get a better ping time, who have to have the newest/fastest/coolest card/chip/game/mousepad the day it comes out. Just because someone (stupidly) paid money to further themselves in Ultima Online doesn't mean that it hasn't happened before and that it won't happen again.
  • There are price lists out there. I would be willing to buy some off of you if you make a list. Or I will buy them bulk.
  • And this is just more evidence to prove it.
  • I used to play BBS games, and sometimes I'd wish I could somehow come across a good player made for me instead of working through it myself. It's almost like cheating though, if you think about it.
  • I find it humorous to observe how vehemently former MUD/Quake/UO/(fill-in-the-blank) addicts decry the thing they formerly loved. Like someone born-again or, perhaps more accurately, one who realizes that their significant other, while great in the sack, is not, perhaps, the one of their dreams, and that it's time to get back to looking for that one again.

    So like the burning prophet on the mountain top, they say to themselves, "Get thee gone, MUD/Quake/UO! I renounce thee!", and to others, "Seek not the MUD/Quake/UO, for therein lies madness! I have seen the light!"

    Gimme a break. What they all are angry at is not the game, but themselves, angry because they think they were weak, and now they have to act righteous to show that they're strong manly men now.

    ObMUDAddictStory: I played JediMUD pretty much continuously for 6 months, back in '92 during grad school. Wrecked a year's worth of classes, or nearly so. Do I regret it? Nope. Sure was fun.

    These long lasting games and activities tend to fulfill some need in a person's life at the time they're playing. When the need disappears, the desire to play disappears. Just like a girlfriend; she seemed right at the time, but after a while it was obvious she wasn't.

    Certainly its no worse to play these kinds of games than many other activities are. You could, y'know, work for Microsoft, or something.
  • I know someone who sold off a Level 43 Mage in MajorMUD for $100.
    I don't know why the hell people pay that kind of money ..
  • sure beats spending it on 5 Color Crack (Magic the Squandering :).

    I mean as a recovered MTG player I gotta tell ya, spending/trading big bucks on cards only to see them banned from play sucks.

    So dropping $500 (about as much as a box of Magic "Legends" in '92 ) for a permanent gain shows some sense. Maybe a bit of the old power gaming disease, but at least s/he's got something to use in play next year.


    "I forsee that you will meet a king, the father of the beautiful Princess
    Plote DeVice; and he will insist that you rescue her from the keep of the
    infamous Duke Carad Bored Vilan." "Can we kill the DM now?" "No."
  • It's not like the seller started his Ultima gaming
    as an investment--he was presumably playing for fun.
    Say he got good, built up a nice character or two, then
    got bored and now wants to do something else with his
    time. If he can make some money off of his no-longer
    used characters, I say more power to him.

    Of course, I think the buyer is probably missing the
    point of on-line gaming--it's the journey, not the
  • for Ulitma Online...
  • UO is addictive, I play it so I know, but to pay that much for an account is just plain screwed. Firstly IMHO, the fun in UO is building you own character. Secondly, how do people justify paying that much, and for those selling, how do they justify the price. I acknowledge this case was an auction on ebay, but I have heard people pay $1000 for an account. Are thay trying to recover ISP and game play charges?
  • I agree... I was addicted to muds for the longest time. But what it comes down to is all these are just GAMES to keep you entertained, not to run your life. It doesn't matter what you do in the MUD wether your a really high level char or a low newbie, what matters is that how you do in real life. Everytime I see a MUDDer now I try to explain to them how muds are bad for them and what happned to me, maybe its not as bad a drugs but I think it falls under the same section.
  • Paying that kind of money for an online figure? That is just weird. Oh wait a minute; perhaps now I _can_ buy me a life?
  • I've seen things like this before. Never quite $500, but characters from the Simutronics online games are frequently sold by people who are tired of playing them. I find it rather sad though that someone would buy one of these characters. Half the fun on the games are to start from the begining and make progress.

The first Rotarian was the first man to call John the Baptist "Jack." -- H.L. Mencken
