Linux to be Development Environment for PS2 113
Leon writes "Sony will use Linux and SGI as the development environment for the PlayStation 2. Apparently,
they are staying away from Microsoft Windows
altogether. This may be the push Linux needs to
once and for all solidify itself as the OS of the future. "
Great (Score:1)
Inefficient OS? (Score:1)
Unix OS of the future? HAHAH (Score:1)
And I doubt BeOS is the OS of the future, seeing as not even Be are trying to position it in that way. For myself, if the OS is not free, I'm not particularly interested.
Here's a real programmer for ya (Score:1)
Hmm..that's funny. I just got a new box, installed RH 5.2 and had everything (built RIVA TNT X server, WM, etc., built cust. kernel) up and running in less than 24 hours, and this only during free time between projects. By this time tomorrow, I should have egcs 1.1.x, glibc 2.x, kernel 2.2.3, etc. built and installed. Granted, I've got a little (a year) experience with Linux, but it's not that difficult if you do your homework.
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but geez, this guy's clueless. More difficult to set up? Naw, he just knows the Windows install proggie real well because he has to re-install Windows about once a month.
You mean copy*left* violation... (Score:1)
Linux == Tron (Score:2)
And it will all start to make more sense. No, it's not some 80's movie rip-off
Sakamura started something big in the Japanese consumer electronics industry during the 80's, that not a lot of Western technologists are really aware of... anyone that's worked on any Japanese consumer electronics RT/Embedded systems will at least have had *some* exposure to the Tron project, since a lot of Japanese electronics companies share development resources as part of the Tron initiative.
I've done a fair bit of work for Japanese companies in the embedded systems area, and recently had the odd deja-vu like experience of having access to the source code for two completely disrelated embedded systems projects, and witnessed the *same code* in each... even though these companies have *nothing* to do with each other, market-wise.
So it makes sense to me that one of the biggest Japanese consumer electronics companies is picking up on the shared developer resources concept that Linux and the OSS movement represent.
This could and should be a wakeup call for American (and other) industries that might still be competing against the Japanese consumer electronics giants...
Inefficient OS? (Score:1)
Yeah, right (Score:1)
hmm.... can you say emulation??? (Score:1)
now here's a very interesting thought, sony uses linux as the OS for their new game system which would mean that they would have to make their modified source available for all us geek-types to see, and being that the linux community seems to have plenty of time on its hands i'm sure in a matter of days there will be an emulation proggie to run ps2 games on the comp. not that this isn't already being done for regular PS games, but it would probably be much, much faster on a more native system. anyway i wonder how much m$ would want for sony's rights to use winblows for their game system anyway...
anyway i just find the idea of an open source OS on a system, which by industry standards, tends to be the most closed-type of software around rather interesting.
Highly kewl- now what about the PS2's OS? (Score:1)
I've heard many rumours that BeOS will be imbedded in the PSX2 as its Operating system.
Donald Roeber
Highly kewl- now what about the PS2's OS? (Score:1)
Perhaps because the development tools are up to snuff yet? Besides many Linux applications are easily ported to Be. Only time will tell.
Donald Roeber
Good news (and it was last time too). (Score:1)
And it was last time I saw it on slashdot a few weeks ago.
Ferrari or scooter? - yeah (Score:1)
Linux and SGI is Great! (Score:1)
Maybe Linux just an easy port? (Score:1)
The 'easy port' aspect has always been a factor in the success of Unix.
Or maybe not... (Score:1)
they only have to distribute source if they release the binary to the public. This looks internal only.
no source.
The wonderful thing about Micro$oft is... (Score:1)
Every time that M$ decides to get into another business - travel, games platforms, telecoms - they buy or partner with (and the difference is?) someone else in that area.
And so all the competitors can no longer use M$ products for their work, and so they're forced to go straight to M$'s competitors.
And so M$ gets just the one company in that field working with them, and everyone else goes running to Sun, Linux, Java, IBM or whoever.
M$ is basically forcing the world to buy into competing products. You have to love the stupid bastards ;O)
like that (Score:1)
-buy an palm XXX?
-buy an empeg?
-wait for PS-II to spend my money on?
-rob some old ladies?
hell, life *is* complicated as linux-addiccted...
Here's a real programmer for ya (Score:1)
The wonderful thing about Micro$oft is... (Score:1)
The differance between MS buying you out and MS parnering with you is:
They get you outright and you get some $$$
They get you to do all the work.. then they run you out of buisness with a copy cat MS application.
An important thing to remember about development (Score:1)
like that (Score:1)
Here's a real programmer for ya (Score:1)
When we installed RH5.0 on my buddie's new VAIO laptop, I got it up with Networking and X faster than windows.
Linux Setup:
XF86Setup.. click on monitor, click on card, startx
Pop in the pcmcia ethernet, ifconfig, route, netscape
Windows Setup:
Reboot, load display driver, reboot
pop in pcmcia card, reboot, setup networking, reboot
Talk about a pain in the ass to set up. We counted 5 reboots in the whole 98 install. Retarded.
Ambiguous subject heading -- ps/2? (Score:1)
Thanks for the link update. (Score:1)
Yeah, right (Score:1)
N64 devkits started SGI only... (Score:1)
>I was at a Playstation (original) developer's conference in Los Angeles, '97,
that was a long time ago.
GPL software in a black box? (Score:1)
This is NEW story folks (Score:1)
Oh so when a Japanese magazine reports it, it is nothing more than a rumor. But oh, when it is on an American site, it is fact? Is that what you are trying to state?
A couple definitions (Score:1)
Uhm. So I guess the news does little for you? In fact everything on slashdot is in fact being "reported". Your attempt at redfining the word reporting is invalid as is your argument.
This is obviously apparent even to you since instead of just stating your newly formed meaning of the term reporting you begin your post with an attack.
Outstanding! (Score:1)
Maybe Linux just an easy port? (Score:1)
Ambiguous subject heading -- ps/2? (Score:1)
3133+ Programmer(s) (Score:1)
Or maybe not... (Score:1)
Or maybe not... (Score:1)
So if Sony embeds Linux in the PSX2, they *have* to make it available. And it won't take long for the community to find out what it's running inside once it ships.
-- Cerebus
Significance overstated? (Score:1)
>for all solidify itself as the OS of the future.
Uhm... Isn't this attaching an awful lot of importance to what is a relatively minor event, in the overall scheme of things? The news that IBM, HP, etc. are planning to support Linux is much more significant, imho.
By contrast, corps aren't likely to view Sony's choice of Linux as a development platform as a major reason to switch from NT...
Or maybe not... (Score:1)
> system which would mean that they would have to
> make their modified source available for all us
> geek-types to see
Who says?
That's like saying that because Oracle are porting 8i to Linux, they have to make the source for 8i available to all of us...
What's to stop Sony from grabbing the Linux source code, putting together their own distribution with precompiled kernel, binaries, etc., sticking it on a CD and sending it to their developers?
Linux & Source & freedom (Score:2)
From the Next Generation article, it appears that Linux's involvement at this point is for a development platform. Whether or not it is used as the OS for the PSX is another matter completely.
At most, if Sony does make use of Linux and adheres to the GPL, they would only need to release the source code for the subsystems that they modified. If they make use of the Linux OS and use it as a development platform and not modify anything, but code up the development tools, then they will not have to release anything. Period.
Using an OS for development and actually using the OS itself as the foundation for a console is very different. In this case, what's being reported is what the Next Generation reporters are getting from insiders and from questioning Sony staff. Nothing is set in stone yet and until it is, getting excited and pounding your table demanding source being released is no help.
If/when it is announced that Sony has chosen to use Linux in an official capacity, then sure, break out the champagne and celebrate and start demanding source for what they used. Just be prepared for a nasty shock since what they release could well be worthless in terms of letting people code on the PSX2 without the special hardware level libraries.
And if in their good heart they decide to release the source, even better. Break out the banquet tables and feasts.
On a related note, Sony supporting Linux for their game console, if it happens, is a BIG step. Perhaps even bigger than IBM. Entertainment drives the Internet and has driven it to become as big as it has been. Games make money and the entertainment industry makes money. Linux being used by Sony is a big step.
Whether or not it will be a positive step which will help promote freedom of source and information is still something left to be seen.
- Wing
- Reap the fires of the soul.
- Harvest the passion of life.
New Modelers and GIMP-plugins ! (Score:1)
Inefficient OS? (Score:1)
Inefficient OS? (Score:1)
How disappointing. (Score:1)
Joshua (a member of the MCA mafia)
PS2 vs PS/2 (Score:1)
Joshua. (Did you visit the Microchannel pornography website yet?)
It would be funny.... (Score:1)
Dev tools will appear on Non-Linux platforms too.. (Score:1)
And Windows will be one of them.
Highly kewl- now what about the PS2's OS? (Score:1)
It would seem that Sony has pretty much already said they aren't going to be using Linux as the OS.
I can see, though, how you might have missed that since it's way down in the third paragraph of the article. Easy to overlook.
Here's a real programmer for ya (Score:1)
I would think Linux on a Visual Workstation is at least a corvette.
Maybe Linux just an easy port? (Score:1)
It seems that support for UNIX, given the high end graphics available for it (in past, PCs have mostly caught up), makes sense. The UNIX workstations are still very nice for the task with some nifty hardware, like body tracking equipment, that isn't supported on PCs. So, Sony problably was going to support a UNIX anyway.
Maybe they thought a cheaper development platform to bring down development costs would stimulate game development. Seems like an odd argument -- its still pretty costly to make a game. A Linux port would be far easer than a Windows port if UNIX was already supported.
This makes sense to me, because then supporting Linux is logical economically. Sony wouldn't support Linux because its cool. Money has to be involved here somewhere . . .
Or maybe not... (Score:1)
like that (Score:1)
PS2 vs PS/2 (Score:1)
Ferrari or scooter? (Score:1)
If that's a typical representation of the PS2 developers, I'm certainly not interested in their product. Geez, setting up a linux box is too hard? For developers? Give me a break!
Rock (Score:1)
Inefficient OS? (Score:1)
"We do not intend to use an inefficient multi-purpose operating system."
referring to Windows?
GPL software in a black box? (Score:1)
That is not what is happening here, i'm not implying anything about sony.
Significance overstated? (Score:1)
What is significant (at least in the opinion of the author of the article) is not that Sony is picking up Linux, but that it is ditching MS. IBM, HP, et al haven't come close to that yet. At least not in public. (Technically, this is from an internal meeting, so its not public either. Yet.)
Also, think about the next generation of bleeding-edge PS games, and poeple going "They did THIS with Linux? Cool!"
This is NEW story folks (Score:1)
So please stop your whining and follow these simple rules for posting (in this order):
1. Follow the URL
2. Read the story
3. Think
4. Post
A couple definitions (Score:1)
In other words, they heard it second hand. That makes it hearsay, or rumor. This new story reports that the rumor has been confirmed by Sony itself. That's different. That's news.
If Microsoft releases Office for Linux this summer should Slashdot ignore it because of today's post on the ZDNet article?
A couple definitions (Score:1)
Well this has gotten totally off topic... but let me respond.
I guess I didn't make myself clear. The difference comes in having a source. "Sources say" or even sources say that "Sony says" count as rumors. They may be credible rumors if coming for someone known to have credible sources, but they are still rumors.
But Slashdot making available a link that takes readers to a story where the publication reports that "Sony confirms" or "Sony says" something. Well, that is news.
True, the latter is hearsay too and true there are no black and white divisions between words. If we start arguing about when rumors become news we'll probably never get anywhere. Life isn't black & white (or even greyscale).
But the point is that there was a story without confirmation from Sony before. There is confirmation from Sony now. Furthermore, the other story had a snippet of text. This has many more details. If you're not interested in this new info, fine. But I get frustrated seeing people rant and rave because they think everyone else shares their interests. Ignore stories that don't interest you. Whining just wastes bandwidth for the rest of us (like we're wasting bandwidth now).
And I'm sorry if my frustration turned into an attack on you.
Highly kewl- now what about the PS2's OS? (Score:1)
Another nail.. (Score:1)
As long as W2000/NT5 are broken, buggy, moving targets with an indefinite release date, nobody in their right mind would introduct a new, high-performance application that needs to work *now* for the platform.
Nice to see companies finally waking up. After years of "We can't trust our critical apps to anybody but Microsoft because they might not still be in business next year," finally we get the truth: "We can't trust our critical apps to Microsoft because WE might not be in business next year."
It really isn't that important (Score:1)
Highly kewl- now what about the PS2's OS? (Score:1)
Smart move (Score:1)