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Games Entertainment

New Nintendo System 59

PointBlank writes " Details of Nintendo's new machine for the millennium are emerging. It will not feature a MIPS processor, or utilize cartridges, but is thought to produce a raw output of 20 million polygons per second. ArtX are believed to be experimenting with hardware NURBS conversion for the new console."
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New Nintendo System

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  • What do you mean? Nintendo *did* release an inferior console... it doesn't do cdroms...
  • As long as an emulator comes out for the new Nintendo system that's as accurate as x86 emulation under VMware [min.net], I'll be happy.
  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    1) yes
    2) haven't tried, but will tonight
  • acshully the offical specs say, if i recall, 60 million polys a sec, with prob about 75 million the theoretical max
  • They got Pokemon... :(
  • It kicks Nintendo's ass now, and it will again in 2000. Bahahahaha. Cartridges. Get with the 90's you lame bastards.
  • ...are entirely pointless when your output device is a shitty NTSC television.
  • by Genom ( 3868 )
    If you've played around with this:

    1) does Win9x/NT's TCP/IP work correctly under it? (assuming of course TCP/IP is working correctly in Linux (or whatever you're running on))

    2) Can it run Half-Life? ;) (substitute your own fave fps deathmatch game if you don't like HL)
  • I have full expectations that the design will change by then. But I doubt very seriously that Nintendo will screw up again and go cartridge-only -- it's cost Nintendo very dearly with the Nintendo 64, with Zelda 64 being the only thing that really is keeping this system as a true contender.

    Nintendo *does* learn from its mistakes.
  • you're forgetting the psx2 will also play all psx1 games. So the psx2 will automatically have more games than sega
  • Crazy new hardware, huge storage mediums, and full connectivity don't amount to squat without good software. Games have always been, and will always be the deciding factor in the fate of a console system. Hopefully, Nintendo will be able to get out more quality games for their new console.
  • Who believes Nintendo can actually deliver this product on schedule? Too many rumors in the article, very few facts. Yes it is early in the cycle, but Nintendo is known for their "vaporware" also. Look how often they changed plans on what is now the N64. I'm betting when they do produce N200X (or whatever they call it) Playstation 2 will still destroy it. Did you notice, NCL doesn't like SOny has quality games for their system (while they tend to have few). Oh well, just my own ramlbings.
  • Read the article. These specs will change. Common sense tells you that Nintendo won't release an inferior console. Look at the N64 vs. Playstation.
  • Have you looked at the movies of the new sony box? Do you really think you can do that on a n64? Impossible. These new boxes will basically reach the limit of need for ntsc, but the current boxes don't come anywhere close. After these boxes it's probably on to HDTV.

    Wouldn't you like to see a Jurrasic Park Hunter game on a $400 box?

  • ...According to what I've heard coming out of the game development industry. How many the N2000 ends up doing under actual gaming conditions remains to be seen, but I could believe 20 million for a 2001 release date.
  • If this is coming out in 2001, HDTV may be common enough to make a higher polygon count worthwhile. This is especially true in Japan, which amounts to about half of the world's console gaming market if I understand correctly.

    NTSC should still benefit somewhat. You just wind up with polygons with areas of only a few pixels. As long as your anti-aliasing blends these triangles in correctly, this will give you very smooth-looking surfaces (no more jagged borders).

  • >you're forgetting the psx2 will also play all psx1 games. So the psx2 will automatically have more games than sega

    ...which is perhaps the sweetest thing about the PSX2 :)
  • yes, i prefer PAL HDTV

    not shitty never-twice-the-same-colour
    ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ ^~^~^~^~^~^
  • It seems the PlayStation 2 will have better graphics.
  • Carmen San Diego was a very good game. Today's games are copies of Doom, WarCraft or Tomb Raider but with nicer graphics and some improvements in AI.
  • Imagine the cool Beowulf cluster you could build with these! Quake could run at, like 100 FPS!

    Whoops, wrong platform/technology. <blush>

  • Well, I still think genesis one the hole 16bit thing. It wasn't a failure like the master system. Gamegear was fine, it just cost money. You could play street fighter on it, which automaticly made it good.
  • Forget it, boys. Sports games can make or break a console. Sure, there may be better systems out at any one time, but the platform with the best sports games will always sell and sell well. The Intellivision, NES, Genesis and Playstation were king of the sports heap at the time and they moved consoles as a result...

    Look at Atari. Their consoles (7800, Jaguar) were top of the heap at the time of release and yet they died because Atari hasn't produced a good sports game since "Real Sports Baseball"...

  • What? Do you need full-motion video for a game? The lack of it never hurt Zork or ADVENT. And what about Carmen Sandiego on my trusty old Apple ][e?


  • That's what I remember! At least I don't remember forgetting it...
  • So, what's the mario brothers game going to be called in this one, Super Mario Orgasm, or something?
  • They're not making any promises. If you noticed, the article was from IGN, not Nintendo. Even so, Nintendo will release it at the right time, they're great marketers (and they're NOT known for vaporware). The fact that they change the specifications along the way is for the best, and with them releasing it at least 6 months after the PSX2, you can count on it being more powerful.
  • That's funny, I haven't really read any confirmation from either Sony or Nintendo on who will be 3rd party publishers for either of their next generation systems. Of course we can "assume" that Sony will get Namco and Square, but you know what you do when you assume...

    And I never considered Mario, Zelda or Metroid to be bad games. Looks like PS2 won't get ALL the good ones.
  • >>And that's just one single third part developer.

    I'm definitly not in disagreement that there are great games for the PSX. I would disagree that there aren't any great games for the N64. For someone like myself who plays games quite a bit, it doesn't come down to what system is better, it comes down to what games are great, and I'm willing to buy those games regardless of what system they're on.
  • My arse...

    I've crashed my mates Playstation before playing Colin McRae Rally, (excellent game), but it's the way in which these things are handled that makes them look like they haven't crashed.

    A PC on the other hand will, if you're running Windows, "Blue Screen" you because the OS doesn't know how to handle "fatal exception 0x101" or whatever. The consoles don't have an OS as such and are usually programed to forget the exception or whatever and just discard that process. This will usually dump you back at some part of the game, less what you've just done. In some cases though, as I found, the thing will really crash and just hang there 'til you press the 'master reset'.

    - Dan
  • The cartoon was based off a game.
  • Yea right nintendo doesn't get destroyed it destroys.Like it will the playstation wich it already has.The only thing I'm glad about playstation2 is that it will destroy the Dreamcast before it gets started
  • Baha not nintendo is better than playstation.My cousin has a playstation and he says he wishes he had a N64.Playstation sucky graphics ha.Also the next nintendo will have DVD the new thing so shut up about cartiages and they don't take an hour loading up a sucky game like playstation.
  • Windows helps the dreamcast about as much as Sony would, look at the huge number of games out for the console already (Hmmmm, there is'nt any). Sega are the sheep of the game console flock, they follow Nintendo around and try and stay up with Sony's CD based console but never manages to reach their level. So what do they do, they bring out a console that everyone knows is going to be swallowed up in the competition between Nintendo and Sony for the Millenium crown. Ok theirs good old Sony and their very successful 32bit console, you have to give them credit for what its achieved but Im afraid no one will take the crown from Nintendo they are just to great a company to be beaten by one time hopers like Sony or total no-hopers like Sega
  • And the playstation is a low resolution blur. I prefer cartridges with their zero load time anyway. That's why I got a console. If I wanted to get a CDROM game, I get it for the PC (and I do).

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
