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Games Entertainment

Brian Hook joins Verant Interactive 41

Keeper wrote in with the report on Everquest Stratics web site, that Brian Hook, who lately left Id, has officially relocated to Verant Interactive. Click below to read the full release.


- Highly regarded programmer to work on next generation technology San Diego, June 3rd, 1999 - Hook, formerly of Id Software and programmer on both Quake 2 and Quake 3, is a veteran of the games industry. His credits also include being one of the chief architects of the Glide API during his tenure at 3DFX; development work on the OpenGL code base at Silicon Graphics; and he has written numerous articles for magazines such as Dr. Dobb's Journals and Game Developer. He brings with him seasoned talent and an immense knowledge base.

"Verant is committed to both massively multiplayer gaming as well as cutting-edge 3D technology," said President and CEO of Verant Interactive, John Smedley. "Insuring that we have the talent and expertise to lead the way in both of these fields is critical to our company's goals, and adding someone of Brian's caliber to our already strong programming team is going to help us make the best games out there."

"I'm very excited to have Brian on board," said Brad McQuaid, Verant Vice President . "I believe successful games are made from both great technology and great design, and Brian brings us a lot of talent in both of those areas."

"Verant is the perfect place for me. I'm a huge fan of their games, and the opportunity to work on Verant's future titles is just too good to pass up," said Brian Hook. "I strongly believe in Verant's commitment to making the best Massively Multiplayer games out there, and I'm excited to be able to contribute to a product line that will be the benchmark against which all other Massive Multiplayer games are judged. People are going to be blown away when they see what Verant is working on."

Hook will be involved with programming and technology in both current and future Verant projects. Verant Interactive is an independent development studio that develops cutting-edge online games. Based in San Diego, California, Verant Interactive has a staff of over 70 employees who consist of the development teams responsible for the online games Tanarus and EverQuest. "

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Brian Hook joins Verant Interactive

Comments Filter:
  • Ok, this is not good news for most of us current everquest players. Right now I play EQ for about 5 hours each night. The "/played" command says I've been ONLINE PLAYING my charecter for 13days 11 hours. Visually, this game isn't that advanced. It has POOR textures, and VERY blocky charecters (low poly count). It is even full of bugs with many broken quests.

    Now it's got a wonderful programmer coming to work on it. I hope he doesn't make the game any better. I don't want more reasons to spend MORE TIME in front of that computer.

    Enyar - lvl 16 - High - Elf Wizard
    Server: Solesek Ro
  • What exactly are you talking about? We could argue about the poly count of the models, maybe, but the texture work is one of the best I've ever seen, short only of, *maybe*, Unreal.

    Parsifal the Bard, Fennin Ro.

  • Posted by MaldaSuX:

  • Yes, IT DOES.
  • Posted by MaldaSuX:

    Thanx for clearing that one up
  • It's more than marketing speak--even Hook has used the term. If you've ever worked on an everyday multiplayer (C&C, Quake, Unreal) game, and then on a massively multiplayer game (UO, Furcadia, etc.), it's a whole different technical situation. What would be a more appropriate, technical term?
  • Personally.... I would call it a mud.
    Everquest uses most of the same commands as your standard dikuMUD. The only thing that is really new is the 3d environment, not the fact that there are hundreds or even thousands of people playing the same game....
  • Don't get down on Hook because of that. Tom just seems to have this problem with him thinking his is the end-all, be-all of the hardware scene. There's a great many people out there now doing it better that Tom, and on a regular basis. I have a problem with anyone thinking that if they didn't do it, it couldn't have possibly been done right, even if you did help write the damn software. "Gee, Tom, that's a mighty tall stallion you've got there! Why don't you come on down and chat with us down here?"
  • Voodooextreme has an interview with the man himself. Check it out http://www.voodooextreme .com/articles/interview_hook2.html []
  • Um,
    "Based in San Diego, California, Verant Interactive has a staff of over 70 employees who consist of the development teams responsible for the online games Tanarus and EverQuest. "
  • There, I changed it. Now it reflects your complaint :)
  • Verant is a very new company, and Everquest is their first game that they released. Verant is essentially a spinoff from 989 studios, so while the people at verant did work on tanarus and everquest, they were working for 989 Studios (then called Sony Interactive) at the time. Everquest is the same way, it was originally a Sony Interactive game, then a 989 studios game, but then Verant was created, and it was released from that studio.
  • Good atleast he didnt go to Ion Storm. If you read Ask Grand Master B on voodooextreme, he is always talking about EQ, so i guess this is really cool for him.
  • by Cris ( 7932 )
    They're all more or less linux advocates... Hook in fact, as mentioned, worked for SGI for some years. Not quite Linux, but a unix experience at that. Zoid and DDT are just the only ones who are well versed in Linux. Maybe we'll see Verant soon...
  • > Tom posted utter bullshit on his website, which
    > I might add is sponsored by the company whose
    > graphics card won all of the NON WORKING
    > TIMEDEMO score comparisons. That DEMANDS a
    > reply.

    Tom allegedly based his benchmarks on the illegal hardware test which was leaked.

    kinda stoopid, really.
  • Posted by MaldaSuX:

    Repeating the previous poster is a really good thing to do. I found it really useful
  • EverQuest Rules!
  • Their current game is Everquest [], a very addictive multi-user first-person RPG.

    Particularly bad for those of us in Europe (see that other story today :-) since it's online only.

    If you want to keep a life, don't start playing this game. Or at least, put an alarm clock beside your computer so that you don't suddenly realise you're supposed to be getting up for work in half-an-hour's time.

  • Posted by MaldaSuX:

    No it doesn't.
    Simple as.
  • gee, so that'd be working on Massively Multiplayer games then...

    talking about pushing the marketing-speak to the bearable limit... if i hear the phrase Massively Multiplayer one more time today I'm going to choke!

    guess i better check his plan file for the true dope, right?

  • It's amazing how much everquest players lifes have changed so drastically since it's release. I now have friends that come up to me and say 'Wow, i thought you had died. You haven't been around in months.' My current life consists of sleep, work everquest, and eating(this is done on occasion after a fight where I get very low of HP and Mana that I need to rest for a long time). I have spent $500 making an EQ machine. And the sad thing is I don't have any regrets.

    Now the point I am trying to make is, if the game gets any better, what would the next step of addiction be. Does a person really need to sleep?

  • This sounds almost as bad as my recent Alpha Centarui addiction.

    4 am, have to be up in 2 hours, nahh, I can just finish this last secret project....

    If I thought that I could survive it, I'd go out and get EQ. :-)
  • Posted by MaldaSuX:

    I think dickhead Malda has fucked up in his comment scripts with the '&' symbol. Sort it out Rob, you inadequate loser nerd.
  • WorldForge [] is a project to develop a free GPL'd online RPG Game/engine.
    /El Niño

Things are not as simple as they seems at first. - Edward Thorp
