Doom Source Now Under GPL 142
Scipius wrote to us with the news that Game OverLaird John Carmack has
re-licensed the Doom source code under the GPL. Things like this make my heart beat with joy.
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
Re:A project idea forms ... (Score:2)
use Doom;
Re:What it needs (Score:2)
However some of the source mods already available have provided pretty good workarounds. Boom, for example allows you to create "fake" ceilings and floors so you can be underwater. More importantly there is a silent teleporter that preserves angle and momentum, so you can create some very good 3D effects by seamlessly joining two different sections of map as you walk up some stairs, or take an elevator (also supported.)
Some source mods also allow real heights. You can walk across the heads of a line of imps, take a ride on a cyber, control vertical aiming, jump, use weaker gravity, and look up and down.
It isn't perfect, but DOOM was always about doing as much as you can within the engine limits.
Re:Flamebait it is (Score:1)
while back. There was some conflict amongst the other members of ID that ended up with Carmack agreeing to keep
it closed source. You can find it all in his
I read every Carmack's
Re:Thank you John Carmack (Score:1)
Re:Good ol' Open Source (Score:1)
How does a game engine relate to a programming interface? And who cares that DirectX 7 provides you with the ability to do what DOOM did 7 years ago? The point of having the DOOM source code is to improve and enhance DOOM, not to make new and different engines based upon another engine (though that is a possibility.)
Furthermore, DOOM is completely and utterly different from DirectX 7. DirectX 7 is a library; DOOM is an application. People don't link their program with libdoom.so; they do so with DirectX.so (or whatever it is in the Windows world). It's comparing apples and oranges.
Re:What it needs (Score:1)
Re:Thank you John Carmack (Score:1)
Those id guys swear a lot (Score:4)
[wrhodes@dt032nc0 linuxdoom-1.10]$ cat
static fuck = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "fuck %d \r", fuck++);
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
"suck it down, asshole!\nyou're a fucking wimp!",
boolean message_dontfuckwithme;
static boolean message_nottobefuckedwith;
message_dontfuckwithme = false;
message_nottobefuckedwith = false;
message_nottobefuckedwith = false;
if (showMessages || message_dontfuckwithme)
if ((plr->message && !message_nottobefuckedwith)
|| (plr->message && message_dontfuckwithme))
message_nottobefuckedwith = message_dontfuckwithme;
message_dontfuckwithme = 0;
message_nottobefuckedwith = true;
extern boolean message_dontfuckwithme;
message_dontfuckwithme = true;
[wrhodes@dt032nc0 linuxdoom-1.10]$ cat
wipe_shittyColMajorXform((short*)wipe_scr_end, width/2, height);
// Massive bunches of cheat shit
Of course, that doesn't compare too well with the Linux source, but pound for pound plenty of prurient pontification.
(BTW, have any of you tried to enter source code in a
Re:Doom derivatives (Score:2)
Nearly all the other projects except Bruce Lewis's GL Doom have offered sources with binaries, and I expect most will convert to GPL now. Bruce Lewis lost his sources in a flood, thereby killing an important project, and that's what Carmack is referring to in the linked article. He intended to release them, after beta, but it never made it there.
GEL (Score:2)
I'm not involved with this project, I just found it a few days ago and it looks cool. It's about time we start using 3D for things besides shoot-em-up games!
Re:quake (Score:1)
Rock on (Score:1)
It's cool to see stuff like this happen (Score:1)
im going to have to get to work (Score:1)
YES!!! (Score:1)
I've always loved Doom anyways.
A project idea forms ... (Score:3)
Or how about an XML-based WAD file format? Might be worth hacking that up.
Hmm, or a JNI-based Java bindings for Doom
Oh well, back to work.
in distros (Score:1)
Great news (Score:1)
Patrick Barrett
Re:YES!!! but not GPL!!! (Score:1)
What is the 'glDoom episode'? (Score:1)
Re:Good, yes. A complete fix? No. (Score:1)
Although I agree with you in general about the retroactivity of changing a license, I'm not sure about this case, but it doesn't matter. Many groups will change to the GPL anyway because ``it's the right thing'', and those that don't will either eventually langush while the GPLed versions (version? they might all merge) flourish. The non GPLed versions might eventually be forced to turn GPL as features in the GPLed versions become popular and the non-gpled versions start to incorporate those changes. I expect all versions of doom will eventually merge back into one.
In general, software (open or closed) seems to be much like Highlander: there can be only one.
Re:quake (Score:1)
Stop sniping from the sidelines.
The open source community is just a gift culture that does this in their spare time. id software is composed of some of the most talented people in the industry, working hard full time. I don't think there's anyone working on Linux fulltime.
Stop your childish bitching.
Re:Carmack and Open Source (Score:1)
I won $20,000 at the tables, which I am donating to the Free Software Foundation. I have been meaning to do something for the FSF for a long time. Quake was deployed on a dos port of FSF software, and both DOOM and Quake were developed on NEXTSTEP, which uses many FSF based tools. I don't subscribe to all the FSF dogma, but I have clearly benefited from their efforts.
So, while he perhaps isn't RMS's biggest fan (philosophically), you've got to admire a guy who gives back to the community like this.
Thanks John (Score:1)
This is very good for the Free Softwares. A lot of people have heard about Linux because of Id's games and because their were a lot of Linux Doom/Quake servers.
When they released Doom source code, this was even cooler because you cold look at a good professional pseudo-3D engine.
Now this is even cooler and will help Open source games (for this kind of game of course).
Thanks John, thanks.
Re:What is the 'glDoom episode'? (Score:1)
Ironic... (Score:2)
Back on topic, this is really cool news. Granted this isn't cutting edge technology by a long shot, but it should still be fun!
Ian Peters
As far as I know: (Score:1)
glDoom was closed source. Naturally, the guy developing glDoom had no backups. And as history has show many times, if you don't do backups, your hard drive will fail. Pretty dumb mistake if you ask me (or anyone else).. The development died.
If glDoom would have been GPL, the odds are that atleast a few people would have had relatively up to date sources, and development could have been continued.
Not a big loss though, DooM Legacy [frag.com] is much better anyway.
A more pertinent question (Score:2)
(Note: I suspect there is a reason -- from what I understand of game companies, many would just steal the source and try to disguise the fact -- catching them would be a major pain. And of course Carmack probably doesn't want them to see how he does what he does..)
Re:Good ol' Open Source (Score:2)
Actually, this is an interesting idea. Why not, especially now that the source is available?
What a joke! (Score:1)
Come on! Doom is years behind the current software technology. What good does it do to put it under the GPL? Or even distribute the source? It's only a marketing ploy by id software to increase the worship of Carmack!
Here's your REAL open source movement:
I don't fall for it one bit!
Release the code to Quake III
Lyell E. Haynes
Isn't this actualy *more* restrictive? (Score:1)
How would changing the licsens to GPL effect people already working on projects based on doom? (or were these projects completly new implementations, not based on the DOOM code).
I was under the impression that DOOM was under a BSD style licens now, did they do this to prevent propitary spinnoffs?
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
um, you could do that to, before (Score:1)
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:Thank you John Carmack (Score:1)
sorta (Score:2)
PallmDOOM (Score:1)
As for the display, Just make most of the levels 'bright' EI more light then dark, and you should be able to get a pretty playable game out of it...
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
previous license (Score:5)
This presents an interesting situtation now. Although it has been re-licensed under the GPL, I have a copy of the source code under the old license, and they can't rescind this license. Therefore, I could take some functions from it, and use them in my own closed-source program (which the license allows), thereby effectively bypassing the requirements of the GPL.
Re:Isn't this actualy *more* restrictive? (Score:2)
What is more restrictive is that if you only want to use one function from the Doom code in your own program, you'd have to GPL the whole program. Under the old license this was not required.
Misconceptions.. (Score:3)
The Doom source code was released roughly two to three years ago, using the Linux source port (But heavily cleaned up), because the DOS stuff still had lame-o sound code which they couldn't distribute. Descent had this problem too when it released soon thereafter. I just figure this is worth saying as most everyone has been stating 'Oh, cool! It's out now!'
And.. Id has not been making this as a publicity stunt. Carmack has wanted to change the license for quite awhile but he needed signatures from everyone who worked on the original base, and it seems he finally managed to work that up. Not to mention that he has hardly even stated much at
As far as the source ports themselves go... Yes, there is a GL port. Doom Legacy GL, Doom GL, etc.. Just poke around the Source Ports section of the aformentioned doomworld(.com) site. The currently 'accepted' uber-port, zdoom, does not support this, though. There is a port of *that* coming for Linux soon, however, along with Doom Legacy.
The engine is a lot more flexible than many people give it credit as well. It's *not* totally outdated, it's merely a different method of handling things.
Oh well.
-- Patrick McCarthy, wondering where his login went off to, I didn't delete it but it's not here?
Re:Good ol' Open Source (Score:1)
So badly wrong. Direct X 7 is very cool but it is certainly not open source. If it was, any one would be free to pick it apart and put the best bits into another cool program.
Direct X will never be adopted outside of the MS world (like Active X) precisely because it is not open source.
A GPL graphics engine would allow games developers to use a set of tools to create their game (as Direct X does) and it would allow them to create whatever improvements they needed to the engine. The difference is that those improvements would then be shared under the GPL so that, where they were any good, we could all benefit.
Re:Good, yes. A complete fix? No. (Score:1)
Interesting statement. In theory it might be reasonable, but in practice, it defies reason. Choice is a good thing, no matter if it's free or not, but in a free marketplace, you usually have more choice because different choices can peacefully coexist and evolve together. It's competition and symbiosis at the same time.
Actually I think that's not a marketplace mechanism but related to the users and creators. The same force that drives people to engage in flame wars about their favorite products is the force that ensures variety and evolution within the free (software) world.
As long as people engage in flame wars about Linux vs BSD, Gnome vs KDE, Emacs vs Vi, etc., the choices will keep evolving and getting better. Intuitively we would like to see a single perfect solution, but since everybody wants that and everyone is different, we'll inevitably have several choices. As long as taste varies and people choose, there will be different choices, and there can be a lot.
The Windows World (Score:1)
well, you can staticaly link with
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:www.golgotha.org (Score:2)
Lazy and bored at home.
Re:A project idea forms ... (Score:1)
Actually there is a project that's done exactly this with Quake II. It's available at http://www.planetquake.com/q2java/ [planetquake.com]. They are also now including some interesting XML based game config stuff. Neat.
Learning Experience (Score:1)
No one learned anything from looking at code they don't understand. Even if id released the Quake3 source, I'm sure I'd be clueless. Something on the lines of DOOM or Wolf3D is more my level. id is doing a service to the budding programmers by releasing the source so they can stick their noses in it and see how it ticks. It doesn't benefit them to cling to it, no one is paying for a DOOM license last time I checked.
Anyway. I think I shall take a look at it. Might learn something interesting or useful. What a novel concept.
kaniff -- Ralph Hart Jr
flood (Score:2)
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Grumble grumble timing grumble (Score:1)
I've mailed the guy who posted the news (Linguica) for clarification - I just hope it is true after all.
Flamebait it is (Score:1)
Re:Good, yes. A complete fix? No. (Score:1)
BTW, don't get me wrong, I like choice. However, if there's only one `choice' available, at least let it be good.
Re:A good thing is upon us (Score:1)
Re:What a joke! (Score:2)
Let's give your ideas another spin:
1. Millions pay Id software to develop the technology to make QuakeIII possible, essentially by buying QuakeII. Id makes money and has incentive to make QuakeIII, as well as buy(and give away) Ferraris.
2. Id releases QuakeIII, and in memory of all the people who made it possible, release QuakeII source. Competitors and fans alike now have access to the source.
3. Id embarks on QuakeIV, subsidized by the people who demand it, by buying QuakeIII. Being marginally more challenging and difficult, they decide to hire some cool programmers, who coincindentally grew up around Quake1 and already grok the technology/culture.
4. Repeat the cycle, and when QuakeIV ships, there is now a source for QuakeIII, and new programmers to hire for QuakeV, who happened to have grown around the QuakeII source.
So Id makes money by providing technology and games that no one else can. Id has the incentive to do so because we pay them to.
Id grows the market as well by increasing demand for 3d sound and video cards, SIMD CPUs, faster CPUS, larger/faster/bigger memory/busses/CD-ROMs, which also happens to reduce the price of second best systems, creating more market for their games, as well as other technologies, and increasing the talent pool of programmers.
In the end everyone benefits, so no one loses. It's a Win for everyone, so there is no need to change the cycle.
Re:um, you could do that to, before (Score:1)
Id software dosn't need to 'recruit' (Score:1)
Of course they are not going to sell there latest and greatest engines and games, that's how they make money.
Id supports Open source in the true sense of the word, not for commercial gain, but for experimenters to play with. They've also donated $20,000 to the FSF, (well Carmack did) and Carmack works on the GLX g200/400 drivers for linux
What exactly would be the benefit for them to release quake 3? if they couldn't make any money from it, they probably would never have even written it. You'll get you're q3a code in 2005. If you don't like it, why don't you write you're own 3d game engine?
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:quake (Score:1)
From the coding point of view, you still need a good game engine, which must be adjusted often in relatively short periods of time as the modern graphics hardware changes quickly. The making of a good computer game is different from producing a compiler or shell utilities... And before Open GL there was hardly a way to make it platform-independent - can't estimate Carmack's work high enough in this respect, looking at those unsupported *ix ports being around for several earlier id games.
Re:quake (Score:1)
Or does Valves license on the Quake code extend that far? I don't know.
Got a reply.. (Score:1)
offtopic but game related: 30+ new linux games! (Score:1)
Live coverage at www.pushove.com
Re:Wolf3D (Score:1)
Re:What a joke! (Score:1)
What kind of ship do you guys run here? huh?
Lyell E. Haynes
so.. (Score:1)
he released the Doom source.... so we could just look at it and drool? Forgive me for my ignorance, please, but I'm not quite understanding the concept behind this. Reminds me of the whole Corel spill (ok, not really) and all these other times I've heard of source releases, only to hear whelps of joy when the stuff was GPL'ed...
Id support (Score:1)
Well, the way things are now, Id provides almost no support whatsoever for there product. If Id opensourced there engen, people would get for free what now costs them $700,000. support would be a large burden on a company of less then 20. while I'm sure it would be posible for them to make some money with open source, I doubt it would be as much. remember, Id is basicaly selling source, not support (in addition to games). Going opensource would cause them to lose at least half there revinue stream. Other companys would also be able to sell support, why would they want to give themselves compition?
While Id opening there source would be good for you it might not be the best thing for Id. and since there writing the code, they can do whatever they want to with it. If you have a problem with it, then don't buy the game
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Quake source code in the works (Score:1)
Source Code Indentation on /. is possible (Score:2)
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
Ooooh, what's that on the second line, you say?
<BLOCKQUOTE>printf("I %d the sandbox.\n", i);</BLOCKQUOTE>
Nesting them also works.
Of course, we really do need <CODE> and <PRE> tags.
A question: shareware or full, and other q's... (Score:1)
from what I'll ask you will recon I am not a big gamer (I liked Wolfenstein3D, though).
So, I understand there is a shareware and full version of doom. The code of which version is available?
I have seen these Win32 ports, but all seem to require doom... I guess they require the original Doom written for DOS, but which one? The shareware or the full? Is there something that is understood by default and I don't get it?
Has the code for the DOS port been available previously (but under a different license, non GPL), or only the Linux port was open?
I would appreciate your inputs, I am looking forward on trying some Win32 ports.
Re:I wish they'd GPL Commander Keen (Score:1)
Maybe Commander Keen code isn't id Software's property.
At that time they sticked with Apogee and that could be a problem.
Re:Do I still need to buy a copy of Doom? (Score:1)
You can play the shareware version (1st episode).
To play the rest you have to pay.
Re:Quake is GPL now too (Score:1)
Carmack and Open Source (Score:5)
Three cheers for Mr Carmack!
Jeremy Katz
Re:Quake is GPL now too (Score:3)
Noop, Carmack started Quake from a clean sheet when he was tired of all the corners he had coded himself into with the Doom code.
AFAIK he has not done this since however, so Quake3 is a derivative work of the original Quake source.
Though of course, what the other reply says (about holding the copyright) still holds.
Three words: Doom for Palm! (Score:1)
Actually, it might almost be playable on the larger screen of the last-generation Newton (The 2000/2100 models). They already have Ethernet support. Hmmmmm....
Anybody remember NewtonQuake?
Doom, great. Now, Quake! (Score:1)
Re:quake (Score:1)
It would be a *real* long time before the quake source is that out of date.
how about (Score:1)
Doom and GPL (Score:2)
I worked on the Doom code for about six months as part of TeamTNT's Boom engine effort, and I can definitely say it's both educational and fun. Many projects like mine will probably be converting to the GPL as well now too (we just passed on Carmack's educational license before.)
There is a link to the Source Ports page from the page the story links to (sorry, slashdotted right now or I'd link) that will get you versions of source for a wide variety of operating systems, including Linux, and with widely varying feature sets. I expect most, and nearly all the Linux versions, will go open source now.
CS majors rejoice (Score:1)
Re:in distros (Score:1)
Re:quake (Score:2)
You ask why all the most advanced games are closed-source. There are two reasons for this. First, you forget that the eventual goal of the Open-Source movement is to create an entire software platform which is Open-Source. This is a very big job, and it involves far more than just the OS. All sorts of other work has to be done, and a lot (such as office productivity software) isn't done at this point in time. When it comes to coding, games are a pretty low priority to Open-Source developers (playing is another matter entirely).
Second, Open-Source does have one major disadvantage: initial development times are extremely slow. This is a tradeoff; you often get better code, but you pay for it in spades time-wise. I would point you to Golgotha's site of an example of a highly-advanced Open-Source game in development, but unfortunately I've forgotten where the site is (can someone help me out here?)
I should also point out that the slowness of Open-Source development time is regained in bugfixing time later.
Re:Three words: Doom for Palm! (Score:1)
I think there's one variation of a port at http://www.jimmy.com/ [jimmy.com].
Cheap publicity stunt (Score:1)
The thing is that Doom is old, and any "interesting" ideas in it have already been outdated by much faster computers and things like DirectX/OpenGL. All Carmack gets out of this is some praise on slashdot, and a couple more ppl who buy quake 3. That's all he's out for, and that's all he's getting. I am not criticizing him, actually, I'm just saying that it sounds like a very good idea, but practically speaking, I don't think this amounts to much, and is mostly just to generate hype.
Re:Flamebait it is (Score:1)
I don't think so.
Besides, other founders = Adrian Carmack (no relation) and he's an artist, not a programmer so I think he doesn't care whether it's open source or not.
Other founders (Hall, Romero) have left id long time ago.
Re:in distros (Score:1)
Re:What a joke! (Score:2)
Exactly! So id software is not really in support of open source development. They are in support of the normal commercial model that everyone else outside the linux community uses.
Therefore, we shouldn't praise them for their GPL move! It's just a marketing stunt.
Lyell E. Haynes
Re:Carmack and Open Source (Score:1)
Re:Id software dosn't need to 'recruit' (Score:1)
Open Source in the true sense of the word means that all development, even current, is open to the software community.
I don't need to write my own 3d engine, because there are open source engines already in development that I can use, such as the Genesis 3D engine.
The benefit that id receives from putting their current projects under the GPL is that they get more programmers that can help in the development. The programmers can contribute to the code, find bugs, suggest additions and changes, etc. Carmack and his in-house team still have control as to what goes into their version of the game, but they get a free team of developers to help them.
They can then make money off the game by two ways: First of all, they can sell it to the general public, who just wants a game to play and doesn't care about the code, and secondly, they can license the code to other developers for a fee that includes support and development tools that id uses in-house for their own production.
There's your Win-Win scenario!
Lyell E. Haynes
Re:What is the 'glDoom episode'? A drive failure? (Score:1)
Just my 2 pennies.
Just a silly thought (Score:1)
This is too cool (Score:1)
Re:quake (Score:1)
What it needs (Score:1)
Thank you John Carmack (Score:3)
I'm greatly appreciative of this, John. I asked for a legally-able-to-redistribute license and you gave us more than we could have ever hoped. Way to go, id!
Re:What it needs (Score:1)
Cool idea though, and it should be possible, but it'd take an incredible amount of work.
Rebirth of Doom? (Score:1)
Re:Doom and GPL (Score:1)
http://www.doomworld.com/ports/index.sht ml [doomworld.com]
Doom Source Code (Score:5)
The part that is not generally available are the maps from the game itself. The engine is available, but you have to download and put together your own information. With the proliferation of doom and quake sites this is not a problem.
John's original intent was to release the source code for each game engine a year after the game was released or when the next game engine was released. Doom and DoomII use the same engine, more or less and when quake was released John released the Doom code, actually a bit later since they had to have someone go in and clean out the third party software and clean up part of the code.
And now for some URL's
PlanetQuake [planetquake.com] probably the formost user site online for quake and doom related material. Any player of these games should not miss this site.
Quake 2 coding list. [mailto]
id Softare [idsoftware.com] id software's main website
id's source code archive [idsoftware.com]
planetquake's finger information [planetquake.com] Latest .plan files from the gaming industries top game designers.
Where to find the Doom source [cdrom.com]
Cdrom [cdrom.com] and more files, look for various id titles
Carmack speaks, first person style. (Score:2)
Doom derivatives (Score:1)
And, of course, I echo the kudos that John Carmack is getting for his decision to change the license of the Doom source code...he's one of the guys I think of first in the Pantheon of Programming Gods...
"Free your code...and the rest will follow."
DOOM isn't the answer (Score:1)
Re:I wish they'd GPL Commander Keen (Score:1)
but probably nobody will read this, and i might be wrong anyhow
Re:Quake is GPL now too (Score:1)
Re:I think Gnome has more worthwhile things to do (Score:2)
Or a bonobo componet of the Gnome minesweeper game. Oh wait, they already did that.
More worthwhile things to do indeed!
Good, yes. A complete fix? No. (Score:3)
Imagine if Microsoft gave you a copy of MS Office with a site license, and then said "Ha! We just changed the license! Now you have to pay us One million dollars! They can do that, but only on new purchases/downloads of their software. They can not make you comply with a new license for software that you are already using according to another license.
This is a very good thing. Unfortunately, if people were not contributing back changes and improvements before, simply changing the license to the GPL now wont necessarily fix that. It will stop it from happening in the future, though. I still applaud this decision in license change, good work id.