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Games Entertainment

Loki to Release Heretic II and Heavy Gear II 32

Violator writes that Loki announced that they will be continuing their partnership with Activision - Heretic II and Heavy Gear II will be ported to Linux. The beta-testing for Heretic II begins soon. While I'm on my soap box, check out Cool site.
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Loki to Release Heretic II and Heavy Gear II

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  • Oh, if only. It would just be too much to port a game I play like crazy :)

    On another note, bioware is developing neverwinter nights on win/linux/mac at the same time. Wee, they make good games( ie. Baldur's Gate), I can hardly wait.
  • Interesting indeed, but what then?

    Meta-moderate the moderators of the front page?

    Ick... sounds hairy

    Still rather interesting though.

    With this implemented, all thats left is to
    accept submission for slashdot boxes and
    rate them too.

    Now take a step back and look at the bigger
    picture... pretty darn awesome, innit?

    Ah... significance out of chaos, gotta love

    WTF am I mumbling about

  • It's true...Womens' dedicated sites ARE stupid. From what I see on the net, most of this Webgrrrls and women specific site stuff is put up by lesbians and other mysandronistic scrags anywayz, not anybody who you'd really classify as actual women. More like guys born in womens' bodies who are extremely resentful of that fact. ;-)
  • These are all "regular" gaming sites:

    ...I've got plenty more if you are not satisfied.

  • Yeah, this was posted already, but a lot more than just the installer is covered in this.. bad or good? dunno.
  • by Dast ( 10275 )
    We just keep getting more and more games for Linux. Brings a tear to my eye. (:

    I will most certaily be purchasing a copy of Heretic II. (Can someone give me the skinny on Heavy Gear II? I haven't played it. Is it any good?)

    I think the community should make an effort to support those companies that put out games for Linux. Support them with your wallet! If you like the game, buy it. I pre-ordered a copy of CivCTP from Loki and was pleased with it. And I will probably buy a copy of Heretic II. (And I can't wait to go to a store and buy a boxed copy of q3 for linux from our friends at id one day).

    Show the world that the Linux community isn't a bunch of freeloaders. Buy a copy of the good games that come out. Companies will see this and continue to port high quality games.
  • The least Hemos and Taco could do is make a cursory glance over the front page. 'course, you can't really complain about something free.
  • First, some pseudo-code that needs patching into the slash engine:

    if (doublePost) { doublePost = false; snurf(secondPoster); forward(secondPoster, allFirstPosts); }

    The other news (eg: Heretic II) sounds great! The more games, the better.

  • We should be able to moderate stories in the same way we can moderate comments. This would help cut down on redundant junk.

    Just a thought.
  • Actually that's the way forward.

    As it stands hordes of people submit stories to Slashdot every day - these are filtered by 'The Editors' to those that are actually featured. Often there are duplicates, and masses of people think certain stories are 'dumb'.

    A more advanced (plus fairer and more open) approach would be for the front page to list all submitted stories. These stories would have associated scores just like posts do today (but with more resolution/levels) and users could mark a story as '+', '-' or 'dup'. Most users wouldn't see the swarm of stories as they'd browse at, say, level '50+' stories...

    With this implemented Slashdot would be self-running and the featured stories really would reflect its readership (Is that good?).
  • besides, how much are you paying for slashdot? You should only complain if you have paid for this service...

    Paying isn't the point. These are ideas that could make /. better. I don't think Cmdr Taco, etc. would mind people telling them how to make their product and service better. Saying "it's free, so you'll get what you get and like it" is a pretty worthless attitude for a FSF/GPL etc programmer to have.

    I'd love to see a moderator-like method of voting for stories, personally. Of course, we'd still probably retain the hand picked method too, since the editors (ususally) do a good job selecting stories.
  • Don't get me wrong I love Heretic II. It's just that heretic 2 already works flawlessly in wine for me, and I already beat it on hard. I would much rather have them spend some time porting a non Quake-engine style game, maybe an rpg or racing game(ie. planescape:torment,need for speed: high stakes). Oh well, I guess for all of those unfortunate enough to have not played it, Heretic 2 is as good as anything - at least it's not a total quake clone, nice change of setting, nice gameplay, rpg elements. I had fun playing it, I was just rooting for something newer and/or different.
  • The first one said the installer was released under GPL, this one say GPL. Maybe they re-released it.
  • I just can't help feeling that gender-specific sites are a little bit silly. I'm sure women are at least as welcome as men (plus transsexuals and gender-less aliens, for that matter) on any of the "regular" gaming sites. I don't see or anywhere...
  • I completely agree. However, could we make an exception for porn sites? :-)
  • try to compare the installer with rpms. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a graphical rpm installation versus a loiki setup installation? Try to also highlight the deficiencies of both rpm and setup.

    That would be very informational. :-)

    My $0.02
  • Come on people. so this happens occasionally.
    is it too hard to just read the article twice?

    It's not a big deal.

    besides, how much are you paying for slashdot?

    You should only complain if you have paid for
    this service... even then... what's the big deal?

  • I'm not a big fan of a first person shooters, but after playing Heavy Gear II on my friends system, well, I just had to get a copy for myself, buy a new videocard and pick up a joystick.

    I was impressed with a number of things, the water rippling as you slid through it, the AI's noticing that and wasteing you, the fact that you could run, drop into a crouch, then prone, and sneak up on the computer, the fact that you can almost perfectly mimic actions and movements that you (the flesh and blood you) could do... Spin from cover, pop off some rounds, and then spin right back.

    I swear, this game is what Mech Warrior was meant to be.

    Gahhh, it is soo damn cool.

  • This is an excellent idea, and one that should have been brought up a long time ago. It shouldn't be as sensitive as moderating user comments, so some loser with a bad attitude can't moderate everything down one day, but it should be able to mark down stories that are repetitive or inaccurate. Why can't this be done, Taco?
  • That is an even better idea than what I thought of. Even if this isn't done on the main page, they should run this as a parallel service. Or someone should take the Slashdot source code and implement it on a new site. What's more, people could post article summaries and have them moderated up or down, so that we avoid the reading comprehension problems that some of the editors have.
  • RPM: handles dependencies fairly well, but difficult to over-ride. Only used in some versions of linux.

    Installer: will work on all distributions of linux.

    For someone who wants to make money, you want to target the largest install base; only distributing RPM's makes it difficult for Debian/Slackware/whatever users to use your program.

    As far as a technical review goes, it would be worthwhile, possibly also reviewing stuff like .deb.

  • Right on! Kudos to Hemos for mentioning the site, and AC, you're exactly on the money.

    Emil: Until you really look at it, you don't realize how the game market is slanted towards the 12-24 year old male. Most games are focused to their interests and taste.. because they appear to be the only market. This is marketing exec think, but it creates a nasty catch-22: the games are catered to males in a particular age bracket, and *surprise*, they sell well to that group and not so hot to the rest of the consumer base. So, the suits say "Girls don't play games, here are the sales to prove it" and shake their heads as they authorize Tomb Raider 38DD.

    What I think [] is going to be is an example to those decision makers that female gamers do exist - so the next time someone tries to sell a game that isn't the standard teenage boy fare. They know the male gamers are out there, but need to be shown that the female ones are.

    IMHO, more girls would play games if there were more games that interested them. I'm not talking about Cosmo makeup software, but a little bit of consideration would make things go a long way: female characters that are more than decoration, more realistic body depictions (how would you like to play a game in which every male character had a 14 inch penis?), hell.. maybe some beefcake to go along with the bimbettes would improve things.

    As for other sexual preferences being welcome in the regular gaming scene, I say bullshit - many online gamers, protected by their anonymity, don't hesitate to harass and insult gays or other groups in the gaming minority. It's acceptable behavior on the Quake servers to say "Man, that was gay!" or "You cock-sucking camper!" - not a friendly environment to anyone but the straight teenage male, IMHO.

    A lot of gaming is still the clubhouse with a "Girls/Fags/Dykes Keep Out" sign on the door. That's fine and dandy - it's their money/server/bandwidth - but whining about the outcasts setting up their own club is uncalled for.

    [No connection to the web site, just found it. Blah, blah, blah. Don't get insulted if you're the exception to the above stereotypes, I'm talking about the majorty.]
  • Think Baldur's Gate for Linux.... mmmmmm...

    Imagine, a Baldur's Gate that never crashes.... Oh boy....

  • The 2-year, 5-game deal is more interesting (to me) than the specific titles. According to one interview, Civ:CTP isn't part of that deal, which means there are three more guaranteed Activision games. Anyone care to guess?

    Similarly, the news about the remaining (unannounced) games of 1999 are that one is an RPG. There is a rumor (in the latest Linux Magazine) that a Sim game may be the other. Speculation, anyone? I'm hoping for SimCity3000 for the latter =)

    It is such a pleasure to be able to go home and play games on my Linux box...

  • All the posts seem to be about the article being submitted twice, not the article itself. Come on guys, get a life. Yeah, the Slashdot crew goofed again. But they usually fix it, and everyone noticed. I read discussions because I want to see what people think about the article, not what they think about Hemos' left sock. Move on. The fact that you took the time to post about THAT . . . (I'm taking the time because this happens too often, and it bothers me a little). I mean, I KNOW I don't have a life, but . . . .

    Guess I just up the threshold.

    And incidentally, this IS great. I'll likely pick up Heavy Gear II. But I'm STILL waiting for that Drakan port so I can re-format my Win98 partition . . . ;-)
  • This leads to the question of whether everyone should be able to moderate a story, or if we'll have the same concept of moderators for stories.

    I believe that allowing all users to moderate a story wouldn't work too well, so perhaps allowing the oldest two thirds of users that aren't compulsive Slashdot readers and aren't casual readers to moderate would work well.

    This could really allow stories that would normally fall through the cracks to be seen by everyone. This is a Good Thing(tm). Opinions?

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