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Playstation 4 Vs Xbox One: Which Shares Better? 174

itwbennett writes "One of the new features that both Sony and Microsoft touted for their next-gen gaming consoles was easy sharing of gameplay videos. Peter Smith has put sharing to the test on both consoles, and (spoiler alert), found that both have plenty of room for improvement. There are pros and cons to each, but ultimately, which console does sharing best comes down to personal preference: 'I really hate that the Playstation 4 is limited to sharing on Facebook and I really like that the Xbox One saves to my Skydrive,' says Smith. 'But I hate having to wait for that upload to happen before I can go back to gaming.'"
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Playstation 4 Vs Xbox One: Which Shares Better?

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 15, 2013 @08:10PM (#45699363)

    Who gives a fuck, which shares better?

    The important question is; which is a better game play platform and which has the best games?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Who gives a fuck, which shares better?

      The important question is; which is a better game play platform and which has the best games?

      Agreed. I use these things to play games, not to boats my uber awesomness in gameplay to the world. Who cares?

      • More importantly (Score:5, Interesting)

        by symbolset ( 646467 ) * on Sunday December 15, 2013 @08:22PM (#45699457) Journal
        Which one seats six comfortably? XBox.
      • by SJHillman ( 1966756 ) on Sunday December 15, 2013 @08:37PM (#45699611)

        SPOILERS: The Slashdot demographic is a bit off center of the XBox/PS4's main target demographic. (In other words, MS and Sony don't give a fuck what you use it for)

        • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Sunday December 15, 2013 @09:53PM (#45700085) Journal

          Considering how locked down both systems are, I'd say they care very much what you use it for.

          • Hmmm. Two of my favorite posters, Hillman and Martian... obviously, I would like to honor you both with a nod from this post, rather than a mod from anonymity, and somehow still come out looking incredible myself. Magnanimouselfish, if you will. You're both right, and in this case 'right' is not mutually exclusive. The probability that a man with a sub-genius intellect could be aware of this is on the order of nil.
          • I suppose it would be more accurate to say they don't give a fuck what you (a Slashdot user, typically separate from their main demographic) *want* to use it for.

      • Considering the renewed attacks on gaming videos using takedown notices, I'm not sure it matters which one "shares better".

        If it doesn't create a revenue stream in a direct way, Sony and Microsoft don't care if you have any particular feature.

        Remember, these are corporations. They would throw a baby off a bridge for a dollar.

        • I believe the preferred vernacular is that they would monetize the gravity-influenced baby-bridge altitude inversion if the ROI made sense.

    • by Mashiki ( 184564 ) <[moc.liamg] [ta] [ikihsam]> on Sunday December 15, 2013 @08:24PM (#45699479) Homepage

      The important question is; which is a better game play platform and which has the best games?

      That's obvious, PC. All hail the Gaben. []

      • No, it's obviously consoles. PC gamers don't actually play games, they just play benchmarks for bragging points on their e-peens. Besides, after spending so much on their hardware they don't have money for games, that's why PC gamers in Europe and Asia are such pirates, and why PC GAmers in America are the "Only buy $5.00 games at steam sales" sorts of guys.

        And if they do play a game it's just "one" game that they play over and over and over to the exclusion of everything else. Whether it be Starcraft, L

        • by Smauler ( 915644 )

          My Steam library is currently 152 games, a lot of those having been bought full price... EU4 was the last. You're wrong, on every one of your comments.

          • You're wrong, on every one of your comments.

            I'm regards to YOU, that doesn't mean that there aren't Filthy PC Gamer Bourgeoisie that fulfill the stereotypes I mentioned.

            You may buy games at full price, but many of the Filthy Gabe Newell Worshipping PC Gamer Bourgeoisie here on Slashdot brag of paying no more than $5 per game... and then wonder why the PC version of cross-platform games is an afterthought.

            • by Smauler ( 915644 )

              I've not met many of the "Filthy Gabe Newell Worshipping PC Gamer Bourgeoisie" here on Slashdot. The typical stereotype is open source, Linux and anti DRM. For most of Steam's existence, it's been the antithesis of all three of these things.

              The reason lots of people are supporting Steam here, as I see it (and quite a lot are, despite the DRM), is that locking down hardware is bad for the consumer, always. Paying full price for the games is not the issue.

              • For most of Steam's existence, it's been the antithesis of all three of these things.

                Oh I agree on that.

                The reason lots of people are supporting Steam here, as I see it (and quite a lot are, despite the DRM), is that locking down hardware is bad for the consumer, always.

                Well I think the "argument" comes down to either:

                1. Getting open hardware with more visible (and annoying) DRM, aka the PC

                2. Getting locked down hardware with transparent to the user DRM, that you don't even notice. AKA a console.

                I prefer 2 to 1, especially since I don't like Windows. Yes, that means my computer runs Linux but I game on the PS3/PS4.

                Yes, there's Valve's future offerings...but that IMHO is going nowhere because:

                1. It requires a Windows machine for some games, espec

    • by Anonymous Coward

      HA HA HA. Best games? It's all about Hulu while streaming Angry Birds that your friends stop you playing so they can show you "just this one thing."

      *Draws on a cigar*

      Son, if people wanted to play a console for games, they wouldn't have bought a system that limits what games you are allowed to play. Everyone knows it's about chatting with friends over a webcam.

      Now you'll excuse me while I go swim in all this money those suckers gave me.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I couldn't agree more. I don't want a game console to anything else than play games. Period. To me, when xbox started the 'entertainment' features with HULU and Netflix, it seemed most of my friends list was watching some movie. Nobody is going to stop a movie to play a game. So at that point xbox went from being a game console to another tivo. And six seats? wow who wants to peer into that tiny screen?

    • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

      Your so not 2.0... the most important thing of new tech is how you can brag to others that you have it. - Sent from the NEW iPhone 4000
      • the most important thing of new tech is how you can brag to others that you have it. [...]

        To be part of the inside club, you have to pronounce it correctly.
        Hint: It is spelled X-Box, but pronounced Christbox.

    • I remember when the previous gen released all my friends were extremely excited about picking up the xbox 360. This time around none of us actually gives a fuck. We might/probably pick one or the other once a few good games come out (maybe late next year) but definitely in no rush. It seems they are really pushing all this other shit when all I want are good fucking games. But neither console has even one game that is close to appealing...
    • Agreed. If you really care about sharing gameplay videos, you're probably going to invest in a HD PVR [] so you can control your own content, edit/annotate/narrate and upload wherever you want.
      • invest in a HD PVR so you can control your own content, edit/annotate/narrate and upload wherever you want.

        The questions and answers about this product [] states that it'll work for the Xbox One, but the PlayStation 4 appears to have HDCP encryption to keep you from doing just that.

    • The important question is; which is a better game play platform and which has the best games?

      Not to me. I never play any games on my PlayStation.

    • by bondsbw ( 888959 )

      The important question is; which is a better game play platform and which has the best games?

      To some. To others, the important question is which is a better entertainment device.

      PS4 has the edge in gaming and the XB1 has the edge in home entertainment. Both are decent at both roles and much better than their predecessors.

    • "The important question is; which is a better game play platform and which has the best games?"


    • Exactly that sharing feature is one of those big touted however, I really don't care type of feature.

      Now I see two big problems with both the PS 4 and XBox One.

      Problem 1: Subscription for more services. Yes it isn't too much, however I really don't want want an other bill to pay for, and if times get tough, games will be the first to go. the PS 4 is a bit better then XBox One is. At least I can still watch Netflix without paying Sony extra fees.

      Problem 2: Family Games. I would like to see more games fit f

  • by Anonymous Coward

    So now that the current generation can't make the same technological jump that the previous one did (owing to the fact that it'd probably bankrupt them this time round), the "important" stuff is secondary done-in-software fluff like sharing?

    Yeah, I know social media is where it's at, but this is depressing...

  • by Anonymous Coward

    A PC, Twitch, and Open Broadcaster.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Here's me thinking "filesharing on a game console?" and then it's about posting your gaming "achievements" on a "social network". To me, gaming with friends means getting together with friends and playing games. Now get off my LAN.

  • by Jah-Wren Ryel ( 80510 ) on Sunday December 15, 2013 @08:38PM (#45699625)

    Forget about sharing gaming videos.

    What really matters is which one is better for sharing video of your drunk naked wife. []

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Got a javascript heap spray alert from clicking on your link, yet another site to avoid!

    • The likelihood of a link proving defective is directly proportionate to the number of times "naked" is used in its trailer.
    • by _merlin ( 160982 )

      I doubt anyone appreciated that - she's nasty. Well maybe she'd be hot in Toowoomba, but let's not go there.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Sony had a very intriguing product, PSX.

    PSX had lots of "goods" for developers; at a little 'developer studio' along a backstreet in Shinjuku I saw and talked about using PSX with Flash (MX) and other code. And I saw lots of very awesome video renders.

    Sony market PSX under Sony Corporation, not Sony Computer Entertainment! [see Wikipedia:]

    That was then. Sad.

    Microsoft Xbox One, to me from what I read --- been able to read or find what I was not supposed t

  • To quote, from the PS4 section: "When you tap the button your game is paused and the Share screen opens. Here you'll have 3 options: "Upload video clip," "Upload screenshot," and "Broadcast gameplay." The latter starts Twitch streaming, which the Xbox One doesn't yet support, so I won't cover it today."

    So there's a feature on the PS4 to allow a form of sharing the XBOne doesn't have yet, so its not included in the line-up? How's that a fair comparison? People who want to share to Twitch should surely know that the PS4 already lets them do that *right now* and that should be included in the comparison, should it not?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The narrative is that they're both pretty much equivalent choices. Never mind the Xbox One's higher price tag (a good Kinect title is bound to come out some day!) or its much weaker specs (here they mention that no one can even see 1080p anyways. Or even better, a comparison to the PS3's shining later in its life despite its weaker GPU, despite that being because the PS3 and 360 had completely different architectures, while the PS4 and XBOne are extremely similar)

    • Five insightfuls, an overrated and two trolls ... possibly my most controversial opinion ever so far, gotta love gaming discussions.

  • by Bender Unit 22 ( 216955 ) on Sunday December 15, 2013 @09:07PM (#45699791) Journal

    I don't understand why people would want to watch other peoples mediocre gaming skills.
    "Look at me as a play a level in some generic shooter". zzzz
    There are a few exceptions where I want to see the graphics, maybe to checkout the gameplay or a hint/guide/learn from someone. But let's face it 99% of the gameplay videos out there are just filling hard drives with useless pixels.

    And I don't get what makes people think you would want to watch them do something as ordinary as playing a game?

    • Actually the one of the guys from Penny Arcade plays at times, and while he's not very good he is interesting to listen too as it sometimes turns into a running Q&A about Penny Arcade which can be very interesting.

      Yeah 90% of streams are probably boring as hell to watch. But it opens up a lot of creative opportunity for people and I wouldn't dismiss it as worthless just because it follows Sturgeon's Law like everything else.

    • by Fr33z0r ( 621949 )
      I've only used the Xbox One, but when you record something (generally by just saying "Xbox record that" after something cool happens) it's automatically shared with your friends in a constantly updating "Friends clips" playlist. Being able to turn on your console when you get home from work and watch a highlights-reel of all the funny/weird/awesome stuff your friends thought was worth recording is a feature which is difficult to overrate.

      When you upload worthy clips, they're also shown in a playlist on t
  • by klingers48 ( 968406 ) on Sunday December 15, 2013 @09:14PM (#45699843)
    Which functions better as burn tiles for spacecraft atmospheric re-entry? My money would be on the Xbox One for its greater surface area, allowing for better heat diffusion.
  • What does sharing mean?
    • Sharing is what MS and Sony want you to do with your content, while they refuse to do that with theirs.
  • Which provides the largest and least lubricated sphincter dilating phallus? FTFY
  • I'm sorry but I will not buy another MS box that wants to charge me for access to services they don't even provide like watching Netflix or Hulu. I've paid enough MS taxes over the years as one time expenses, buying a computer, android phone, etc... With the PS removal of "Other OS" and the Wii forcefully removing dvd playback at a hardware level, I hope the steam box drives them both under. Till then steam gets preferred status followed by wii and games that play on an un-updated PS3 followed b
    • I really agree that Xbox360 should not charge for using streaming clients. Unfortunately, they seem to be the best clients for those services. Less skipping and lagging. Maybe its more memory to play with or a faster processor, but I prefer to watch on 360. And I dont want to prefer that because I dont want to pay again. And again. And again. Forever. Its intolerable! I need to figure out how much money a used 360 will bring. Maybe a roku3 will be just as good and I can put the money to

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • The PS4 can share to, which is the equivalent of uploading a video clip to the "Sky drive", except the upload is done in real time. Also, I suspect Youtube opened up their live streaming feature because of the release of the consoles (especially PS4); now that everyone can share their gameplay, they want to be a viable option.

  • by jdev ( 227251 ) on Sunday December 15, 2013 @10:19PM (#45700221)
    I asked this same question when deciding what frying pan to buy. After some research, I decided that Cuisinart's lack of Twitter support was a dealbreaker and went with the Calphalon.
  • by Camembert ( 2891457 ) on Sunday December 15, 2013 @10:34PM (#45700303)
    Occasionally I notice in my Facebook feed that an acquaintance has unlocked a level in some inane IOS game. I wonder if anyone cares to read or even deliver such updates? It seems that MS and Sony think that it would be good, but it sure doesn't make my life better.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Seems relevant:

      Nintendo of Japan President Satoru Iwata: "The primary use of Twitter and Facebook is not gaming, but a means of communication. Although I don't use either of them, if I did, I imagine I'd use it to talk about my outings and vacations to people who aren't exactly video game enthusiasts. I don't think my former classmates would care to hear about my new Mario Kart record and so on."

    • by artor3 ( 1344997 )

      It's an advertisement. It's not supposed to make your life better. It's supposed to extract money from you.

    • by Xest ( 935314 )

      Actually I think it's quite fitting, now rather than reading drivel from people about how they're new baby shat itself again or how someone broke down at some traffic lights - people whom I only begrudgingly accepted their friend requests so I don't have to answer that awkward "Why did you ignore my friends request on Facebook" if I ever bump into them in real life because I'm averse to crushing their souls by being honest and saying "Because you're really actually quite a boring, annoying, pointless person

      • You sure have a good point.
        In my case, living in a different continent from my family and old friends I find FB nice to keep in touch and exchange pictures.
      • people whom I only begrudgingly accepted their friend requests so I don't have to answer that awkward "Why did you ignore my friends request on Facebook" if I ever bump into them in real life

        The way you talk about those disgusting babies and awkward "social things" -- I'm guessing this doesn't really happen to you too often.

        • by Xest ( 935314 )

          I didn't say anything about disgusting babies, you seem to be projecting your own view or something there, I just said I really don't give a shit if someone's baby has shat itself, it's uninteresting and I just don't care, and judging by the clear lack of response to such posts, I guess neither does anyone else.

          As for bumping into people from my past whom I only begrudgingly add then yes you're absolutely right, it doesn't happen too often. I always figured this was normal given that I live amongst a popula

    • This is obviously FIXED by the fact that people who post Gaming updates on FaceBook have no friends, and they use FaceBook for gaming updates and "liking" various Pizza companies to get coupons.

      "David LIKES Death From Above Battle Ax Happy-Fun-Time" Wouldn't you want to LIKE this too?

  • get your own.
  • That's all that matters.

  • Steam gaming machines.

  • The only reason I can think why we have the sharing button is as a misguided response to tablet and phone games. We keep hearing how casual gamers are sucked into those and diverted away from consoles (this, etc: []. A lot of these iOS and Android titles have sharing features and offer to upload your performance to Facebook. Why anyone would want to do that is beyond me
  • Personally I'd be more amenable to the console that shares the least, or at least has switches that control its behaviour. I would be more impressed by a console which strikes a good balance between privacy and the ability to share and allows users to adjust it further one way or the other as they see fit. And if someone doesn't want to Tweet, Like, live cast or whatever then there should be a simple checkbox in the settings which removes all that shit from the UI.
    • Personally I'd be more amenable to the console that shares the least, or at least has switches that control its behaviour. I would be more impressed by a console which strikes a good balance between privacy and the ability to share and allows users to adjust it further one way or the other as they see fit. And if someone doesn't want to Tweet, Like, live cast or whatever then there should be a simple checkbox in the settings which removes all that shit from the UI.


      When I read the headline, my first thought was that they were obscurely talking about which console invades your privacy more (i.e., shares 'better')...disappointing to read the summary and realize they're talking about a fringe feature that only self-obsessed little wankers would care about.

  • >>> 'I really hate that the Playstation 4 is limited to sharing on Facebook and I really like that the Xbox One saves to my Skydrive,

    I believe you are all stupid enough to not spot the obvious inconsistency in my claiming to really hate one proprietary locked down site but loving another. I also have a vested interest in only promoting and saying good things about Microsoft products.

Not only is UNIX dead, it's starting to smell really bad. -- Rob Pike
