Warcraft III Gone Gold 740
0x00 writes "Shacknews seems to be the first to report that Warcraft III has gone gold. The press release is here. Blizzard have announced that the game will be available July 3rd around the world - just in time for my mid-year University break (great timing!)." Update: 06/13 15:16 GMT by M : Please consider the fact that Blizzard is suing people who write software to interoperate with theirs when deciding whether you want to purchase this game.
Alright! (Score:3, Funny)
Ah man (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Ah man (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Ah man (Score:5, Funny)
Warcraft III released [slashdot.org]
Mozilla 1.0 released! [slashdot.org]
Microsoft denounces the CBPDTA [vibrantmedia.com] (really they did. Yes i submitted the story, yes slashdot rejected it =))
To quothe from another slashdot reader:
"The FAA has spotted an unusual number of pigs at high altitude, the devil called me up asking to send him a jacket and gloves, a cow was seen in the night sky above the moon......."
Madness! I'm going to go make myself a tinfoil suit - the END IS COMING THE END IS COMING!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!! OMG,IT CANT BE.. DUKE NUKEM FOREVER!!
Re:Ah man (Score:2)
Please consider the fact... (Score:5, Insightful)
Say what you like about Blizzard, they make some pretty damn good games.
You're not serious- others may be different... (Score:4, Insightful)
If it doesn't run on Linux, I'm not terribly interested in buying it. If a company's going to pull the stunts Blizzard has went at lengths to do, I'm definitely not going to buy it.
Re:You're not serious- others may be different... (Score:5, Insightful)
(Next time read the message more carefully before commenting...)
I just really don't have a desire to buy software for anything other than Linux. Now, as far as Loki's demise, it had less to do with a lack of market and more to do with pure mis-management (I know a lot of the goings on there while they were still in business- I've got more than a couple of online acquaintances that worked there and they said all kinds of things that map back to what's been said, etc.). Now, what I am saying is offensive is that they're suing the bnetd people, claiming infringement, etc.
That's bogus, they know it, but since they've got money and lawyers, they're going to try and beat down the little guy anyway. THAT is what I definitely won't be doing- paying for a corporate bully. I don't buy/use Disney stuff for the same reason.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:5, Insightful)
Second, and more importantly, maybe YOU don't take boycotts seriously, but many others do.
Thridly, who's the "we" in slashdot? As if you could EVER get 100% of readers (hell, even 85%) to agree on anything?
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:3, Insightful)
Har har har. If by "many others" you mean "extreme minority", then you are right. Most people here on slashdot are blow-hards that sacrifice their ideology as soon as the new cool gadget from comes out. Quit being so naive.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:3)
Yeah, TACO is posting about it, not Michael, who's the one who typically posts about the latest adventures of the **AA's. Why should the editors be held to ideological consistency between each other?
And since when does realism mean "screw your ideals"? I don't HONESTLY think that Blizzard will personally miss my money. I'm not doing it for the actual economic benefit, I'm doing it because I think it's wrong to support them. If others agree, and they lose money because of it, great. If not, at least I'll have done what I believe is the Right Thing.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
And why should the slashdot population? You keep proving my point: Hardly no one on slashdot partakes in these silly boycotts.
"And since when does realism mean "screw your ideals"?"
Realism is that the vast majority of slashdot users don't share the ideology that this particular game maker should be boycotted, which proves the point that not many people here care about the boycott.
"I don't HONESTLY think that Blizzard will personally miss my money."
Of course they don't care about your money; You represent a minority market.
"I'm not doing it for the actual economic benefit, I'm doing it because I think it's wrong to support them."
More power to you. Virtually no one else is partaking in the boycott, which makes the boycott useless.
"If others agree, and they lose money because of it, great"
Not many people do. They won't lose enough money to make the silly boycott worth the effort of the majority of slashdot.
"If not, at least I'll have done what I believe is the Right Thing."
Whatever makes you feel like you're important in the world, do it.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:5, Funny)
Sadly, you're right. One could say, for example, "the sun is yellow", and:
54% would agree with you.
27% will say the sun may be yellow in America, but the rest of the world things it's more orangish
10% will flame the above 27% by saying "America != USA"
35% will ask about whether the sun shines on Linux
88% will complain that these numbers don't add up to 100%.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:4, Funny)
-1, Pedantic (Score:5, Informative)
by its long path length through the gas and dust of our atmosphere.
Re:Two definitions of white (Score:4, Funny)
I don't know how, but somehow you've managed to fit a "yellow snow" joke into this conversation.
Do not eat.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
> the rest of the world things it's more orangish
Another 42% would have to whine about your spelling errors and say things != thinks.
Then, of course, 90% of the moderators would mod you down for being off-topic.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
Thridly, who's the "we" in slashdot? As if you could EVER get 100% of readers (hell, even 85%) to agree on anything?
I take issue with that remark.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
Why should the editors have to be ideologically consistant between each other?
So yeah, Michael can be very "Chicken Little" sometimes (the sky is falling!), and Taco's a fucking whore for Disney, and in turn the **AA's, but they doesn't mean they have to agree between the two of them.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
Doesn't that prove my point? Isn't an effective boycott on slashdot one that has many people commited to it? My point is that the majority of people on slashdot DO NOT CARE about the silly boycotts. The ones that do commit themselves to a boycott here on slashdot is extremely small, and inneffective. Using your quote, wouldn't it be accurate to say "Why should slashdot users have to be ideologically consistant between eachother?". I'll answer that: If they aren't, then a boycott doesn't do shit. Which proves my point. I'm glad you think my way after all.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
Agree or disagree:
Free beer is good
Nazis are bad
(insert platitude here)
But yeah, I was aiming for an intentionally high number with 85%
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:3, Funny)
This is from the 'i-know-ponies-kill-but-I-want-one-anyways' department
And my boycott is serious. No WCIII for me. It looks awesome, but somehow I imagine I will manage to scrape by.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2, Insightful)
Indeed. I've been a fan of the entire Warcraft series, and I still play Starcraft, oh, twice per week, with a few friends.
Sure, they sued the bnetd guys. Big deal. BattleNet is FREE. It may be laggy, at times, but, overall, it's a good service, and there's really not much of a reason to spend the time reverse engineering the protocol and writing a new server for it.
Oh, but, wait! BattleNet checks keys! Maybe bnetd was invented so people with pirated copies of the game could play it without being hassled by the BattleNet servers?!
Support great software. If it happens to not be free, so what? Buy it.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:4, Insightful)
Or maybe not. Maybe it was invented casue BattleNet sucks ass. Maybe it was invented because we live in whats called 'a market' where people are encouraged to supply a demand. Sure, it doesn't check keys. Is ID software going out of business? Nope. Hell, gamespy.com owes their entire business to ID (and arguably to the pirated game market.) and nobody's firing off intimidating letters to them.
So can you explain to me why Blizzard wouldn't just do a key check in the game client against a blizzard-owned key database, independant of server-finding mechanism? Can you tell me why they insist that it takes a full blown player-community environment to do a simple key check? Sounds to me like, if anything, Blizzard made a crucial architectural mistake, and now they're being forced to toss out all babies with their bathwater. Thats their own deserts, and I dont have a modicum of sympathy for them. They arnt in any danger of living on the streets, and to use the argument always used against those who have to endure tough situations, if they like what they do, why grub for every last penny?
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:4, Insightful)
Bnetd sort of short-circuits this plan, as whoops, all of a sudden anyone can create a Battle.Net type server. As a result, any revenue-generating potential Battle.Net had is significantly decreased.
The DMCA/piracy argument is merely being used as the most politically expedient way for them to eliminate what they see as a threat to their earnings potential. If they'd come out with a 'hey, this *totally* wrecks the Big Plans we had for Battle.Net!' argument, they'd have been laughed right out of court. Much easier to transform it into a piracy-based argument, especially since that seems to be a hot political topic at the moment.
This is all speculation, of course.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:5, Insightful)
Have you spent any time at the bnetd.org site? Read about the conversations bnetd tried to have with Blizzard about incorporating a method by which to authenticate CDs? Read about how Blizzard said, "Nuh uh" and then sued bnetd?
Apparently not.
But lets look at all the games that have suffered by not having centralized key authentication systems that require the key for play (and I'm just going to list the ones I've owned and played in multiplayer):
Tribes 1-2, Mechwarrior 2-4, Quake 1-3, Doom 1-2, Duke Nukem 3D, Midtown Madness 1-2, Serious Sam 1-2, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Half-Life, Jedi Knight 2.
Well, there are more, but that's 18 games right there that didn't bankrupt their creators by allowing people to run servers at a LAN party. Admittedly, you can't set up public servers with Midtown Madness, but you can with the rest.
So what's keeping Blizzard from allowing people to set up their own servers? It must be assumed that people with pirated copies of the above games connect to public servers and play. Why hasn't there been a collapse of the game industry as a result?
... Maybe because enough legitimate copies are sold regardless to support those companies and that the extra sales due to widespread adoption of the multiplayer aspect makes up for the small losses to piracy. This is similar to Microsoft's approach - they hate piracy, but they know that without it, they'd be on a LOT fewer desktops. That's why the XP SP1 will merely disable future updates and won't shut down the OS itself - they can't afford to lose the numbers of users who have pirated XP.
Is Blizzard/Vivendi the first company to sue over server emulators? Naw, Ultima Online did the same thing. But I had already quit by the time that happened, so I didn't have much weight behind my protests.
Actually, it did bankrupt them... (Score:4, Insightful)
Well, actually, Dynamix *did* go bankrupt, partly due to the fact that virtually no-one actually bought Tribes 1. Why? Because people didn't need CD checks to play online, so they just warez'd it and played.
I remember talking to one of the ex-Dynamix staff, and they were saying that the figures for pirated people playing through their master server vs legal copies was something like 15-to-1.
Also, quite a few titles in that list *do* have centralised key auth'ing systems. Half-Life has WONID's based off serials, Tribes 2 did, Quake 3 did, and MoH:AA did. I don't think you can seriously count Doom and Duke Nukem 3D, since they were pre-internet gaming.
So before you go "Hey, it's not going to bankrupt them", it does.
(and as a side note: I'm going against the flow and supporting Blizzard here. It doesn't matter if bnetd heals a dying swan and fixes every bug in the game, it still gets around CD protection.
While that might be fine for the "Any use of the DMCA is evil, even if it means shooting off our feet"
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:4, Insightful)
You mean people who posses unauthorised copies of the game. "Piracy" has to do with armed theft of tangable goods (often involving murder, rape, and other nasty business). It has nothing whatsoever to do with sharing fun or useful software with your friends.
There is nothing morally wrong with this activity in and of itself, only the economic argument that some unpaid copies might have been paid copies otherwise. The moral argument is on the other side, where I'm forced to refuse to help to a friend or neighbor when asked, just so someone else can make economic gain off of them. I don't say this as a hypocritical lawbreaker, but as someone who actually tries to comply with the law, and is sick of constantly annoying friends and family members to do so.
The reality of the situation doesn't look so cut-and-dried to most people. How many people do you know who've never in their life copied or lent a game, CD, album, book, or video or audio tape to a friend? None for me. So the media companies try to brainwash us into thinking its some horrible criminal act to share media by using words like "theft", "property" and "piracy". Please don't support the media companies attempts to braiwash the public with inappropriate terminology. They have enough money to do it all by themselves without our help.
Indeed, I was a real high seas pirate (Score:3, Interesting)
To get serial for a moment, complaining about the new meaning of "piracy" is about as useful as complaining of "hacker" being abused by the press. Words mean what people want them to mean (c.f. Humpty Dumpty), meanings change over time and by region, and it does no good to get snippety about it.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:3)
I see a fair bit of explanation is in order.
Copyright is the grant of a monopoly (that's where the word comes in) on copying of a work to one party. Copyright monopolies were orignally a revenue source for the british crown (they were sold). They were kept in the US constitution as an *option* for congress, as long as they were for a limited time and were used to promote the arts. The idea was that congress could earn some extra money by selling on a case-by-case basis publishing rights for a short period to popular works that wouldn't get printed by anyone otherwise (printing was very expensive back then). They were not intended to imply any kind of "ownership" over the work itself, and the current situation would have absolutely appalled the authors of the constitution.
Re:Please consider the fact... (Score:2)
Hrm... (Score:2, Funny)
Damn the Emperor!
StarCraft 2 (Score:2)
Re:StarCraft 2 (Score:2, Informative)
Warcraft vs. Neverwinter Nights (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Warcraft vs. Neverwinter Nights (Score:2)
Learn to read...
The press release from Bioware says that you need the Windows CD to register, not that you need the game running under Windows to register.
Re:Warcraft vs. Neverwinter Nights (Score:2)
Please consider... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Please consider... (Score:2, Funny)
I might have to go buy two copies now!!!
Why not to buy... (Score:2, Interesting)
Honestly though the only computer I have powerful enough to run it has never had Windows installed on it. My laptop has no hope of being able to play games (without branding the HP logo on my legs.) That in combination with confusing legal moves, I have mixed emotions about it.
Re:Why not to buy... (Score:2)
please consider (Score:2)
why not give the money to the EFF instead (Score:5, Interesting)
Head to http://www.eff.org and give them the money, then send a letter to Blizzard telling them about it, and why.
Re:why not give the money to the EFF instead (Score:3, Funny)
Damn, I guess I'm joining the boycott by default. At least until ebay has it for $30.
Re:That much??!?!?! (Score:5, Funny)
Don't send the money to the EFF, but mail Blizzard saying you did.
Then treat yourself to a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for being crafty (War Crafty!)
Re:That much??!?!?! (Score:4, Funny)
Great idea! But If Blizzard gives you a counter-offer of Warcraft III Collector's Edition for just $49.99, should you accept it?
Re:That much??!?!?! (Score:2, Funny)
It really boils down to how much you think you can trust them.
Common misunderstanding. (Score:3, Interesting)
Things are not "worth" what you put into them. That is a well established economical fact. If you put 1 million into a software project, the results will not be "worth" 1 million. The real "worth" of all the stuff in the box is how much people are ready to pay for it. If Blizzard can't find custumers who are ready to pay more than 10$ for the package, the the package is only worth 10 dollars.
Correction (Score:2, Funny)
How about:
Don't support Blizzard's dirty tactics, download the game on your local p2p network !
Re:Correction (Score:2)
That's especially ironic, given that the Blizzard tactics seemed to nicely coincide with massive piracy of the Warcraft III beta. They went after bnetd during a period where it seemed like quite a few people were using it primarily for its lack of a CD key check (as opposed to its legitimate usage as a means of creating alternative online gaming communities with better performance).
Who Cares? (Score:2, Insightful)
Some people just like to have a cause.
Re:Who Cares? (Score:2)
How much would Microsoft have to increase the quality of their product before you would consider it "forgivable" for them to shut down Samba?
oh shit... (Score:4, Funny)
It's no Dungeon Seige (Score:2, Informative)
Yes, it's 3d, but compared to a 3d engine like Dungeon Seige, Warcraft 3's engine and it's camera control scheme sucks.
And the gameplay isn't a heck of a lot different than Warcraft 2. You now have heroes, which are pretty cool, and you can queue your production. You can set a rallying point that new units will move to automatically. But the basics of building as much as you can as fast as you can still stand.
Maybe I'm just tired of the RTS genre...
Re:It's no Dungeon Seige (Score:2)
Don't get me wrong; I like DS, but it seems to me that Warcraft 3 will be a lot better in terms of playability. Remember that Blizzard rarely (never?) make a cutting edge game - they stand out because of balance and gameplay, rather than graphics. Although at the end of the day I guess it's just a matter of taste.
Ah-ha! (Score:2)
They just had to get it out before people started getting their WarcraftIII addiction going!
Oh no! (Score:3, Insightful)
I think Michael is forgetting one crucial bit of information -- BLIZZARD GAMES ARE NOT OPEN SOURCE. Blizzard built it, people play it; Blizzard has the legal right to choose who they allow to interact with their game at any level. Not to say that interop software would be a bad thing -- id Software and Valve have proven that a game or gaming engine's longevity is closely tied to how accessable it is to the modding community. But if Blizzard has no desire to venture down that path, so be it.
Blizzard makes good games, period. If you don't want to buy them, that's your beef. But don't try to turn this into an open-source crusade -- you're wrong, they're right, end of story. Deal with it.
Re:Oh no! (Score:2, Insightful)
(1) AOL should be allowed to cut off clone AIM clients because its THEIR network.
(2) MS should be allowed to cut off clone IM clients because its THEIR network.
(3) MS should be allowed to modify Exchange server to keep the Ximian connector from functioning.
(4) ISPs should start banning the use of Linux because its THEIR network.
Look pal I know my comments here are coming off as krass and I understand how you feel in regards to
Its going to end up just like the DeCSS thing were
The hypocricsy has always been here and it will continue to stay here until the day these baboons close up shop. But until that time - I suggest you either learn to live with it (as I have) or leave well enough alone.
Re:Oh no! (Score:2)
1 & 2 - not likely to happen because of public backlash. AIM actually has 2 protocols, a limited "open" protocol for 3rd parties to use, and the standard protocol, which they change frequently to break 3rd party clients.
3 - I wouldn't doubt that they would. And they are within their rights to do so. The only problem would be getting people to upgrade when most MS admins have trouble installing a security fix. Not to mention it would probably require changes to the client.
4 - AOL has banned the use of Linux (by simply not providing a linux client). It's their network, they can control how, when, where, and with what you can access it.
bnetd is a totally different issue. The use of the DMCA is quite different from a technological barrier or a restrictive ToS.
Re:Oh no! (Score:5, Insightful)
It is not in the Open Source community's best interest to try to strongarm or coerce companies to open their source (or to allow interoperability, or any other changes to their business model).
Blizzard (through Vivendi) is accountable to its shareholders. This means, as a corporation, they are legally obligated to protect their property and assets, and also obligated to select a tested, proven business model which represents a minimal risk and maximal chance of profit.
If you think Open Source is ALWAYS better than Proprietary, then why the hell is Blizzard's software so fucking good? Now that they've proven you wrong, the only way you can rectify the situation is by boycotting the software.
Great software should thrive. Blizzard makes great software. And they have the right to keep their systems open or closed as they see fit. Would it be cool if there was an open version available? Yes. I know there are several open RTS systems under construction on Sourceforge. They don't attempt interoperability with BattleNet, so there is no legal issue. And guess what? THEY ALL SUCK! They all look like derivative, amateurish, sloppy game systems. They lack the Blizzard polish.
And if you're a RTS player who decides not to buy WCIII because of this issue, well then, it sucks to be you!
Re:The issue is not Open Source versus Proprietary (Score:3, Insightful)
Can beta testers chime in? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Can beta testers chime in? (Score:2)
Oh and I would like to reinforce the point that the 3D engine has been completely useless in the beta maps. Not only is there no good camera control but there isn't any elevation in the beta maps so it is really still a 2D game.
OWCH, $60+ (Score:5, Interesting)
And I haven't liked an RTS since Total Annihilation, mostly because it's the only one which got the interface right and had units which are reasonably intelligent in responding to the enemy without user intervention.
You think $60 is bad?! (Score:2)
Price: $89.99
And that's NOT including the ungodly 7% PST (Provincial Sales Tax) and 7% GST (Goods and Services Tax) which get tacked on to the sticker price.
$89.99 + 14% = $102.59
And that isn't even for the collector's edition. No wonder piracy is so rampant. Screw you, Blizzard. I'm going to wait until the title drops to AFFORDABLE levels.
Of course, we know that Blizzard just inflated the price because they know people will pay it. Grr.
Runs perfect in WineX (Score:5, Informative)
Just a heads up, I have been running the Warcraft III Beta under WineX [sf.net] now for months. It runs full speed (since the graphics use my X servers OpenGL driver), and is flawless as far as I can tell - mu ch better performance and compatability than Starcraft.
Don't buy, but don't copy either (Score:4, Insightful)
guys (or gals), please do not sink yourself to that level. While we agree on the fact that Blizzard sueing bnet.d is questionable (okay, dead wrong and full of malicious intent), we also all know that copyright infringement is wrong. not necessarily as wrong as MS and BSA make it appear to be, but still wrong non-the-less. copying their software will not make things any better. in the end they will just come back with the statistic and say -- look, of COURSE we need to take these legal actions.
the future rests in each of our hands (gosh that sounds lame), that may seem to be insignificant at first, but i really believe that it's an important responsibility.
think it through -- i mean, it IS just a game you know.
Re:Don't buy, but don't copy either (Score:2)
Here's an idea.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Just go out and buy Neverwinter Nights (in a week or two when it hits stores) and forget all about WC3. If Blizzard's tactics don't appeal to you, support the competition instead! You get a great game, and that should make it a lot easier to let go of your pain and get on with your life.
Great looking game but... (Score:2, Insightful)
Nows the time to make our feelings known by NOT making a purchase.
Sorry Blizzard, great looking game but I'm passing.
$wrong + $wrong = $right? (Score:2)
So...if we can't buy it because we're "boycotting" Blizzard, then would it be morally wrong to pirate it? ;^)
Consider what? (Score:2, Flamebait)
You're right! Boycott everything!
Duping/hacking/cheating isn't friggin' BAD ENOUGH on battle.net. Go ahead and let them COMPLETELY ruin any semblance of order by allowing people to interoperate and "write their own apps" for it.
Give me a break. I'd fight it too.
They are suing volunteer programmers (Score:2)
I'm going to support the eff. I won't be buying Warcraft III. There are TONS of excellent games out there to buy folks, so if you support the eff, show it by not buying Warcraft III and spend your money on another game.
Blurgh (Score:2, Troll)
Right. I'm not going to buy it, and I'm not going to play it, partly because I don't want to, but mostly because I don't have a machine that can play it. Are we clear on that? I am not going to give Blizzard $55.
But given Blizzard's treatement of bnetd, I'm damn well going to download a warez rip of the information that comprises it (which to my Linux machines look like a bunch of gibberish). Because that will reduce Blizzard's bank balance by $55, right? I mean, it does actually remove money from their account and puts it in, er, /dev/null, doesn't it? Because making unauthorised copies costs money, right? Maybe if enough of us do this (be sure to delete the information then download it again and again) we can leave Blizzard owing several billion dollars to... err... wait... isn't there a flaw in this argument?
Operating Systems != Games (Score:4, Insightful)
Please consider the fact that Blizzard is suing people who write software to interoperate with theirs when deciding whether you want to purchase this game.
Somehow I don't think that a game publisher needs to be held to quite the same interoperatibility standards as an operating systems publisher ... because it's a game. Odds are, no matter how much they sue or how inoperable they are, they're not going to push all other games out of the market.
Am I going to buy it? I'll wait for the reviews on the single player campaign. I never liked warcraft I or II multiplayer - it seemed to be the simple art of running exploding suicide troops at the enemy.
Which borders on unpatriotic these days, now that I think about it.
Check out Apple's Preview (Score:4, Informative)
P.S. What another boycott? Jeez! If I followed all of these boycotts, I wouldn't be able to turn on my computer. Sorry guys, Blizzard supporting Mac at the same level of Windows is more important to me than open source game servers.
Blizzard is not that bad (Score:2)
I know that the BN clones have offered to put the same security into their servers as Battlenet offers so that people can't pirate, but perhaps it's just not an option for Blizzard to give up that info, and then test BNetD (etc) to make sure they conform.
When Warcraft2 came out, Blizzard added the ability for multiple installs off one CD, as "spawns" so that several people could play the game at once. Was a great idea, as everyone who played it, bought it. Even the women in the office (they liked the voices of the peons, etc). I thought that that was pretty cool.
I don't think Blizzard is going over the deep end on this.
Zzzzzz (Score:4, Funny)
Warcraft, Warcraft II, Command and Conquer, Red Alert, Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, Start Craft, Galatic Battlegrounds, etc, etc, etc.
Its to the point that you have played so many of these that they all seem to be same game.
Build a base
build units
enhance units
smash enemy
I played a friend of mines SWGB. After about 3 or 4 games, I removed it from my box, packaged it back up again, and gave it back to him.
Warcraft III is prob a great game
Just a ramble.
Re:Zzzzzz (Score:3, Insightful)
Wolf 3d, Doom, Doom II, Duke Nukem, Quake, Quake II, Quake III, Half-life, Unreal Tournament, Return to Wolf, SoF, etc, etc, etc.
These lists can be made for almost any type of game-when something sells (FPS, RTS) people copy it, update it, and so forth. There really hasn't been any innovation in computer games in years, but that doesn't stop new games from being a lot of fun, nor old ones. I just can't stand it when people rant about gameplay being "old." Come up with a new idea yourself, see how easy it is.
Colin Winters
well, (Score:2)
The lawsuit just seems like a miscalculation on blizzards part, and they can't easily retract something like that without losing some measure of credibility.
hmm (Score:5, Funny)
Ok, I thought about it.
I don't care.
If people can't be serious about boycotting.... (Score:2)
too bad the lawsuit link is slashdotted (Score:2)
I can't look into the exact details of the lawsuit since it's /.ed, but I think Blizzard is well within their rights to sue for this.
When Diablo came out, there was a lot of cheating going on. So much so that I didn't even bother playing online, there were too many PK's and people with hacked inventories and levels. Blizzard tried to fix that in Diablo II, but unfortunately my computer kept crashing whenever I played it online, so I was unable to verify it myself. But their solution to prevent hacking was partially handled by the servers, and partially by he clients. If they were to allow others to make their own versions of the Battle.net servers, then this level of protection from cheating would be gone. There could theoretically be cheats in these other versions, which in turn could lead to the same problems with cheating found in the original Diablo. Blizzard is probably afraid they would get blamed for this.
Also, if users log into an unauthorized Battle.net server, they could have "patches" downloaded to their computers which could theoretically wipe out their hard drives. I'm not saying that it is likely, but it is possible and Blizzard does not want that kind of risk associated with their products.
Besides, what exactly is the benefit of playing on a rogue server instead of one of the official Battle.net servers? Is it because people don't want to rely on Blizzard staying in business or keeping the service free? I admit I don't know the whole story behind it, but it seems pointless to me to work on an alternate battle.net server.
If we all want to make a difference. (Score:2)
well... (Score:2, Interesting)
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Double Ouch for the soccer fans (Score:2, Funny)
World Cup Soccer (so far i've only missed 3 matches)
Neverwinter nights.
Warcraft III.
Where does work fit in?
Honest Question for Michael (Score:3, Interesting)
Michael, what would the harm have been in posting this as a comment?
It's not a technical correction, additional information, etc. -- things that are logical as updates.
dude, upgrade now. (Score:2)
Re:dude, upgrade now. (Score:2)
Re:dude, upgrade now. (Score:2)
Re:And? (Score:2, Insightful)
"No one should buy this game because Blizzard X
Nor did he say:
"Everyone should buy this game because Blizzard X
All he asked was that you keep it in mind when making your own decision. Geez, even the whining is sub-par on slashdot...
Justin Dubs
Re:And? (Score:2)
Re:And? (Score:5, Insightful)
2. it's questionable just how much they apply to traditional news outlets. Most newspapers and TV news shows are quite free with the editorializing, and usually far less honestly than above. And besides,
3. No specific course of action is advised by the comment. It's just an objective piece of information: a reminder that Blizzard is currently suing the authors of bnetd. Insofar as any product announcement implies an imperative to go out and buy the product (what, you think it's world news?) they are simply providing more information about the product - that the company making it is engaged in a lawsuit against open source developers.
Re:And? (Score:2)
slashdot does not report the news. slashdot points you in the direction of OTHERS reporting the news, and they do it with their own style and flair. if you don't like it, read another site.
Re:And? (Score:2)
how can you be #541585 and talk about other folks being new??
Re:And? (Score:2)
Rich and powerful? (Score:3, Interesting)
They are owned by a larger company, a french company I believe. Blizzard does make a few of the most popular games, but that doesn't mean they are the most successful.
Id is sucessful because of the work of one man, Carmack. Without him there would be no Doom and thus no Id. (Don't want to knock the artists, but they needed his engine) Quake was the first game where he didn't do all the work on the engine. So there is a large personal investment in the projects that Id does, while Blizzard is run by managers and lawyers. I'm sure that the programmers that worked at Blizzard would love to see bnetd succeed. Unlike at Id, the programmers can't speak their minds.
While Id is one of the few successful gaming companies to realease the code to their old engines, Blizzard is still selling Diablo 1 in stores. Without an engine available for mass use.
Blizzard is more hard core about protecting their property.
BTW, a few thousand geeks boy-cotting this game won't do anything to the sales, they are expecting the mothers of the world to pick this up for their little johnny or jane to play. Blizzard games sell millions of copies.
Re:nice! (Score:3, Insightful)
And that was the point of mentioning Blizzard's efforts to shutdown bnetd.
Blizzard is pursuing a model where it won't matter if you've pirated the CD because in order to play the game you'll have to use their server. And in order to use their server, you'll have to pay.
The model goes like this:
And this is why they've shut down bnetd; a server not controlled by Blizzard ruins this marketing plan.
I would not at all be surprised to find out that your illegal copy of the downloaded CD remains useful only if you never play online, and only if you never play Multiplayer with anyone else who's played on-line.
The first time you see the neat new features they're holding back to the "improved gameplay balance" update, you'll be buying a retail copy of the CD (which you'll already have a perfect copy of) just to get the serial number.
After all, we could consider WCIII to be the "now you must pay me" update to WCII, and you've already indicated your interest in playing, even though it hasn't even been released.