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GameCube (Games) Entertainment Games

Metroid Prime Done Quick 42

Xs writes "A story over at states that a gamer from Berkeley, California, Henru Wang, has completed Metroid Prime in 1 hour and 46 minutes! Here's the interview with Mr. Wang from Twin Galaxies." Speed records are a slightly bizarre but rather cool corner of gaming nowadays, it seems.
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Metroid Prime Done Quick

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  • I know that guy.

    (1:46 Metroid Prime? Eh.
    Getting his own /. story... kudos!)
  • and (Score:3, Funny)

    by toddhunter ( 659837 ) on Tuesday May 06, 2003 @02:11AM (#5888952)
    that included the time it took to eat the pizza
  • by cybergeak ( 318482 ) on Tuesday May 06, 2003 @02:14AM (#5888958)
    he could have played a section once, reloaded his saved game from before that section and play it much quicker the second, or third or how every many times over. having played the game myself and having a displayed finish time of just over 4 hours i could see how to easily cut that time down...
    • From what I got from the article and interview, the 1:46 is the time spent in front of the Gamecube, not the time as recorded by the little time-record thingy on the "load a saved game" screen. After all, you could just redo sections over and over until they were perfect; if you screw up or die, there's the reset button right there. Also, twiddling bits in the save cart probably wouldn't be that hard; give the player a 1:00 time in the Impact Crater save point (the last one in the game for those who haven't played MP), then beat MP and get a new "world record."

      Another thing to consider is that game speedruns tend to increase in difficulty exponentially; to cut a 4 hour run down to 3 hours is much easier than cutting a 1:40 run down to 1:20, as you will have already used up your tricks just getting to the 1:40 mark. Either you have to come up with a new trick or just get the timing on your old ones simply impeccable.

      Finally, I'm curious as to how the heck you got a 4 hour finish time on your first run through. Mine was more like 12 hours (admittedly, I did chase down a lot more missile/energy expansions than were necessary, but a 4 hour first run seems damned quick).

  • Fuck it. I only found out about the easter egg in the original, years after it came out.

    I guess I'll wait.
  • Quake done Quick? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Hadlock ( 143607 ) on Tuesday May 06, 2003 @02:54AM (#5889048) Homepage Journal
    What was the ultimate record for Quake done Quick (qDq)? Somthing on the order of 8 minutes, 30 seconds, where you had to get 100% of the items and secret areas on one life.... the original speed gamer's challenge. Also a collosal waste of time, IMO.
    • Re:Quake done Quick? (Score:3, Informative)

      by JohnFluxx ( 413620 )
      I saw the .avi of a Quake Done Quick which was 12 mins 27 secs. I was told verbally that this hadn't been beaten.
      Are you mistaken, or has it been done faster?
    • Re:Quake done Quick? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Icculus ( 33027 )
      Also a collosal waste of time, IMO.
      8:30 is a colossal waste of time? Hell, I spend longer than that in the bathroom...
      • ha, the joys of getting older. i suppose i should enjoy my youth while i'm not spending 10 minutes a day on the john then. as the qDq group gets older, I can see how they might contribute to laptop-sitting-on-the-john sales, making this apple's "year of the notebook.... what, with the qDq group edging into their early 30's and all. they could start putting time into halflife done quick on the laptop on the john next, who knows :)
    • They ran through all of Q1 in 59:31 getting all kills and secrets on nightmare diff. Quite impressive to lean back and watch actually. Total mayhem for almost an hour :)

      Their run of Q2 (Q2DQ2) was also impressive. I loved the quad rocket jump from water and how they skipped almost the entire power unit by some fancy grenade jumping. Makes me want to install the game again to see it actually :)

  • The coolest things about speed wins are that in most situations the player is breaking the rules. (kinda)

    They are usually doning something that the designers never thought of.

    I still remember the first time I saw Quake done quick...

    I was amazed Who would use an explosion as propelant....the game disgners never thought it would be fesible ....turns out it was..=)

    thats the cool thing they stretch the rules and find new ways to aply things ....thats the cool part....
    • Something similar happened with Deus Ex as well - the designers never thought that anyone would be inventive enough to come up with the idea of attaching limpet mines to vertical walls in order to climb them.
    • IIRC, grenade hopping was first seen in Bungie []'s Marathon []. The were some powerups and other goodies that could only be reached with grenade jumps or even (mostly suicidal) rocket jumps.
    • That's one of the cool things about Metroid Prime: a few powerups can only be reached by doing things like double bomb-jumps (normally in ball-mode, you can use your bombs to jump a little. If you get the timing absolutely perfect, you can lay a bomb in midair and jump really high). The amazing thing here is that the designers not only realized that something like this was possible, but even gave players little rewards for mastering the technique.

      MP is really what made me a believer in console FPSs; the a

  • The twingalaxies article mentions a video of the attempt, but I can't find a link for it. Anyone see it?

    • I dont think they make the videos available for download. By the sounds of it they are actually on physical videos, not in any digital form. I'm sure they could also do without the bandwidth bills from people downloading 2 hours worth of someone playing Metroid, not to mention 33 hours of someone playing Asteroids on the 2600!
  • anyone beat one hour and twenty six minutes with over 96% of items (i believe the most you can actually obtain is 97%)
    • no, 100% is the most. I got them all, and there are a lot of tricky locations too.
    • Check out Metroid Speed Runs []. Looks like their best time is 1:28 with 100%.

      My best time ever was 0:58, but that was with 36% of the items (Lemme tell ya -- I grab *just* enough to beat the 1st part of Mother Brain. She dies on 3rd to last super missile every time. :) ). I've since found a faster path through the game, but I've gotten too rusty to beat my old times with the slower route. :)

    • What do you mean "most you can actually obtain?" In that time frame or ever?

      My personal best is around 1:52 with 100% of the items. I suppose I could cut that down quite a bit shorter if I didn't go for all the items (especially in Crateria), but I'd rather get my time down while still getting all the times?
  • Expensive (Score:2, Funny)

    by EarwigTC ( 579471 )
    That's $0.47 a minute. He'd actually have saved money playing it in a wallet-gouging arcade. Adventure games are over too fast as it is...
  • Maybe I've missed something in my 20 year stint as a casual gamer, but I always thought the enjoyment from a game came from playing it... so why rush that enjoyment to get it done and over with as soon as possible? If that's the point of gaming, then why do developers spend so much time perfecting graphics and sounds? Surely they're not necessary to get done with the game as fast as possible... and most likely, the graphics and sounds annoy the person trying to get through in under 2 hours.
    • Well, I doubt he managed to finish it this quick the first time around!!
    • The speedrun is one of the ultimate challenges. The first time through the game, people will play it normally, at their own pace. Then they might play again. Then, feeling that they have done everything, they might seek a new challenge. In the case of a game like Metroid Prime, that challenge is the speed run. In a game like Final Fantasy X, the challenge might be to beat the game at a low level.

      Once we've played out a game - one can only play Metroid Prime for the first time once - people want to fin
      • sequence breaking/low percentage games (People have managed 24% games in Metroid Prime by skipping such "necessary" items as the charge beam, gravity suit and grappling hook!) is one way to give new challenge to a beaten game.

        I think the sequence breaking part is so much more interesting to look at than just simple speed runs. While it is interesting to see how efficient people can get in finding the best route through the game, it's the little 'gaps' in the design that are the most interesting to me. I
  • I remember those Quake done Quaker days. That was
    super cool. First record was 19 minutes.
    And i believe they recently set that to an amazing
    12 somewhat secs!!!! With jumping instead of running.
    I still enjoy watching those speed demo's alot.
    It's worth installing your old Quake and watch 'm
    QDQ Project []
  • I'd like to see a speed demo for this sweet baby =b Now that would require some skill.
  • Although I might be a bit biased ;-)

If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
