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E3 - Hands On Impressions - Capcom 21

Slashdot Games is continuing to report on the E3 expo in Los Angeles, and we're working our way around the major booths, doing brief overviews of the major titles on each. Check out earlier stories for looks at Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, and Sega, but now we turn our attention to Capcom. Read on for info on Gregory Horror Show, Onimusha 3, Viewtiful Joe, and more..
- Gregory Horror Show, which is a working title and seriously rips off the Rocky Horror Show logo in current form, was a seriously bizarre Japanese-ish PS2 title that can best be described as Resident Evil with macabre, weird, square cartoony characters. It certainly had nice graphics, but follows the interesting but odd theme we saw on a number of Capcom titles.

- Dino Crisis 3 for Xbox does the obvious, or, uhh, maybe not, and goes for the 'dinosaurs in space' angle for this graphically good title. So you're stuck on a space station with mutated dinosaurs, and the game seems to stick with the more action-based formula showcased in the last Dino Crisis game.

- Viewtiful Joe for Gamecube was a seriously sharp-looking 2D platform title with plenty of 3D graphics and backgrounds. Reminiscent of titles like Klonoa or Pandemonium, but with added slo-mo blur action and crazed combos, this was another very Japanese-styled game (the main character is a masked hero with flowing cape) which looks great, but probably won't be a mainstream blockbuster in the States.

- Gotcha Force was an interesting Gamecube title, reminding us a lot of Virtual On with flying ninjas and dynamic lock-on action. It has a 2 on 2 team battle mode, and was clearly designed mainly for arena-based multiplayer tussles.

- Maximo Vs. Army Of Zin was a sequel to the much appreciated but hardly top-selling Maximo, and the basic elements of the original seem to have been carried over. We heard that Grim (the Reaper, that is) is a second playable character in the game, but didn't get a chance to check that out. Otherwise.. more of the same, in an arguably good way.

- Group S Challenge was a Project Gotham-style racing game for Xbox, which we hadn't heard much of before the show. The control seemed very solid, and there's a plethora of licensed cars.

- Onimusha 3 was only showing in video form on the bigscreen, but the trailer is gorgeous, and well worth watching if it pops up online anywhere. Set in both France of 2004 (with Jean Reno) and 1582-era Japan, the trailer starts with zombie ninjas being vomited out of an organic spacecraft into modern-day Paris, heh.

- PN-03 for Gamecube starred an extremely shapely female robot killer, in this basic action shooter. Plenty of auto-lock action with wrist-firing lasers, plus almost dance-based special moves.

- other games on the booth included Megaman X7 for PS2, with both 2D and 3D action sections and polygons a-go-go, a puzzler called Bombastic for PS2 which seemed to be an update of Devil Dice, Cinemaware's Defender Of The Crown for PS2, a surprise pick-up which uses the traditional Risk-like elements of the original, plus two leading titles, Onimusha Blade Warriors (think Power Stone with Onimusha characters!) and Resident Evil 4 (Leon Kennedy deep in the core of the Umbrella Corporation) which weren't shown on the floor. Oh, and the Steel Battalion controller is truly epic.

For further impressions, screenshots, and media, doing a search by title on Gametab News is working good for us, but you can also try IGN, Gamespot, and a whole buncha others. More hands-on impressions soon.
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E3 - Hands On Impressions - Capcom

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Im waiting for three words: Street Fighter Four

    Everything else is just ya-ya'ing.

    Well except maybe Viewtiful Joe, I will pick that up on Gamecube.

    Oh and first post biotches
  • Or is everything mentioned 'good-looking'? Come on. Most video games are mediocre, at best, yet everything mentioned so far has been 'good-looking'. If I wanted pointless previews, I would go to gamespot or the like. These hands on impressions seem like fluff pieces in the extreme. Did simoniker get to play any of the games? Anything besides it's 'good-looking'?

    • "Good-looking" doesn't have to refer to visuals. It can just as easily mean a game that, at this point in development, looks like it's shaping up pretty well.

      It is not at all uncommon to say that a partially finished game is "looking good" without meaning the visuals at all.

    • When I say good-looking, I generally mean visually attractive. This doesn't necessarily mean it plays well. And the bite-sized reviews? It's for the average Slashdot reader's attention span, of course :)
  • if Slashdot DIDN'T cover E3. I mean, what's a "games" site without E3, right?

    I dunno, I like the mini reports. Please keep doing them.
  • by AvantLegion ( 595806 ) on Thursday May 15, 2003 @10:32PM (#5969966) Journal
    Many of these games really aren't likely to be THAT great. Dino Crisis 3 is, uhm, stretching the original concept pretty liberally (and it wasn't really the greatest "survival horror" franchise to start with).

    Of Capcom's upcoming titles, I'd say Onimusha Blade Warriors is the most intriguing. It's compared to Power Stone here, but is more often compared with Super Smash Bros. It'd be great if it falls somewhere between the two and plays well.

    Of course, the next Steel Battalion game, which is supposed to be online, will be a special game.

  • by Wheaty18 ( 465429 ) on Thursday May 15, 2003 @11:05PM (#5970101)
    As someone commented above, I'm sort of bummed out by the non-announcement of a new Street Fighter title.

    And here I was hoping for Street Fighter Gamma 3y+2x/pi Extra Super Platinum Special Edition.

    Oh well, there's always next year's E3...
    • Capcom gave up on 2D fighting games after Capcom vs. SNK 2, and Capcom Fighting All Stars will possibly be their last 3D fighter. Gah.

      I'm looking forward to Viewtiful Joe and PN.03, but I'm not too optimistic as to their coming out in Australia... I'm still waiting for Animal Crossing! :x
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...seems to be really fun. In fact i got sucked into that "one more turn" phenomenon until one of the exhibitors gave me a t-shirt to go away *blush*
  • - Gotcha Force was an interesting Gamecube title, reminding us a lot of Virtual On with flying ninjas and dynamic lock-on action. It has a 2 on 2 team battle mode, and was clearly designed mainly for arena-based multiplayer tussles.

    It reminds me more "Power Stone" (Dreamcast), because it's full of action and weapons, but here the mainly characters are robots. Here is a link to the trailer [].

    Go cube ;)
  • Gregory is... (Score:3, Informative)

    by th3space ( 531154 ) <brad@bradfucious . c om> on Friday May 16, 2003 @06:06AM (#5971253) Homepage
    Not just some strange new title with weird new characters shaped like blocks with's first itteration was as a Japanese cartoon []. The franchise eventually found it's way stateside as a board/dice game [] with collectible pieces. The game is rather fun to play, especially with friends and playing for keeps (keeping the monsters you capture), but I don't know much about the series itself, as I have yet to see even a fan-subbed episode of it available anywhere. Seems like the RHPS logo rip-off has been around since it's inception, though, so that's not likely to change (barring, of course, some sort of injunction from those who hold the appropriate rights over RHPS and it's associated logos ant TMs). Just an FYI for anyone wanting to know more about this new offering from Capcom (and the screens I've seen online and in gamer mags do, in fact, look their at least not just cookie cuttering for this title;)).
  • Capcom has been sitting on the PS2 version of Catan for a while now -- I wonder if they're holding it back due to the lack of installed network adaptors? Trying to figure out how to price it? Trying to figure out how to market it? Not yet bothered to translate it from the Japanese version?

    There's been almost no word on this one period -- I even wrote Capcom to find out what's up and they told me they couldn't tell me anything. Guess I'll have to stick to playing the Java version [] for now...
  • wooo hooooo! Maximo sequel!

    I loved the first game, though most people were put off by the higher than average difficulty level. I'm glad that Capcom is still going with a sequel despite the fact that the first one did less than great in the slaes department. Much of this though I blame on the early rental availability through blockbuster video. i think a lot of people had already had their fill with the game before it came out.

    A great game and a worthy one to check out if you loved the old school acti

That does not compute.
