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Half-Life 2D Creators Interviewed 24

Thanks to Gamers With Jobs for its interview with the creators of Half-Life 2D: Codename Gordon, a "Flash-made 2D shooter based on the Half-Life 2 footage that was shown so far", as previously mentioned on Slashdot Games. Dev team member Paul Kamma promises: "The game [will be released] before HL2", and a preview at has more information, including many screenshots of the multiple levels "inspired by the E3 [2003] videos."
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Half-Life 2D Creators Interviewed

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  • Cool! (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Wow, that looks awesome. Kind of like Metal Slug in a different setting. It's no CS, but this game is definitely going to suck down some of my hours when they get finished with it.
  • by tweder ( 22759 ) <> on Monday March 08, 2004 @06:41PM (#8504054) Homepage it may be as close to playing HL2 as us Mac users are going to get.

    Plus it looks similar to Metal Slug, which is never a bad thing IMO.
  • by aanand ( 705284 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @07:04PM (#8504286) Homepage
    What, this thing still hasn't been released?
    That's it, I'm creating a Defender clone based on the released screenshots.
  • Sorry but when I think of HL2 or Doom III anything... the only word that comes to mind is DELAY.
    • 4 words for you: X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter

      Taht game single-handedly ruined what was the franchise of what was arguably the best pc game and sequel ever made (at least at the time). I hear the 4th game in the series, X-Wing Alliance, was good too (not great, but good nonetheless). I own it but I never played it (it came in an X-Wing Collection of the whole series. I just never got around to trying it...)

      was it any good?
      • was it any good?

        I did not at all care for it (and I was a huge fan of x-wing and tie fighter) I played it when it was released (99 or 98?) so my memory is a bit foggy. I recall that in story mode they forced you into using what ever the millenium falcon was (corrillian corvette? Starwars people be kind, I can't remember) except that it wasn't the Falcon, it flew like a pregnant cow, the gunner was worthless so you had to do all the shooting yourself. And the game just went down hill from there. Most of th
  • Umm... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Mahtar ( 324436 ) <> on Monday March 08, 2004 @07:46PM (#8504585)
    "The game [will be released] before HL2"

    There's a Duke Nukem Forever joke in here somewhere.
    • I've always wondered...

      everyone jokes that it's taken >10 yrs to make a sequel to Duke Nukem 3-D. But weren't there like 2-3 sequels on Playstation, N64 and maybe even a current-gen system? I could be wrong but i thought i'd seen them...
      • Re:Umm... (Score:3, Informative)

        by Recoil_42 ( 665710 )
        they weren't really sequels, just ports of DN3D, sometimes with bonus weapons, levels, multiplayer, etc.

        But that DNF is a/the_real sequel isnt the point of the joke -- it's that they've been working on the game since god knows when, have hyped it up like some god, and have failed to deliver anything at all, except for a trailer in iirc 1999... since then, there's been 2 (again, iirc... possibly more) engine changes..
    • If you haven't already, while waiting for the Half Life 2d shooter, how's about playing some new Duke? How's that for irony!

      Duke Nukem: Manhattan [] is actually pretty good, considering it's 2D (hard to do a decent 2D shooter these days), it's Duke, and it's on the PC. But it is really fun, and at the same time really captures the spirit of Duke Nukem. 78% at Gamerankings. A quick froogle gives me under $10, which is a fine price for this game. Not free, as in the Half Life 2d shooter - but definitely m
  • by RevAaron ( 125240 ) <> on Tuesday March 09, 2004 @12:37AM (#8507035) Homepage
    Did you see the requirements in the second page?
    system requirements

    CPU at least 1300MHz
    RAM at least 128mb
    disk space 30mb + 65mb
    OS Windows (.exe-File, fullscreen)

    How far we've come- a 1.3 GHz CPU for a 640x480 2D scroller. Oh, progress!

  • I would prefer it to the real thing :D
  • Sorry but, the point in making the game in flash was to finish earlier right? take a look at their board the game has been in development for almost a year now, thats a LOT for a flash game. Even one as big as this one, either they are being too perfectionist about it or theres a real problem with it somewhere. besides all they have launched is a lot of screenshots and a movie with no sound.

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
