Doom 3 vs. Source: Comparing Engines 144
Tom V. writes "DevMaster.net has an article that outlines some of the technical differences between Half-life 2's Source and Doom 3 engines from various game development aspects such as graphics, A.I., physics, networking, etc. According to the author, the winner is the Source engine based on its 'completeness' as a game development package. However, in terms of graphics, the clear winner is Doom 3."
Really a review of the games (Score:4, Interesting)
1) Play both games.
2) Compare graphics/sound/AI etc between the 2 games.
3) Assume that those comparisons are solely founded on what the underlying engine provides, rather than some of what the games add on top.
It's disappointing that a site with 'dev' in it's name didn't actually review the functionality, performance, and extensibility of the engines outside of games that might use it. Doom 3 is not just map and sound data fed into Id's engine, and Half-Life 2 is not just map and sound data fed into Source.
The title should be "Doom 3 vs. Half-Life 2: Comparing games". This has the potential to be a fascinating topic, but this article is sophomoric.
Re:Really a review of the games (Score:3, Insightful)
I quote: "The Source Engine once again takes the title and rightfully so as the most popular FPS multiplayer game Counter Strike was developed by Valve."
A little less bias would also do this article some good, not to mention fixing the authors grammatical mistakes. Does anyone else find rea
Re:Really a review of the games (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Really a review of the games (Score:2, Interesting)
He later reiterates this. I assume either 1) played HL2 with his sound turned off, or 2) hasn't played HL2. Furthermore, in the networking analysis:
I've heard numbers of 64 players at one-time being played with little to no lag.
So, from what I can tell, this entire essay is based primarily one published specs, screenshots, and secondhand anecdotes. I don't
Re:Really a review of the games (Score:3, Insightful)
Well, since there aren't any Doom 3 engine games in the marketplace aside from Doom 3 itself, it wouldn't be an especially well thought out comparison. Once Quake 4 gets released and we have more data points on both sides, I agree, that should be done.
Re:Really a review of the games (Score:2)
wouldnt exactly be fair to use it in a comparison
Re:Really a review of the games (Score:1)
I doubt id will be selling the "DOOM3" engine to other devs in the future, rather they will be selling the base DOOM3 engine plus the additions they made to it with other
Re:Really a review of the games (Score:2)
He actually says that since Source is using DirectX, it can easily be ported to XBox. I think the guy never actually ave a shot at such a port. The author is probably more of a gamer wanting to develop games than a developper.
I have to agree with you: the article is not serious.
Doom 3 Engine (Score:1, Redundant)
I mean, wasn't there duct tape [glenmurphy.com] in the future?
Re:Doom 3 Engine (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Doom 3 Engine (Score:2)
Doom was a clear case of them getting a hard on for a feature (in this case lighting) and ruining the game to ensure people get to see their lighting (or lack of it). Tomb raider did the same thing, in one game they had some kind of flares that lara could use, surprise surprise the same game had many annoying pitch dark rooms.
Re:Doom 3 Engine (Score:2)
Re:Doom 3 Engine (Score:1)
Carmack: This was a technical problem (Score:4, Informative)
Unfortunately, I do not have a link on-hand.
Re:Carmack: This was a technical problem (Score:2)
Re:Carmack: This was a technical problem (Score:2)
As for your having trouble with allId Software games, I have only a few ideas what could be wrong. Id Software's color palette tends to that of a worm: Brown, off-brown, and the occasional green. These dark colors don't do well, especially on LCD monitors. That brings me to the second possibility: your monitor is either high-laten
Re:Carmack: This was a technical problem (Score:1)
Re:Carmack: This was a technical problem (Score:1)
Of course it's gonna be the same. Why wouldn't it be?
Re:Doom 3 Engine (Score:2)
I mean, come on, the battery shouldn't burn out in a minute.
Couple of questions (Score:3, Insightful)
Or did he in fact play HL2, but for some reason was not able to hear the sounds?
This alone makes me wonder about the validity of the review.
And I am sorry, but while the issue of portability may not matter to many, it is important to me - and in that regard Doom wins.
And one last thing - will this reviewer receive the flamage about saying HalfLife was based upon the Quake II engine that I did in when I said that in a previous
Re:Couple of questions (Score:3, Insightful)
Q2 or Q1? [valve-erc.com]
It's pretty apparent from a gameplay standpoint. In Quake2 to bunnyhop you had to run forward and strafe sideways. In Quake you could gain speed by just curving in the air-- Exactly the same way HalfLife does it (Except HL unregisters the +jump command if you're in the air, so you have to spam it within a frame or two of hitting the ground, rather than holding it in air like quake)
And as the valve-erc page I linked noted, the mapping tools are identical, and theres the whole timeline thin
Re:Couple of questions (Score:2)
Just going off what I remember maybe reading 7ish+ years ago, but yeah.
Re:Couple of questions (Score:2)
Re:Couple of questions (Score:2)
Re:Couple of questions (Score:2)
on sound.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Maybe it's just me, but good sound is almost as important as good graphics to overall gameplay IMO. I'm not really sure I understand this article - either this guy is comparing Doom3 and HL2 by what's on paper only, or he played Doom3 with sound and inexplicably played HL2 without sound. How do you play a FPS without sound? Sound is atmosphere - good sound gets your blood running - I just don't get it - I wou
This reveals reviewer has never even played HL2 (Score:2)
Re:on sound.... (Score:2)
Error in first paragraph, should I stop reading? (Score:1, Flamebait)
Should I bother to finish the article?
Re:Error in first paragraph, should I stop reading (Score:2, Interesting)
If you're an XML parser, you should have done so on the very first byte. [w3.org]
That said, it's too bad that Half-Life 2 can't be run on software unlike the original should the need/desire arise. I don't think the engine really matters, so much as the scalability of said engine. Half-Life 2's Source is about as scalable as...well, not much (requires DirectX, and at least version 6). Whatever HL's engine was, and however bad it looks now compared to HL2, it could still run on LOTS more PCs--OpenGL, DX and (again)
Re:Error in first paragraph, should I stop reading (Score:2)
I mean, it's a common myth - so I merely shrug when I hear it from a gamer. But from someone trying to divine the nuances of two of the top engines?
Re:Error in first paragraph, should I stop reading (Score:2)
Source (Score:5, Interesting)
Last night, I built the incredible mattress-car - basically, just a mattress with a (powered) car wheel at each corner. It writhed and wriggled in a gloriously disgusting manner, and somewhat disturbingly started following me around. I tried shooting it but that didn't help, so I tied a fridge to it, set it on fire and chucked it into a lake...
Doom 3 might have a basic physics engine, but I'm really looking forward to what modders can do with Source's network-friendly version of Havok.
Doom 3's sound engine is awful compared with the original Half-Life, let alone Source. I've got a below-minimum-specs PC with a cheap sound card from 1998, and in Half-Life 2 I get real-time, room-specific reverberation and sound occlusion. I once walked off while a character was talking, and his voice became muffled when I went round a corner. It sounded real. Plus, the gun and bullet sounds are physically modelled - notice how they vary with distance and surroundings? The only things I haven't noticed it simulate are the speed of sound and proper Doppler effects (which Halo does!), but still, Doom 3's sound playback just seems bland and flat in comparison.
Doom 3's graphics might be the first of a new generation of engines, but Source, while primitive in some areas, is an old-school engine taken to the logical extreme. Which is why I like it so much...
Garry's Mod (Score:1)
Gotta love depth-of-field. [garry.tv] Boy that mod looks awesome.
On a side note: this [garry.tv] just gave me a new sig.
Re:Source (Score:2, Insightful)
Really? How can you claim this when its well documented across many end-user systems that after every loading screen the sound skips degrading performance for an extended period of time. None of Valve's attempted fixes so far have worked for me. I don't care how their positional audio sounds when it doesn't just work.
Re:Source (Score:2)
Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1, Insightful)
With my PC (a 1.1GHz Pentium III, 384MB RAM, 128MB video RAM) I can run Half-Life 2 on High (with its now-legendary stutters [slashdot.org] of course, but not too much difficulty).
That you need 384MBs RAM just to run Doom III horrifies me, more than any of its monsters I've seen.
Re:Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1, Offtopic)
Why? Todays pricing indicates 512MB Memory at a touch over $100 CDN. That doesn't seem all that unreasonable compared to the videocard that you should buy for maximum quality.
"To run Doom 3 at the highest setting, the way it was meant to be run, you need a 512 MB video card, which don't even exist yet"
Re:Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1)
Re:Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1)
Re:Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1)
Re:Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1)
I stand corrected then. As you could probably tell, I don't own Doom 3; it's hard to compare something I do have with something I don't, so times like that I have to take TFA verbatim. Sucks to be me...
Re:Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1)
No you don't, I just remembered that I recently upgraded my RAM to 512K, sorry about that!
Someone should probably mod down my original post for stupidity.
Re:Running Doom 3 at the highest setting (Score:1, Funny)
System Spec BS (Score:2, Insightful)
People should learn to better research their stuff. Just because the iD website says it requires a DX 9.0b compatible card doesn't mean it requires a card with DX9 capabilities. The Doom 3 engine runs "fine" on GF3 Ti hardware.
Re:System Spec BS (Score:1)
Re:System Spec BS (Score:1)
I do have less RAM than the minimum game requirements (256 MB vs 384 MB), but that is supposed to affect only the time it takes to change levels.
Sadly, I will never try Half Life II, which I hear is a great game, because I will never buy a game which _requires_ Internet to play.
(I remember one time I used
Re:System Spec BS (Score:1)
Shallow (Score:2)
The other question is how expandable are they. In other words, how much can you do with them, with the least work. I think that improving half life graphics will be much harder than improving D3 networking.
I'm not sure about Doom3 physics. How related is it to the game versus the engine. I seems that they just limited its use in the g
Source Engine? (Score:2, Interesting)
Source Engine? Am I the only one here who thinks that Valve is trying to capitlize on the mindshare of Open Source Software by calling their engine "Source"?
First thing I thought when I heard the name was that it might just be something like that (with source available), but, alas, no...
Re:Source Engine? (Score:1)
Re:Source Engine? (Score:5, Insightful)
sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:4, Insightful)
Quote: "The Source Engine's main lighting system is real-time radiosity lighting."
There are no games using "real-time radiosity," period. Radiosity (or more generally, global illumination), almost by definiton, is too slow for real-time.
This should probably read "pre-computed radiance transfer." It's pre-baked radiosity, cooked as a variant on spherical harmonic lightmap encoding. In other words: no real-time lighting, just PRT, faked dynamic lights (which EVERY other game does) and projective shadows. There is also no real HDR (high dynamic range) rendering in Source, just the same clever faking everyone else has.
This stuff is old hat. Relatively speaking, Source is not technically advanced at all. The only place it consistently (purportedly) wins is the content tools.
The big point that is NOT mentioned in the article is performance. Anyone who has played a lot of HL2 and CS:S can tell you that Source is just sloppy, on any hardware configuration. It is prone to periodic chugging, studders, fps drops from particle effects and physics lag online, etc.
D3, comparatively is just tight. The unified surface shading model (lighting and stencil shadows) rocks, and iD knows exactly what they're doing. Valve apparently can not compete in the brainpower department.
Game-wise, I personally preferred Doom 3 to Half-Life 2, old school playability vs. hype-tour-04, but that has nothing to do with the technical content.
Valve can only hope to win by being the preferred mod platform. Their SDK uses tested and proven, centuries old, Elaborate Puppet Theater(TM) technology, so naturally everyone adores them for maintaining the traditional status-quo. Hooray for Valve.
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2, Informative)
Whereas Doom3 has no radiosity at all. No line of site to the light source, no light. Pitch black. Levels were very carefully designed to make this flaw less obvious.
>>In other words: no real-time lighting, just PRT, faked dynamic lights (which EVERY other game does) and projective shadows.
Whoa there trigger. There is real-time lighting. It ju
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2)
>Whereas Doom3 has no radiosity at all. No line of site to the light source, no light. Pitch black. Levels were very carefully designed to make this flaw less obvious.
This so-called "flaw" highlights a very prominent design decision: you can not play with the gamma to make the dark areas visible. Adding an ambient lighting term is absolutely trivial
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2)
>>Whoa there trigger. There is real-time lighting. It just isn't universal and unified like Doom3.
>My point was that the "radiosity lighting" that Valve claims Source does is NOT the dynamic lighting in the game.
I should clarify this (to the best of my knowledge, mostly via the gdalgorithms mailing list). The precomputed radiosity is a static lighting environmen
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2)
iD knows exactly what they're doing. Valve apparently can not compete in the brainpower department.
Just because Valve choses to focus on different aspects of the game hardly limits their brainpower. HL2 is one of the most enjoyable games I've played, and I've played a lot.
Doom3 had it's moments, but it honestly wasn't as entertaining.
This so-called "flaw" highlights a very prominent design decision: you can not play with the gamma to make the dark areas visibl
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2)
>>iD knows exactly what they're doing. Valve apparently can not compete in the brainpower department.
When a game is technically deficient, I chalk it up to stupid developers.
>Just because Valve choses to focus on different aspects of the game hardly limits their brainpower.
I was not commenting on the gameplay or design aspects.
>HL2 is one of the most enjoyable games I've played, and I've played a lot.
And I've probably played more than you. I ca
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:1)
I am a fan of Valves ability to provide the best original first person shooter, that however doesn't change the fact that I was blown away by a great deal of Half Life 2 - the gameplay simply left Doom 3 in the dust.
So you see, you can prefer one companies engine and another companies game...blin
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:1)
Indeed. I get a very strong impression that he hasn't actually touched the development tools -- he admits to not even having heard the sound in HL2 at all! -- he's just guessing at what the engines can do based on the games. For example, he downplays Doom's physics engine quite a bit, saying that although it has many of the same features, it's "on a smaller scale". Newsflash, the features are all that matters! The fact that the D3 level designers didn't use their physics e
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2)
The improved "grav gun" at the later levels made them totally suck (way too easy).
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:1)
Not really...
There are discussions of real time GI in an engine by Yann L here:
http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/to p ic.asp? topic_id=172296
Unfortunatly, no one has seen that engine in action (other than a few scattered screen shots).
More recently, http://www.artificialstudios.com has gone live with their increadable (and really inexpensive) e
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2)
>Not really...
Yes, really.
Pre-computed means NOT realtime. PRT is all about making objects LOOK like they're in a radiosity environment, when it's mostly statically pre-mapped, leaving just a couple paramaters to evaluate in hardware (namely, the view vector and object positions).
If you looked at these, you would see that the objects are
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:1)
Re:sloppy article, sloppy engine (Score:2)
I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything of the sort.
>Innovation in engine tech, good. Innovation in gameplay, bad.
I didn't say D3 was original, but HL2 innovation in gameplay? Don't make me laugh. Engine tech only matters if your game is playable and fun. Valve's "innovative gameplay" is a one-shot throwaway game, and a licensed physics engine, so they MUST have mods to make it viable. End of story.
But the real question is... (Score:1)
Insert "use the Source to escape Doom", "use the Source or else face Doom", &c joke here.
Actually, I believe, ironically, Nvidia don't make the source for their Source engine but ID Software do for Doom (at least for older versions).
Re:But the real question is... (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:But the real question is... (Score:2)
Cross platform (Score:2)
Cross platform can cause a slight performance hit.
I feel old, but since when is AI part of the engine? shouldn't that be somewhat specific game to game?
Interesting (Score:3, Insightful)
So if your developing Source you have the most complete engine, but have to go buy Havoc + pos AI stuff too.
Hmm very "complete".
Doom 3 Can Do It (Score:4, Informative)
Doom3 for one reason (Score:2, Interesting)
now I know this may be a tad biased and a bit political but with doom3 (opengl) i have a choise as to which OS i run my game under Im well aware that i can run half life 2 with cedega and i have done however its unlikely a mac port will ever appear.
I will admit that half life 2 had better physics, and i enjoyed the game slightly more( all be it i enjoyed half life and doom
D3 Can Do it Too! (Score:2, Informative)
For those that are interested, you can find the project here:
The D3CDIT Project [doom3world.org]
The latest Test-Build Video can be found here:
Latest Video [pcgamemods.com]
Is it engines that he's talking about? (Score:4, Interesting)
Seriously, if he's talking about engines, why is he making mention of the character models?
The monsters however seem much more lifelike with their detailed skin combined with many details. The Source Engine has better models, especially human, but combined with the lighting and shadowing, the Doom 3 Engine creates amazing textures.
Though it is important to note how the engine renders the models, but the models themselves are not part of the engine! It's possible to export the human models from HL Source and stick them into Doom3. It's as if he's comparing the artists, and not the engineer of the engine.
He also says something to the effect of Source not having cut-scenes. Last I remember from playing Doom 3, the cut-scenes looked like they were being rendered by the engine, and not pre-recorded.
It looks like he's confused engines for games. If I were going to compare the engines, I'd create my own levels and models, render them with both engines, and base my results off of that.
Re:Is it engines that he's talking about? (Score:2)
He talks about developing games.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Price wars (Score:3, Interesting)
Reflections from the Author (Score:3, Interesting)
As the author of this article I was happy to see my first article Slashdotted. Some of you came off as pretty harsh, but I can see where some of your criticism is valid. I'm not a crazy fanboy of either company, I'm not getting paid by Valve to write this, and picking at my spelling mistake of using "then" instead of "than" are ridiculous. I simply submitted the text article and the nice editors at Devmaster added the pictures, title, and summary. One of us should've probably caught the mistake, but it's easy to overlook. Whether I picked the Doom 3 Engine or the Source Engine I would've been flamed. The debate is similar to the Republicans and Democratic parties where you just can't win. I don't think anyone can rightfully say with an unbiased view that the Doom 3 Engine is a more complete engine then the Source Engine. Once you get past the graphics the rest of the engine just can't compete with what's out there today.
The article was originally one of my
I tried my best to compare the engines as best as possible without comparing the actual game's content. I used the SDKs to try and do this, but it still came down to in-game content for stuff like character models. Someone said that Doom 3 can achieve Half-Life 2 quality models, but that is completely untrue. The engines use different methods for creating character models, which gives each engine its own distinguishable type of model look.
I only compared the Source Engine and Doom 3 Engine, because those were the two people had been taking about. The discussion has been up for debate on forums all over the net, which is clearly seen by reading these comments. The Unreal 2004 Engine is a great, flexible engine, but it wouldn't have been far to compare it with the others. I did write a FarCry article, which should be published at DevMaster.net soon. If you want to read it now it's up on my site.
I appreciate the constructive feedback, because it lets me know how to revise my writing style for my next article. Like I said before this was my first article, and I made a few mistakes. I'll make sure to not repeat those when writing my next article, which will compare Unreal Engine 3 with Oblivion's graphics engine.
Re:Reflections from the Author (Score:2)
What are you talking about? They're all arseholes. I win.
Too difficult to compare them (Score:1)
Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Justify that statement?
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Amazing! (Score:2)
Re:Completeness? (Score:1)
Re:Completeness? (Score:2)
Sounds like a lot of wasted effort to get what would most likely be an inferior product.
Re:Completeness? (Score:1)
Re:Ugh... (Score:1)
Re:Ugh... (Score:1)
Re:Riddick and FarCry!!! (Score:1)