The Perfect Halo 3 65
Via Joystiq, How Stuff Works has a look at what they'd like to see in the Perfect Halo 3. From the article: "I have mixed feelings about that. Right now, I'm playing through the Halo 2 campaign again on Legendary, and I have to tell you, it's as fresh as the first day. It even still has that new game smell. All this Halo 3 talk does have me thinking, though: If I ruled the universe, what would I cram into Halo 3? So I took the time to compose this little wish list for your consideration."
The Perfect Halo 3 (Score:1)
obligatory comment (Score:5, Funny)
Re:obligatory comment (Score:1)
That was the end.
Maybe not the one *you* wanted.
Re:obligatory comment (Score:2)
There are a lot of differences between "the end" and "the ending". Everything ends. However, not everything has an ending. Let alone a satisfying one.
Videogames today are as much as a storytelling medium as anything, and an engaging story ought to have a satisfying ending. Halo 2 was (imo) fairly engaging (with all of it's politics and religious intrigue and whatnot) and when it was over it was more like playing 1942 [vgmuseum.com].
Partially due to the crappy ending I will not be purchasing the
It wont be . . . (Score:1)
Re:It wont be . . . (Score:2)
It used to be one of the best sites on the web - informative, interesting, mostly accurate and usually up-to-date. I realize it must cost a lot to run such a high traffic site and they feel the need to maxime their ad revenue but this just plain annoying.
Re:It wont be . . . (Score:3, Informative)
Prone (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Prone (Score:1)
what I think... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:what I think... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:what I think... (Score:1)
Re:what I think... (Score:1)
Running out of ideas eh? (Score:1, Insightful)
Don't bother! We'll still say its crap
so? (Score:2, Insightful)
Eureka! (Score:1)
Re:Eureka! (Score:3, Insightful)
Ohh I've killed the uber-badass guy, now what is my rewards. Ohh fancy credits and a nice jingle.
It's not new, and indeed still goes on. Half-life 1 and 2, sucked onto a flying train. Roll credits.
Quake 3 (not really a single player game). Kill final guy... very small animation, roll credits.
I could go on.
Re:Eureka! (Score:1)
I'd chalk up Squall dying as a positive. Probably the only positive that game has. God, how annoying that guy was...
Re:#1 Do something original. (Score:4, Insightful)
Halo is not over rated, is the best fps for consoles, simplified to extremes yet fun and "movielike", dont compare it to tribes, ut2004, or battlefield is something very different.
Re:#1 Do something original. (Score:3, Informative)
You mean like Rise of the Triad did about 10 years ago?
Now I'm sure there were games before it that I just can't recall, but what about Counterstrike?
Halo is nothing original. That does not mean it's a bad game, but it doesn't make it revolutionary by any means. It is severely overrated, but that is probably because for most console-only players, who never played games like Q
Re:#1 Do something original. (Score:2)
Aw c'mon, that's hardly original. What's the difference between a separate trigger for each weapon and two mouse buttons controlling the regular and ALT-Mode firing? Even Dark Forces did that.
Wielding two weapons at the same time? Wasn't that already done by Serious Sam and Bloodrayne? Hell, even the original Hitman could fire two separate pistols at once.
Not to mention the "Dual Pistols" weapon that many, many FPS have as their 3rd wea
Re:#1 Do something original. (Score:2, Informative)
Akimbo Quake (dunno which Quake version that started with) predates Halo by far, allowed you to wield two different weapons and fire them independently. Another example is Terracide, which had three weapon slots you could mount any gun into and fire individually. The Quad Damage mod for Quake 3 allowed for quadruple weapons(!). I'm going to ignore D
Re:#1 Do something original. (Score:2)
My mistake, must be misremembering things. And I bow to your knowledge of all things Quake
You bring up a good point about Descent. Having seperate fire buttons for guns and missiles is a staple of most flight-sims, (random example : Wing Commander 3), is that any different from dual-wielding? Does it only count if you can see the weapons on-sc
Re:#1 Do something original. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:#1 Do something original. (Score:2)
I really wish you could weld in Halo. It would take some of the sting out of the new destructible vehicles system...
Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)
PC port (Score:2, Insightful)
For pete's sake how about a PC version? I have a really fast PC and video card and a *mouse* that puts those X box controllers to total shame!
Not having a PC version really ticks me off. I bought an X box just for Halo 2 and I never use it anymore but regularly play Halo 1 multiplayer on my PC.
Re:PC port (Score:2)
But that has nothing to do with Metroid Prime's control scheme. I understand why they did it, and it didn't work out horribly, but I found it frustrating nonetheless. Same with Resident Evil 4, generally pretty good controls, but it just totally falls down for quick+precise aiming (the last targetting range is *damn* hard because of this).
Re:PC port (Score:1)
I won't argue with that. However, I think the ever-diminishing throngs of Goldeneye fanboys would say "you're wrong."
Re:PC port (Score:2)
Oh, and don't forget auto-aim-oriented games like Metroid Prime and Armored Core (armored core would still need auto-aim even on a PC, as that game has more in common with jet fighters than FPS games).
Re:PC port (Score:1)
Well... (Score:1)
Re:Well... (Score:1)
May I ask for a way to do that without opening a huge loophole for piracy or even viruses?
how stuff works: fanboyism. (Score:2, Insightful)
halo2 didn't have a 'fresh game smell' even on day 1. well, maybe it did if you're missed out on every other fps for the past.. hmm. 10 years.
and the "article" is pathetic! it's just features like 'prone', couple of new weapons and couple of new vehicles - none of which would REALLY affect what the game itself
Re:how stuff works: fanboyism. (Score:2)
It's a first person shooter! The weapons are 1/3 of the gameplay! The other 2/3 being the AI and the level design.
Imagine if Halo only had a sniper rifle, or only a melee weapon. The gameplay would be pretty different then!
And in the bits with vehicles, how the vehicles handle and how they're armed is also part of the gameplay. Imagine playing the race-against-time section at the end of Halo 1 without a warthog - it would just b
Use your Friend's list (Score:3, Interesting)
My wish list:
Flamethrower big hell yeah.
Live co-op would be great but I think it will be that never fullfilled wish due to network lag.
ATV is cool. Bigger maps wouln't be as bad w/ atv w/ a SMG built in. Allow someone to stand on back and fire one weapon.
I like the ability to move turrets and use jackal shields.
Battery drain on sword during Live play - hopefully fixed in H2.
AI bots in matches.
Lean MC lean around that rock to fire.
Lose the super jumping and no damage drops.
This is my favorite game and the replay value on it is than any others I have combined. The music, voice acting & story is interesting enough. The animation and play balance works for me. If you don't like it, it doesn't bother me. If you don't like the controllers don't use them get a SmartJoyFrag and do that realistic mouse-click, space bar or arrow keys finger shuffle. I use my pc/laptops for work and all my consoles for play.
Playing H2 online w/ friends by far is the best expereice I had w/ online gaming. After we get bored w/ matchmaking then we play custom games to amuse us.
They're not done with Halo 2 yet (Score:1)
My Halo wishlist (Score:2)
Add the Halo engine.
Make a good campaign around it.
Provide a satisfying ending.
Levels (Score:2)
Re:my suggestion (Score:2)
Yes, the levels are repetitive, and that's often a good thing -- the levels are good, and there's enough variety that some levels actually feel like an entirely different game than other levels -- a definite plus for a game without a modding community.
I'd rather have that slightly-repetitive levels and tons of
Re:Halo 3?! XBox Next?! Who Gives A ShAt! (Score:1)
Halo 2 was Halo 2 with..
This might be the first recursive review of a game I've ever seen. Sounds like an infinite loop of awesomeness.
Do you just not like games? (Score:2)
And honestly, it doesn't exactly take a stuck-up conneseur to tell the difference between Halo 2, HL 2, and Doom 3. There's a lot more to the gameplay than just the fact that Doom 3 has no sniper or that HL2 has a gravity gun.
Two Words: Splinter Cell (Score:1)
Jetpacks. Weapon Radar. (Score:1)
Re:Jetpacks. Weapon Radar. (Score:1)