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XBox (Games) First Person Shooters (Games)

The Perfect Halo 3 65

Via Joystiq, How Stuff Works has a look at what they'd like to see in the Perfect Halo 3. From the article: "I have mixed feelings about that. Right now, I'm playing through the Halo 2 campaign again on Legendary, and I have to tell you, it's as fresh as the first day. It even still has that new game smell. All this Halo 3 talk does have me thinking, though: If I ruled the universe, what would I cram into Halo 3? So I took the time to compose this little wish list for your consideration."
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The Perfect Halo 3

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  • You just need to add ONE thing to that list. Needs to include a letter that is a HUGE apology from Bungie for the Halo 2 single player campaign.
  • by Dreamwalkerofyore ( 823146 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2005 @03:59AM (#12021239)
    An Ending.
    • it did end. See when you stopped playing and the credits rolled...

      That was the end.

      Maybe not the one *you* wanted.

      • What's up flamebait?

        There are a lot of differences between "the end" and "the ending". Everything ends. However, not everything has an ending. Let alone a satisfying one.

        Videogames today are as much as a storytelling medium as anything, and an engaging story ought to have a satisfying ending. Halo 2 was (imo) fairly engaging (with all of it's politics and religious intrigue and whatnot) and when it was over it was more like playing 1942 [vgmuseum.com].

        Partially due to the crappy ending I will not be purchasing the
  • broken into little two paragraph chunks that require you to click "NEXT" every 50 or so words.
  • Prone I would like to be able to lie down and fire in the prone position. While were talking crazy, how about a roll? Bungie could pull this off in a few ways. Holding down the left thumbstick makes you crouch in both Halo games. Bungie could build on that. A simple click and release could put the player in a prone position. You would click the stick once more to stand up. Once the Chief is prone, forward and back on the thumbstick would make him crawl forward and back. Left and right would cause the Chief
  • what I think... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 23, 2005 @04:11AM (#12021268)
    The bots is a wonderful idea. One of the best things about 007 Nightfire is you can program a bunch of bots, put them on maximum, and then have you and a few freinds go into a battle to the death against the game. Sure you have multiplayer, but what about for those large maps that need atleast 8 people to play but you have only 4 freinds? I am suprised with all of the AI work Bungie has put in they dont expand it just a little bit more so the bots can play on their own. Look at NightFire, the bots dont even need to be that great or play like realistic humans. They just need to be good enough to pose a chalange and have enough of them going around to overwhelm your freinds. Oh and do one thing, remove the sword and rocket launchers from games that dont require them. If its a sword fight then its ok to have the sword. if there are vehicles then its ok to have a rocket launcher. But the entire point of online should not be a race to the sword or big rocket launcher. Its a gun fight and not a panzy slicing, freindly killing match of losers.
    • Re:what I think... (Score:2, Informative)

      by imitier ( 674794 )
      Bots is a great idea, and I'm surprised that more developers don't work on putting bots into their online FPSs for Xbox. I don't imagine its some technical issue with Live, as at the least, Star Wars Battlefront has dozens of bots filling out levels when you play that game over Live. But most games don't offer any kind of bot support, even games that you would expect to have that feature. Case in point, Time Splitters Future Perfect, which was just released for the Xbox yesterday, and was developed by Fr
      • Are there no bots at all or do they just not work online?
        • Time Splitters Future Perfect has bots for offline play, just as the two earlier games did. But you can't use bots online. Sorry if that wasn't clear. Given how integral bots were to at least my multiplayer experience with Time Splitters 1 and 2, the online portion of Time Splitters Future Perfect feels incomplete without bots.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Coming to the public for ideas eh?

    Don't bother! We'll still say its crap
  • so? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    It just sounds like a bunch of "omg it wold be so cool if we could do [this] and [this] and [this] omg lol and fly on air" (almost sounds like it, too) that any 11 year old does. Only they front page it on their website which has nothing to do with things like that (it is their website, but it's kind of lame how they use their semi-popularity to go and flaunt their poorly written fanboyism opinions). Then gets front paged on here as news. :)
  • Personally, the only "cramming" that would be going on is cramming an enormous ending into Halo 3. Half the game would be an ending. The reason? To make up for the first two games' endings. I think it would sell very well.
    • Re:Eureka! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cassidyc ( 167044 )
      Anyone would think that the aparently shite ending of Halo (1 and 2) is a new thing. I've been playing and completing games from the C64 era, and you would be lucky if your game ended the credits.

      Ohh I've killed the uber-badass guy, now what is my rewards. Ohh fancy credits and a nice jingle.

      It's not new, and indeed still goes on. Half-life 1 and 2, sucked onto a flying train. Roll credits.

      Quake 3 (not really a single player game). Kill final guy... very small animation, roll credits.

      I could go on.
  • PC port (Score:2, Insightful)

    by yngwie0 ( 597057 )
    If I ruled the universe, what would I cram into Halo 3?
    For pete's sake how about a PC version? I have a really fast PC and video card and a *mouse* that puts those X box controllers to total shame!

    Not having a PC version really ticks me off. I bought an X box just for Halo 2 and I never use it anymore but regularly play Halo 1 multiplayer on my PC.
    • Keyboard/mouse adapter [lik-sang.com] for XBox. Works great, been usin it for a couple weeks.
  • I must admit, I do enjoy Halo2 Multiplayer at friends with beers (hmmm Drinking Halo), BUT the thing that pisses me off is the auto-tracking rocket launcher. Y? For the Banshee fair enough, but makes warthogging and such almost useless on coagulation. With the handy rocketlauncher in the centre. Seeing that I dont have an Xbox, I don't play the singleplayer, so I dont care for that. Oh and allow plays to make mods. Then you won't have to complain about stuff being missing, the community will make what the
    • Oh and allow plays to make mods.

      May I ask for a way to do that without opening a huge loophole for piracy or even viruses?
  • when you got such fanboys it doesn't matter at all what you're going to put into halo 3. you can even clip the plot right in the middle and they'll still shell out 60$ for the rewarmed piece of crap.

    halo2 didn't have a 'fresh game smell' even on day 1. well, maybe it did if you're missed out on every other fps for the past.. hmm. 10 years.

    and the "article" is pathetic! it's just features like 'prone', couple of new weapons and couple of new vehicles - none of which would REALLY affect what the game itself
  • by wift ( 164108 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2005 @09:51AM (#12022700) Journal
    I saw this on the 14th and discussed this on a gaming site I belong too so /. is a little behind.

    My wish list:
    Flamethrower big hell yeah.

    Live co-op would be great but I think it will be that never fullfilled wish due to network lag.

    ATV is cool. Bigger maps wouln't be as bad w/ atv w/ a SMG built in. Allow someone to stand on back and fire one weapon.

    I like the ability to move turrets and use jackal shields.

    Battery drain on sword during Live play - hopefully fixed in H2.

    AI bots in matches.

    Lean MC lean around that rock to fire.

    Lose the super jumping and no damage drops.

    This is my favorite game and the replay value on it is than any others I have combined. The music, voice acting & story is interesting enough. The animation and play balance works for me. If you don't like it, it doesn't bother me. If you don't like the controllers don't use them get a SmartJoyFrag and do that realistic mouse-click, space bar or arrow keys finger shuffle. I use my pc/laptops for work and all my consoles for play.

    Playing H2 online w/ friends by far is the best expereice I had w/ online gaming. After we get bored w/ matchmaking then we play custom games to amuse us.

  • This Bungie whiteboard [penny-arcade.com] clearly shows they've got some work to do before Halo 2 is finished.
  • Take every feature from Tribes 2 (not that Tribes 2 did everything right, but the featureset was awesome).

    Add the Halo engine.

    Make a good campaign around it.

    Provide a satisfying ending.
  • Non-repetitive levels.
  • Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's already a game very similar to the features you want... its called Splinter Cell.
  • I submit rechargable jetpacks in the style of the old DOS action platforming classic, Jetpack. Recharge pads or mats around the levels would create a nice gameplay dynamic, don't you think? Falling in holes sucks too. Also, has anyone had trouble picking up the weapon they wanted out of a pile? I've adjusted after a while, but I still think a HUD "weapon radar" with X button pickup would be nice. A radius display would appear, your crosshair representing Player from above, icons appearing for weapons arou

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