Xbox 360 for $300 723
Xizer writes "Wal-Mart employees have leaked the price of Microsoft's next-generation console. The Xbox 360 is set to be launched for $299.99. Additionally, games are set to be $59.99 each. Ouch. Looks like the next generation of consoles is going to burn holes in gamers' wallets even moreso than the current generation. One thing is for sure: It's time to start gearing up for an expensive Christmas."
Still $300 (Score:5, Informative)
Launch price of Xbox 360: $300
Launch price of PS2 [wikipedia.org]: $300
Launch price of Xbox [wikipedia.org]: $300
If you account for inflation, the Xbox 360 is cheaper at launch than its predecessor.
Re:Still $300 (Score:2)
Re:Still $300 (Score:2, Interesting)
Let's see, back then that was probably still more than $59 USD.
Re:Still $300 (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Still $300 (Score:2)
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Funny)
Say, since I have your attention, could you transfer these $50 US into Canadian Dollars. That should be around $920 Canadian, but between the two of us, just give me the $900 and we'll call it even.
Re:Still $300 (Score:2)
Yeah...but writable DVD's and modchips have come down in price ;)
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Informative)
Half-Life 2 was (and still is) billed at $55. I think Doom3 was the same at launch.
Also, Blizzard/Vivendi charged $35 for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. So not only are new games going for larger amounts, but expansions are trying to pull in more money.
Re:Still $300 (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:How about SNES? (Score:2)
I know for a fact I nabbed Secret of Mana + Manual + Hint Book for like $50. And last time I checked Super Metroid was going for a sane price: $30 or so.
Correct about SNES (Score:3, Informative)
Back in the day, many high-profile SNES carts that used tons of ROM chips were in the USD$60-$80 range.
For example:
- Chrono Trigger retailed for USD$79.99.
- Street Fighter II Turbo retailed for USD$69.99.
And you know what? Those two games alone sold heavily. Something tells me high-profile Xbox360 games will too.
Re:Still $300 (Score:2)
I remember cringing at $39.99 games nevermind $49.99 games. Now they are going to *start* at $59.99? To me, that seems like they are going to end up being in the $99.99 range in no time.
Re:Still $300 (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Still $300 (Score:2)
$50 has been the price point for ages. So they bumped it up. Like another poster said, inflation.
Re:Still $300 (Score:2)
Not that bad (Score:2)
Converting that to today's price, it would be about $500. Granted it include nine action packed games with the system, but still, it does give some perspective on the real cost of these things.
Combat rocked for it's time (Score:5, Insightful)
Here's the history lesson: The idea that you could actually interact with images on a television screen was pretty damned novel back then. Stuff moved around, you shot at it, it went boom.
Which, in the final analysis, describes most of today's popular video games as well. The images and explosions are just prettier now. But it all still boils down to "Push button, go boom", doesn't it?
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Informative)
Atari 2600
1977 price: $199.95
Adjusted for inflation: $648.83
1982 price: $199.95
Adjusted: $405.63
Nintendo Entertainment System
1985 price: $199
Adjusted: $353.16
Inflation based on the Consumer Price Index.
Inflation Calculator [westegg.com]
What?!? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Informative)
1977 price: $199.95
This is disputed - I and many others have seen boxes over the years with an original $249 price tag, and still more people remember seeing them in stores at that price. The general feeling now is that $249 was the initial price of this system, although actual MSRP is not so simple to just go back and look up. (The old Atari no longer exists, there was no WWW back then, and people's memories are not always accurate.)
But, regardless, that would just make it that much more expensive, thereby further proving your point for you.
Nintendo Entertainment System
1985 price: $199
The NES was also originally available as a "Deluxe Set" for $249. I think this may have been the only set available when the system was first test-marketed in New York, but I'm not sure about that.
One thing to keep in mind about the earliest systems (though not the NES or above) is that prices were not "locked". There was an MSRP but manufacturers didn't enforce it - it was literally a suggested price, just like any other piece of electronic equipment gets. Stores could price as they saw fit. That changed around the time of the NES.
Some other hardware launch MSRP's:
Intellivision: $299 (mine was $280 in 1980)
Atari 5200: $249 (although apparently you could get them near launch for $199 if you looked)
Neo Geo AES: $699
Sega Genesis: $249
Sega Saturn: $399
All of those prices would be way over $300 in today's dollars.
That's because .. (Score:5, Funny)
This is a Microsoft product, no one on Slashdot is going to actually pay money for it
That's because most slashdotters' parents are going to buy it for them ;)
CPI (Score:3, Informative)
How so? It's just an aggregate of the measured increases of retail prices. This is often affected by swings in things like gasoline prices or food supply issues. If you want more accuracy, you can track specific areas and/or products or product categories [bls.gov].
If, like most people, you're referring to cost-of-living, you're correct. The CPI wasn't intended to measure cost of living. However, there is a related index (the "chained" CPI [bls.gov]) which eli
Re:Still $300 (Score:4, Funny)
A joystick with more than one button just confuses grandma, and it encourages developers to put game controls in places they don't belong.
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Insightful)
One thing is for sure: It's time to start gearing up for an expensive Christmas.
Or wait a few months and get a Nintendo Revolution. Which should be cheaper.
Re:Still $300 (Score:4, Funny)
Well over here I can assure you there are a few kids who will learn the delights of an etch-a-scetcha this christmas.
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Interesting)
The fact that I can play 4 people on the Gamecube without shelling out for a special adapter and there are more fun multiplayer games for the GC than the PS2 make it something I can not ignore.
to the point that I did not buy a PSP but a DS and I am ingoring for the forst time sony's new system that will come out...
I really hope that sony will focus the developers on gameplay for the PS3, because the PS2 failed miserably by not having even 1/2 the great fun titles that the origional PS1 had...
unfortunately, most games are headed down the eyecandy over playability road.
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Interesting)
What I do know is that, just like with current games, prices will plummet only a few months later. I bought Burnout 3 recently for $20 and I can't say that I minded waiting a year (or so) to play it.
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Interesting)
Agreed. They're especially cheap when you consider entertainment time per dollar. A ticket for a full length movie is about $9. That's around two hours of entertainment, or about $4.50/hr. DVD's are even more expensive, not accounting for replayability. Supposing that your average game has about 20 hours of playability (I pulled that number out of my butt...but it seems pretty conservative). At $60, that's $3/hr, not accounting for replayability.
Even at $60, most games are a relatively good value in terms of entertainment...although books, broadcast TV, and radio tend to trump it.
Re:you get nailed by volume, though. (Score:3, Insightful)
You can't sell your movie ticket after you've watched the movie. You can sell or trade your unwanted Xbox games.
Much better cost of entertainment per hour.
But it's basic versioning -- you will pay more if you want it sooner. With the $10 movies at the cinema, that will be out on DVD, then in the bargain bin, then on TV, etc.
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Funny)
as in:
Look at him, he just got paid and that $20 is burning a hole in his pocket.
Re:Still $300 (Score:5, Funny)
Just you sit tight and we'll burn that bridge when we get there, OK?
Re:Still $300 (Score:3, Funny)
So how much money are they going to lose per system this time?</toungeincheek>
Minux the HD Drive too (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Still $300 (Score:4, Insightful)
The dollar may be worth less, but I have more of them. Get it?
That's great! (Score:3, Insightful)
Is that much more than what we pay now? (Score:2)
$60 games? $300 console? (Score:2)
http://xbox-linux.org/ [xbox-linux.org]
Re:$60 games? $300 console? (Score:2)
Re:$60 games? $300 console? (Score:3, Insightful)
360 (Score:2)
Re:360 (Score:2)
Re:360 (Score:2, Funny)
300? (Score:2)
Re:300? (Score:3, Interesting)
$300 Isn't So bad.. (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm viewing it as a slightly more expensive initial investment. That, and only that.
and no, I'm not planning on buying one.
perhaps not as sure as you seem to think (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you understand that buying this, as well as lots of overpriced games, is entirely optional?
Re:perhaps not as sure as you seem to think (Score:2)
Re:perhaps not as sure as you seem to think (Score:2)
Re:perhaps not as sure as you seem to think (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:perhaps not as sure as you seem to think (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think so. (Score:5, Interesting)
Um, no, I don't think so. I own all three consoles from the current generation. In fact, I have two PS2s... one for the living room and one for dressing room. I didn't originally mean for it to be that way: we kept the Game Cube in the living room because when people come over: it is the best for party games. We kept the PS2 out there so my son could continue playing the games he had become accustom to. I bought the X-Box when the price dropped and put it the dressing room so at night I could play without disturbing others. The Steel Battalions reissue didn't hurt.
In the end I *had* to get another PS2 so I could actually play games I wanted. I felt like when I was a kid and we picked up an Odyssey instead of the Atari. There weren't enough games that *I* wanted to play. I still have my X-Box but I find myself working really hard to find games that have that slight edge on the X-Box to make buying them for it worthwhile. (Psychonauts is a recent example, one of a small number).
Combine that with the fact that Live is overrun with punk kids (and now the 360 offers the new "see me flip you off" feature... OH BOY!), the lack of full backwards compatibility and the high price games they are going for... I think I will wait like I did with the X-Box for the price drop and the bargain bins of games. Maybe... if the PS3 doesn't take all my money when it comes out.
the gamecube (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I don't think so. (Score:3, Informative)
Obviously you don't have an HDTV or Surround Sound, as XBox's OBVIOUS edge over other game consoles is Dolby Digital 5.1 and 480p on most titles.
That alone is reason for anyone with a semi-decent home theatre to lean toward XBox titles over PS2.
I as well own all three game systems, and when a title comes out for all three, let's say Midnight Club 3 for example, I'm going to choose to play this title on XBox because of it's superior feature set.
I want a game system, not a status symbol. (Score:3, Insightful)
Obviously you don't have an HDTV or Surround Sound, as XBox's OBVIOUS edge over other game consoles is Dolby Digital 5.1 and 480p on most titles.
I don't have a 5.1 HDTV setup.
And I don't want "games" who's main selling point is that they have 5.1 sound and 480p display.
I want games I can play for fun, not for showing off, thank you very much.
Re:I don't think so. (Score:3, Insightful)
So - are you going with PS3, and its superior 1080p, next time around?
Or are you going to be sensible and see which has the better games first?
Sorry I'll wait for HDDVD (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Sorry I'll wait for HDDVD (Score:2)
and coupled with the fact that PS3 will have it right when it comes out, I think I will actually wait for a PS3.
Sure, the price might be higher, but it'll be nice to get rid of a Windows PC and get into the consoles. No hardware upgrades, no cursing at the framerates...
With their shitty antics Microsoft lost me in 2 ways..
Is that a big increase? (Score:3, Informative)
How much were Xbox games when the Xbox was first released? They were about 40GBP (80 dollars!) when I got mine, and that was a while after its official release. Maybe 60 bucks isn't that bad...
$60 games is cheap! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:$60 games is cheap! (Score:2)
Better than Atari 2600 (Score:5, Insightful)
Accoding to http://www.westegg.com/inflation/ [westegg.com] that Atari 2600 would cost $634.91, and each cartridge would cost $63.49, in 2005 dollars.
So Xbox 360 is actually a great deal compared to the Atari 2600 if you just look at price.
Re:Better than Atari 2600 (Score:2)
Gamers' Wallets... (Score:2)
Forget the next generation. I'm still waiting for a $100 XBox.
I can't see any reason to complain about the price (Score:5, Insightful)
The price of the console is fine, exceptional even considering what you get. That's to be expected since they routinely sell these machines at a loss to get them in the hands of the game buying public.
$60 a pop for the games is insane though. I was raised on video games and I love video games but I'll be damned if I'm ever going to give anyone $60 for a game.
I still think the "optimum price" for a new game should be around $39. Anything more than that turns the game into an instant "I'll look at it again when it gets marked down, or I'll buy it used later on"
EXTRA EXTRA! Slashdot covers lack of news! (Score:2)
I quote:
Unconfirmed reports stemming from Walmart employees have today suggested a North American retail price for the Xbox 360 and its launch titles, allegedly set to arrive in shop stores on November 4th.
Now, let me repeat that with some selective highlighting:
Unconfirmed reports stemming from Walmart employees have today suggested a North American retail price for the Xbox 360 and its launch titles, allegedly set to arrive in shop stores on November
Re:EXTRA EXTRA! Slashdot covers lack of news! (Score:5, Funny)
Are the Next Gen consoles going to flop? (Score:2)
Reconsidering my budget (Score:3, Insightful)
Damn. If single games get any worse, subscription MMO's might actually become cheaper overall!
(Yes, I know Guild Wars has no fee. I play it with religious fervor)
...this is nothing new. (Score:3, Informative)
Not really expensive (Score:2)
This is standard. The PS2 was this price when it was released. PS2 games were about the same amount as well. Prices have gone down over a few years, yet I don't expect new generations of consoles to be cheaper than the PS2 was at launch.
As an aside, I remember because I camped out in front of a Walmart with a few friends at the PS2 launch. We brought a couch, TV, DVD Player, and the first PlayStation. We th
Re:Not really expensive (Score:2)
To contrast... (Score:2)
Note: I hate Windows, and I dislike Microsoft's business practices, but they've always been able to come through in the hardware and gaming departments.
Piracy (Score:2)
OT: where'd all the 4/5 comments go? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:OT: where'd all the 4/5 comments go? (Score:3, Funny)
> I'm seeing almost no 4/5-moderated comments on any Slashdot stories for the past few days...
As is, the parent is a boring offtopic comment... but mod it up to +5 and you've got some real humor, baby! It would have everything, irony, pathos, in-jokes.
Re:OT: where'd all the 4/5 comments go? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:OT: where'd all the 4/5 comments go? (Score:3, Informative)
As I understand it, Slashdot probably won't issue more moderation points until those ones are used or they expire. So we're probably going to be in this position on and off during the summer. Unless something actually was broken with moderation over the last week.
Re:OT: where'd all the 4/5 comments go? (Score:5, Funny)
I'm not seeing that stupid image/text thingy today, so I imagine the +5 posts will return shortly.
the poll is screwed up, too (Score:3, Funny)
Personally, I think that Hemos, CmdrTaco and all the other
Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)
Wait, people (Score:2)
Well, for those who can't wait, they'll have to shell out some money for Christmas. However, I prefer to wait until HD-DVD is available before I consider purchasing. By then I figure more games will be available too.
This is why I prefer PC gaming. (Score:2)
Hey, cool! The newest NVidia card is going for about $500 and the collector's edition of game ABC is only $70, but it comes with a cool T-shirt of only mediocre quality! Oh, hell, I have to get those!! Wh
Blockbuster must be stoked (Score:2)
Funny, (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Funny, (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Funny, (Score:4, Interesting)
What ouch? (Score:2)
Trade Games Now! (Score:2)
The best alternatives are:
I've used TGN for about 3 years, have never been ripped off, and have been able to enjoy dozens of games and DVDs just for the cost of shipping.
Attn: Wal Mart Employees (Score:3, Funny)
It's not $299.99 from Wal-Mart... (Score:4, Interesting)
I had heard that as an urban legend, but apparently it's true. [google.com]
$60 Games will make me rent from now on. (Score:3, Insightful)
If a game is going to cost $60, it had better get 9/10 or 10/10 reviews from nearly everywhere, and be hailed as the next best thing. If it is even SHY of that, 8/10 or an average 3/5 game, then I can think they can kiss any sales goodbye.
I have a feeling this next generation will be dubbed generation rental.
Re:out of principal (Score:2)
Re:$60 for games too much? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:sldkfjdslkjf (Score:2)
Re:Leaked... (Score:2)
However, it would just be bad business to suddenly declare all Xbox 360 units useless when the HD drive hits. It will be an upgrade, sure, but an optional and competitively priced one.
Logic states that if MS demands all Xbox owners go out and buy new systems to be able to play new games, they'll piss off millions of people. And by the time the HD drive hits market, such a move w
Re:losses (Score:2)
Re:My big question... (Score:2)
I think Oblivion is scheduled for release at launch.
Re:No XBOX (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Costco will sell them for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)