OMG Girlz Don't Exist On Teh Intarweb! 225
The Escapist has a brilliant article penned by a young woman who has to deal with blatant disbelief at her existence. Why? Because there are no women on the internet. From the article: "This is the story of my internet life. (I'm not quite sure if it's a good or bad thing that I have an internet life, but internet life it is.) I'm a girl, I play games and I exist on the internet. Or so you think. Time after time, I get told I'm not a girl and that I don't exist. It's happened so much that I'm beginning to think that it's true. So, I spend some time getting to know them. Who are these mysterious creatures called girls if they don't exist on the internet? What does this mean for the men of the internet?"
I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:5, Funny)
oh god, the horror!!!
Hot college girls here! (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:5, Funny)
Now don't get me wrong! I personaly don't believe in these so called "people of another gender." Babys drop the sky and ride magical stars down... kinda like Kirby.
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:3, Funny)
Dress up? Real women don't wear clothes!
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:4, Funny)
Are you a Ferengi?
Re: (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah. No better place to vent your feelings and have a long, heartfelt bitch about 'highschool-style romances and betrayals and jealousy' than...eBay.
Also, who wants a guy who spends all his time parked in a chair porking-out? Dude, that's one hell of a double-standard you've got there.
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:2)
Not really, most girls have the same standard. Why do you think there are so many jokes about people who post on slashdot being virgins?
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:2)
Do not teach your woman to use the ethereal, before you know it she'll be finding out what pr0n you search, and listening in on your IM conversations...
Ignorance is bliss... just not *my* ignorance
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:4, Funny)
wow. you sound JUST like a woman complaining that her boyfriend does nothing but play games and doesn't give her enough attention. you sure you're not a woman masquerading as a man so you're treated fairly on the internet?
(with all the gender bending, it gets a bit confusing sometimes.)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:4, Funny)
You guys are yanking my chain right... oh... oh god! oh god no!
not quite right (Score:2, Funny)
OMG Girlz Don't Exist On Teh Intarweb! (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what this guy is whining about... (Score:2)
Who Cares (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Who Cares (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Who Cares (Score:2)
Re:Who Cares (Score:2)
Simple (Score:4, Funny)
Note that this initial disbelief may soon be followed by, "OMG BOOBZ!!1!" so caution is advised.
Oh god... (Score:5, Funny)
THERE'S a calendar I wouldn't want for Christmas.
Whatever. (Score:2)
They can put it on calendars. I just won't buy 'em.
Now if they're in a Playboy special, we should really start killing the hostages.
Re:Oh god... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Oh god... (Score:2)
In order to defeat the calls for "pics plz" (Score:3, Interesting)
Way to prove you're a girl, I suppose. Still, so much for the "I don't show my pic to random people" thing. Couldn't get much more random than that!
Re:In order to defeat the calls for "pics plz" (Score:2)
As if I minded that. Her hotness makes them professional. Wear your geek shirt with pride, Whitney Butts*, for you beautify our race.
*That's just a horrible last name to be stuck with. I feel your agony from here.
Re:In order to defeat the calls for "pics plz" (Score:3, Funny)
Re:In order to defeat the calls for "pics plz" (Score:3, Informative)
Sorry to break it to you, but that's not going to work...
Re:In order to defeat the calls for "pics plz" (Score:5, Interesting)
Happens on-line, happens off-line. Happens to guys, happens to gals. What really happened is they wanted to sleep with someone and didn't care about the consequences or if it was the right person for a relationship. The thinking she's the best thing on earth is just him not being able to seperate love from lust. Fitting your preconcieved model of what you think is hot really doesn't preclude wanting to sleep with them... sometimes even out of curiosity. Sometimes this miscongruence results in people justifying their hormones by attributing the feelings to emotional bonding.
Re:In order to defeat the calls for "pics plz" (Score:2)
Understood, but I used hot in an absolute, not relative sense. I like her, but I can google with two random fucking words and find guys hotter on the first, Firefox-pre-loaded result.
I am single (from the obvious-news dept.) and frankly, I doubt I'd want that to change. I'm very closely related to some people who are (to put it lightly) annoyed and restricted like hell with their partners, so I learned your "words" well before you ever said them. I'm far more content with just looking than throwing mys
The feminazi squad will mod me down (Score:2, Informative)
eh..whatever...girls or guys it's all the same (Score:2, Insightful)
City of Heroes has lots of women (Score:5, Interesting)
While it's difficult to get accurate stats on the real percentages of men and women playing games, I'm sure that different types/styles of games will tend to have a greater or lesser amount of the various sexes.
I'm not surprised to see more women playing games , as the games evolve into more of a social type of situation. I, for one, like this development, as it seems to cut down on the amount of trash talking that young teenage boys tend to do, and also broadens the game strategies (men and women definetely think differently, not that one is better than the other).
Re:City of Heroes has lots of women (Score:2, Interesting)
Pretty damned odd. I'm pretty sure that this situation was the exception rather than the rule.
Re:City of Heroes has lots of women (Score:2)
Re:City of Heroes has lots of women (Score:2)
Men tend to like situations where you either compete against eachother, or have a definite leader (like the armed forces, football team etc.)
Women tend to like situations where everyone works together. C.O.H. seems to appeal to this style of play.
Gender stereotypes!
Re:eh..whatever...girls or guys it's all the same (Score:2)
You don't play MUDs anymore; heck you didn't play then! Sitting in the cairn complaining about how you can't leave isn't playing
*grins, sweeps, blasts, laughs*
My Wife (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:My Wife (Score:2, Informative)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Interacting with people... (Score:2)
Re:Interacting with people... (Score:2)
Re:Interacting with people... (Score:2)
RA (Score:3, Funny)
Something doesn't add up. (Score:5, Informative)
I dont know what server she is on or what internet she is using but I have been in many raids with women and have never heard anything quite to that extent that she is complaining about in this article.
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:3, Insightful)
- hyperbole
- author plays primarily with 12 yr olds
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:2)
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:2)
See this is why it pays to listen to that booring lecture
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:2)
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:2)
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:2)
Uberguilds tend to be teenagers (the only demographic that has the time to commit). They pride themselves on their "skillz" in the same way that a football team does, and assume girls wouldn't be able to keep up, because let's face it, what ho
Re:Something doesn't add up. (Score:2)
Umm, it's the internet (Score:3, Funny)
But yea, there are girls on the internet, girls on slashdot, girls in WoW. There seems to be a minority of them that identify themselves as such, but hey, that goes for everything: gender, race, religion, etc.
It rarely matters. I've been the only guy in guilds/clans, one of a handful, one of many, etc. Never find this out or really care until enough bonds have formed through the anonymity to actually give a rats ass about the other's actual real life personas.
And of course, the internet is also populated mostly by people that use the anonymity to be jackasses. Post your pics! Mexican Jewlizard! yada yada. You get to see people as they are, socially, with basically no consequences or prejudgements.
It's a wild, wild place, and we likes it like that.
Penny Arcade covered this (Score:4, Funny)
It all depends on the medium and the group (Score:5, Interesting)
- Clan/Guild members would automatically believe me, and I rarely got any odd treatment for being a female.
- Denizens in channels I'd frequent would be more reluctant to believe that I'm a female, and very often ask for pictures. When I would refuse these requests, I'd get the aforementioned flood of "U R a D00D lolololz"
- While actually playing the game on servers, I'd almost never mention that I'm a female. I learned to do this because whenever I would mention my gender, I'd get the pix requests tenfold, and the excessive chatter (sometimes inquisitive, but most often crude) would deter me from the action and ruin the experience.
This list, of course, has some exceptions. While part of a online gaming clan, I was once a ranking officer of a section of the guild responsible for playing a particular game. During a clan match, one of the members found that one of our other members was cheating, and brought the questionable screenshot to my attention. While I was in the process of bringing this to the clan leader, I was subject to a rather vicious attack, one that focused mainly around the fact that I'm female, and of course must be a "camwhore" or "extremely fat and stupid", of which I am neither. He still got ejected from the clan, but not without dealing the damage and attacking me in front of 100+ clan members.
What has all of this taught me? There are times when I can be proud of being a female gamer, and other times when sticking my neck out like that will end up with my head rolling. I learned that it's far easier to just let my gender be a mystery while playing online, instead of letting my gaming experience being ruined by asshats.
With the increasing popularity of MMORPGS, however, many female gamers are now playing games online. These female gamers are now encountering the same treatment that I've been used to for years, and are quite taken back by it. Hopefully this flood of female gamers will bring the fact to life that female gamers do exist, that we do play, and that we just want to play.
We shouldn't need to provide a picture to prove who we are.
Re:It all depends on the medium and the group (Score:5, Funny)
Re:It all depends on the medium and the group (Score:2)
Hmm, maybe next time some random guy asks you if you're a girl you can say "of course I am, aren't you" and when he denies being one ask HIM for a pic and then claim it is not him and that he is a girl. Maybe they will see the absurdity of their position.
Personaly I don't think it matters and I tend to think of whoever I am talking to as if he/she was a white caucasian male in his twenties because that's what I am. If I get an indication that the person is otherwise (female/black/ asian/young/old...) then I
Re:It all depends on the medium and the group (Score:2)
Never mind that, it shouldn't matter who you are - male, female, white, black, brown, yellow, red, green, old, young, immortal, eternal, gay, straight, bi, celebate - none of it matters (or should), as long as you play the game with good grace and don't cheat.
Re:It all depends on the medium and the group (Score:2, Funny)
Re:It all depends on the medium and the group (Score:2)
And it will make solidly kicking ass online next to her all the more fun if she gets shared exp from it too
There's girls on the web... (Score:4, Funny)
They don't call it an MMORPG for nothing.. (Score:5, Funny)
Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk (Score:2)
[In my best Curly imitation]: Hey! I resemble that remark...nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Seriously, most of the time I prefer to play female characters in FFXI because they look nice and I feel like it brings some balance to the gender proportions of the game world, even if most of those females are males in real life.
Most of the time the question of rl gender doesn't come up, but if it does I just tell the truth, that's just my style.
Re:Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk (Score:2)
Of coarse.. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Of coarse.. (Score:2)
check out google images
try searching for kit kat []
I just did and the 4th picture I saw has nothing to do with women
We have several women in my gaming community... (Score:2, Interesting)
I feel for the women of the web (Score:3, Insightful)
I, thankfully, haven't freaked out too much when the person on the other side revealed themselves to be female. On the other hand, there have been a few times where people were roll playing as a female and later revealed themselves to be a guy. It wasn't quite a crying game type of situation, but it was enough of a shock for me to still remember...
With a name like... (Score:2, Funny)
And this is news? (Score:3, Insightful)
Move on.
World of Warcraft = Internet (Score:2, Interesting)
-> Fritz
Bull... (Score:2)
Pffttt.... (Score:3, Funny)
Is Slashdot that desperate for stories? (Score:3, Funny)
I see this (Score:2)
Of course, most people never take it beyond some sort of exclamation of suprise. I've found that people who message asking for pics, etc, are general
Re:I see this (Score:2)
For them to actually say they are surprised shows they have an issue.
For you to feel the need to tell everyone your sex also shows you have an issue.
Wityh regards to personal information on the web, I have a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" approach. I'm the type that winces uncomfortably in a previously pristine online aquaintance is ruined when someone blurts out a totally superflous piece of information such as "I like cheese" or "I'm
There are plenty of women on the internet... (Score:2)
Do you think women don't game? Sure they do, check out the Pogo and Yahoo games. Quite a few women there too.
How about AIM? Would instant messaging even exist if not for chatty teen girls?
And then there
There's this one girl on the internet... (Score:3, Funny)
dumb article (Score:2)
I don't believe the author faces any serious questioning of her gender online.
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that there is a prominently feature picture of a girl on the first page of the article, when so much of i
The Internet: (Score:2, Funny)
Where men are men, women are men, 13 year Old girls are FBI agents.
CAD beat you all to it: (Score:2)
Testosterone-fueled game genres (Score:3, Insightful)
Hard-hitting journalism from The Escapist (Score:2)
Scared (Score:2)
Personally, I would
Well WoW must be poor then (Score:2, Funny)
79% of my MSN contact list is female.
My MOTHER, who is an eBay queen and 'leet warez haxor' is, so I'm told, a female.
My three best geek pals (web design guru, game master, anime queen) happen to be female.
Not to mention my little sister, who has a veritable LEGION of friends who are constantly online.
I wonder what internet this daft tart lives on? Or is sh
Attention whoring articles like these... (Score:2)
Just like the men secretly know themselves to be.
Re:Truth be told... (Score:5, Insightful)
Keep your purity and disdain to RP servers. (Score:2)
I imagine many other MMORPG's have a similar distribution of players.
That being said, who you really are isn't terribly important to playing the game, so revealing such details about yourself is wholly optional.
Re:Truth be told... (Score:2)
You mean that secret desire to cross dress???
Re:A girl named Brian (Score:2)
Realistically it wasn't a huge deal, but it does leave a sour taste in your mouth.
Re:A girl named Brian (Score:2)
Realistically it wasn't a huge deal, but it does leave a sour taste in your mouth.
Re:Dont read this (Score:2)
Du hast nicht zufällig Lust, irgendwo 'n netten Kaffee trinken zu gehen?
</just kidding>