RagDoll Development 24
Gamasutra is running an interview with Mark Healey, developer on the Bullfrog title Dungeon Keeper and, more recently, developer of the Steam-powered beat em' up RagDoll Kung Fu. From the article: "GS: Were you influenced by any gesture interface work in particular? MH: Yes. I remember playing a demo where you could push crash dummies down some stairs, I forget what it was called, maybe it was 'Stair Dismount' or something like that. I almost got a little buzz that you could be like a puppeteer. " Update: 12/06 23:49 GMT by Z : Oops. It's on the Steam service, not made in the Source engine. Wrong (tm).
Porrasturvat (Score:5, Informative)
From TFA: Mark is of course referring to the venerable Porrasturvat (Stair Dismount), which can be found here [jet.ro], along with Rekkaturvat (Truck Dismount) and many, many Porrasturvat mods.
Re:Porrasturvat (Score:2, Funny)
I frickin' dare you! But you won't because you have no idea how to do it!
The TripMaster Money formula:
1. Quote from the article
Re:Porrasturvat (Score:4, Insightful)
1. Quote from the article
2. Add a one or two-line inane comment
3. Flip a coin to decide whether or not to use that fu*king anime smile
4. Post a link to another site because obviously the great TMM *always* knows about other links (aka Google)
5. Wait for the boot-licking monions to come in and mindlessly click "Informative" when they see the author without even looking at the post itself
6. ???
7. Karma!!!
Well, since you seem to have figured out the formula, why don't you try it? Slashdot needs more TripMaster Monkeys. If you avoid "quoting from the article," you're rarely on topic. And you may consider your opinions "genuine insight," but most people don't want to hear your unrelated rants.
I was going to mention Porrasturvat (a fun game, I can attest), in much the same manner, until I realized someone else had. That information is relevant to the article. I didn't even notice that the poster was TMM until you pointed it out.
TripMaster Monkey only has name recognition because of his sig. Pick a couple of other good Slashdotters and "stalk" them for a few days - they'll be modded as high as TMM. And have you looked at his comment history? He too has plenty of comments left at 2.
And yes, I have mod points, but since the Porrasturvat post was already at 5, I wasn't going to mod it. (Actually, I probably wouldn't mod anything that's just a relevant link past 4.) If you have excellent karma, you'll get mod points often enough that you can counteract the TMM effect - not by downmodding him, but by looking for other insightful posts.
And I'm not afraid of giving my username.
Re:Porrasturvat (Score:2)
Re:Porrasturvat (Score:2)
And lo and behold, TMM posted the information I was wondering about, and saved me a bunch of time searching. And people who hadn't used the demo (which is quite amusing|distubring) which was inspiration to the subject of the article now have it at their fingertips to check it
Re:Porrasturvat (Score:1)
saved me a bunch of time searching
Not really. First result on a google search for 'stair dismount' [google.ie]
My hypocrisy alarm is going off again (Score:1)
Just a few things to point out:
It's just as bad as the idiots who fall for trolls and waste their mod points by applying negative mods when there are other posts deserving of positive mods.
Like YOUR post? You could have just left TMM's post alone, but you had to be one of those trolls and waste, at the time of this posting, two mod points, that could have, as you said, been used on a post that deserved to be modded up.
my non-AC account's karma is excellent
How do we know that? You could be a UID of
Re:Porrasturvat (Score:1)
I would my self been happy to spend mod points on all of them, and shock, only one followed the 'TMM formula' you posted.
Maybe you just can't accepts someone is doing better than you? Thats what it seems to be to me.
Moderators only have 5 mod points at a time. So unless you are the first to make a point, and make it pretty close to the posting of the article you have a low chance of getting mod points regardless of the quality. Even then
Re:Porrasturvat (Score:4, Informative)
Source? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Source? (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, in fact it's clearly stated on the rag doll kung fu home page [ragdollkungfu.com].
"Rag Doll Kung Fu is the first wholly independently developed game to be distributed through Steam, using custom physics and graphics technology to give you a really fresh and unique games experience! It is not a 'Mod' and does not use Val
Re:Source? (Score:2)
Can you host your own games, and that kind of thing, independent of Valve?
I wouldn't think it would be a problem, but I'm thinking about getting it, so I'm making sure.
BlackShades (Score:3, Interesting)
Most important question (Score:3, Funny)
Unfortunately, the interviewer failed to ask the most important question.
Does Mark Healey have stairs in his house? [somethingawful.com]
Dismount (Score:1)
I haven't looked at this "game" in a hot minute, but I definitely remember being amused greatly by the ability to just throw a doll down some stairs or on a truck. Its great to see that they link to mods now too! Like "Spiral Staircase Dismount" ! Man, the possibilities.
Rag Doll Kung Fu? (Score:1)
Re:Rag Doll Kung Fu? (Score:3, Informative)
The "cut scenes" are funny - Mark Healey & friends (badly) acting out their wannabe kung fu dreams. The game was innovative, fun to play, surprising, hyperkinetic and funny. I didn't try multiplayer so I can't comment on it.
Re:Rag Doll Kung Fu? (Score:2, Interesting)
Stair Dismounter (Score:4, Insightful)
Rag Doll Masters (Score:1, Interesting)
Gesture interface (Score:1)