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ESPN and TopCoder Run College Football Algorithm Challenge 22

Mike writes with a timely link to a story about the ESPN/TopCoder Winning Formula Challenge, a combination of fantasy football and competitive programming. The goal is to write an algorithm to predict the outcome of college football games using a collection of historical data provided by the tournament organizers. The season is broken up into 3-4 week chunks that are used to evaluate the results. Prizes will total $100,000.
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ESPN and TopCoder Run College Football Algorithm Challenge

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  • What if someone has not played that team before, such as the game with Appalachin St. (sp?). Also, the algorithm is based strictly off of historical data, kind of like a Black and Scholes model for historical prices of stocks and should be used as a starting point, but not an end all prediction method. There are too many things to consider such as: crowd noise (maybe it's a new stadium?); player experience (there could be a lot of veterans on the team, which may mean less nervousness, i.e. less dropped pa
    • Re:Problem (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Bozzio ( 183974 ) on Saturday August 30, 2008 @01:12PM (#24811573)

      I'm assuming the winner will be the algorithm that most closely predicted the correct outcome.
      Unfortunately, this wouldn't consider whether or not the algorithm just got lucky. Like you said, considering only historical data isn't nearly enough.

      Also, given enough algorithms that essentially pick a random outcome (read: many of these simply luck into good predictions), the actual best algorithm could be totally overlooked.

      Well, what can you expect when combining ESPN and coding?

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Bozzio ( 183974 )

        Nevermind my previous comment.
        Unless there's a ridiculous amount of algorithms being submitted, the scoring system seems to compensate well enough for luck.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        The problems you point out are no doubt real, but what other way is there to determine the "best" algorithm? You can get as fancy with statistics and theory as you want, but in what sense could an algorithm that doesn't perform best on the real prediction be "the actual best algorithm"?

        • by Bozzio ( 183974 )

          Simply lucking into the "best real prediction" isn't enough to make the algorithm good.

          but in what sense could an algorithm that doesn't perform best on the real prediction be "the actual best algorithm"?

          The "best" algorithm would be one that, over a large number of tests, performs best. That means, although it might make any accurate predictions this season, or even the next, it will has a good success rate in the long run. There's no reason to abandon a good algorithm just be cause it's in a downswing.

    • by maxume ( 22995 )

      The historical data is for all plays, not just games, so it is probably possible to account for a lot of that stuff.

  • Vegas (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Fistacious ( 817580 ) on Saturday August 30, 2008 @02:02PM (#24812073)
    If someone truly came up with an algorithm worth it's salt for predicting football games. Why not just go to Las Vegas and make a lot more than $100,000. :P
  • It's a shame that ESPN chose to do this through TopCoder, as TopCoder's general practices are poison for a machine learning contest. TopCoder chose to impose a gig memory limit and a nine minute runtime on any approach to this problem, which murders most machine learning tactics right out the door. It's a shame they didn't do this themselves on the NetFlix model, where contestants just submit predictions.

    This contest isn't to get football predictions. It's to get football predictions under arbitrary ram

  • Start with Home team 21 Away team 17:

    +7 score for the higher ranked team every 12 positions they are ahead of the other based on a general ranking(I don't think they give you this information). Overall maybe 10 lines of code. Put Ohio State #1, put Temple #117. The rest of the rankings are an exercise for the reader. You won't pick major upsets, but you're not going to be too far off the mark otherwise.

    That's about as close as you're going to get. College football varies too much to get exact scoring. A #1

  • Topcoder is popular in China now, many universities jion this program game
  • Apparently the best algorithms submitted so far get about 75% of their win/loss predictions correct, which would be more than enough to make real money in a state such as Nevada that allows gambling on sports.

    75% win/loss ratio is shit when gambling on college sports. There's no probability here - there is a major bias between teams and one could easily guess 75% by just choosing the higher ranked team. And win/loss means nothing since Vegas won't pay you money for choosing Ohio State over Montana State. They'll give you a spread, say Ohio State will win by 32, and you can choose to either agree with them or disagree. Obviously, if you pull for Montana State you win if they win, but you will win even if Mont

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