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World of Warcraft Gold Can Now Be Used To Buy Other Blizzard Games (arstechnica.com) 69

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: It has been almost two years now since Blizzard began letting World of Warcraft players pay for their monthly game-time subscriptions using in-game gold rather than real money. Now, Blizzard is expanding that effort by letting players indirectly trade WoW gold for in-game items in other Blizzard games like Hearthstone and Overwatch. The new feature is really just a slight tweak to the WoW Token, a specialized item that can be purchased for $20 (£15/€20) in real money or for a free-floating, in-game gold price at World of Warcraft auction houses. Those Tokens can still be exchanged for 30 days of World of Warcraft subscription time, but as of this week, they can also be redeemed for $15 in balance on your Battle.net account. (European figures TBC.) That balance can then be spent on packs of Hearthstone cards, Overwatch Loot Boxes, Heroes of the Storm skins, or even downloadable copies of games like StarCraft II and Diablo III. That means that a dedicated WoW player can now fund a multigame Blizzard habit simply by earning enough in-game gold. You'd better be prepared to farm a lot of gold, though. The purchase price for a WoW Token at the auction house can fluctuate wildly -- as of this writing, the tokens have gone for anywhere from 59,833 gold to 108,924 gold in the last 24 hours, according to tracking site WowToken.info. That gives each in-game gold piece a rough value between 1/100th and 2/100th of a cent, when converted to Blizzard.net balance.
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World of Warcraft Gold Can Now Be Used To Buy Other Blizzard Games

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    The days of having a high skill duel on Quake ere long behind us.

    I haven't played Overwatch because it looks terrible, so I wasn't sure what these loot boxes were. It turns out that they contain "alternate skins, highlight intros, emotes, voice lines, sprays, and more" so you can dress up like a princess while you play! But wait there's more -"One Loot Box is earned every time a player levels up." Yes, Overwatch has levels! I just love grinding to level up!

    I'm suddenly very depressed. Remember when gam

    • by Calydor ( 739835 ) on Tuesday February 07, 2017 @07:14PM (#53822821)

      To be fair, Overwatch is exactly how you describe Quake: Whether a player is level 1 or 100 doesn't matter, the (same) characters are exactly equally strong - the level is just an indicator of how much a player must have played, thus a rough indication of potential skill level. The level 1 going up against the level 100 is very likely to get creamed just for that reason, but maybe the 100 is some guy who just plays now and then to pass the time, while the level 1 is a pro on a new account.

      The loot boxes are extra fun. Of course Blizzard tries to recoup server costs on an otherwise buy-to-play game, but they literally contain NOTHING that makes you stronger than anyone else, and the ones gained for free are ... well. They're the "First shot is free!" version to give players a taste.

    • Kids today don't want a skill based game. It's not fair that the better player should win most of the time.

      The sense of entitlement kids and snowflakes are learning these days is everyone is equal, you put in your time (grinding) and you get your gold star (level up). I hate the current 5v5 model because it hides your skill completely. Whether you win or lose is up to the random generator that made the teams and there's almost nothing you can do about it.

      Just try to find a game where it's everyone
      • Or, you know, how about a game that clearly identifies skills and how to work on improving them, as opposed to games that rewards people based on already being good at a given skill or just playing possessing no skill.
      • by Ranbot ( 2648297 )

        Kids today don't want a skill based game. It's not fair that the better player should win most of the time... Of course bringing your own team of 5 is being a social little snowflake and that will be rewarded with plenty of wins.

        This argument falls apart at "kids today..." because the average age of gamers is 31. http://venturebeat.com/2014/04... [venturebeat.com] The 25-35 age demographic also has more disposable income to spend on games than kids, so games are going to reflect their preferences. Gamers also tend to enjoy playing games with their friends and social groups, so it makes sense that team-based games would have appeal. The 25-35 year olds also usually have other responsibilities and interests in their life than games and don't have the

      • are proof that competition is still alive and well among (some of) the younger generation. As an OG (Atari generation) my high twitch rate is long gone, so I can appreciate the skill that goes into something like a pro SC II tournament, and the bragging rights that go along with winning it. I moved on to story-driven solo RPG's, simulators, and turn-based strategy games a long time ago for the entertainment value. Pwnage is not always where it's at.
    • by Hylandr ( 813770 )

      You should see what they did to butcher TeamFortress2. It was so bad I removed it from my system entirely.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    "That means that a dedicated WoW player can now fund [...]"

    When you say dedicated WoW player you mean Chinese gold farmer?

    • by Arkham ( 10779 )

      "That means that a dedicated WoW player can now fund [...]"

      When you say dedicated WoW player you mean Chinese gold farmer?

      Not necessarily. I have a WoW account (not active) with over 600k gold in it that I accumulated playing it for 10+ years. I could definitely use that gold to get some Overwatch skins if the account was active. I suspect I'd need to activate the account to transfer the credits though, which is a deal breaker.

      • by suutar ( 1860506 )

        As I understand it, you could use some of the gold to activate for a month (I've heard there's an option on the character select screen for that), use the rest to turn into credit, then let it shut back down at the end of the month.

  • by Michael Woodhams ( 112247 ) on Tuesday February 07, 2017 @07:54PM (#53822995) Journal

    From the summary, a token is 60k-110k gold. How much game time is that?

    • by Falos ( 2905315 )

      Seconds, if you ask the auction flippers.

      In practice, within an order of 10 hours.

      No, that doesn't really mean "precisely between 1 and 100".

      On the whole, gold isn't worth spending hours after if you're a member of the paycheck club in a developed country. Same as when they did the RMAH in Diablo III.

    • I play a couple of hours a day. More on the weekends.

      I don't have any alts (just play 1 character).

      I can make about 100k gold over the course of a month just doing the normal world quests and missions.

      I have bought game time with gold before. There really is no other use for gold in WoW if you farm all your own stuff (like I do).

      Recently though, I have been using the gold to buy heirloom items for when I do actually play different characters. That is very expensive and has had me busy for months now (you go

  • This is MADNESS!

    Madness? THIS IS WoW!

  • I haven't played WoW (released November 2004) in years. I still play (and pay for) Battleground Europe (World War II Online; released June 2001) and I still have fun even though the game doesn't live up to today's visual standards quite so much, but the game is a hell of a lot better than the game of WoW.

One has to look out for engineers -- they begin with sewing machines and end up with the atomic bomb. -- Marcel Pagnol
